George Floyd: Trump threatens to send in troops to end unrest
President Donald Trump has threatened to send in the military to stop growing civil unrest in the US over the death of a black man in police custody
[WATCH] SpaceX mission: Capsule docks at International Space Station
Confirmation of the Dragon capsule’s attachment occurred at 2:16 pm GMT, 422 km above the border between China and Mongolia
Pegida leader steps down over Hitler selfie

Lutz Bachmann resigned after backlash over a selfie he took, posing as Hitler

Lutz Bachmann resigned after backlash over a selfie he...

Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown set to be cleared of civil rights charges

Officer Darren Wilson will likely face no civil rights charges afer an FBI investigation found no evidence to support the charges

Officer Darren Wilson will likely face no civil rights...

Thinni government allocates LD 2 million to fight illegal immigration on Libyan borders

Airports and land border crossings in the south and east of the country will be covered by the allocation

Airports and land border crossings in the south and east of...

Broadcaster Jim Clancy leaves CNN after ‘anti-Israel’ Twitter rant

Clancy suggested that Charlie Hebdo aimed to poke fun not at the Prophet, but those who “distort his word”.

Clancy suggested that Charlie Hebdo aimed to poke...

Obama promises redistribution of wealth and to 'hunt down' terrorists

US President Obama tackles economic policies and terrorism in State of the...

US President Obama tackles economic policies and terrorism...

Nine stabbed on Tel Aviv bus

Police apprehended the 23-year-old assailant shortly after

Police apprehended the 23-year-old assailant shortly after

French aid-worker abducted in Central African Republic

Two people including a French charity worker have been abducted in the Central...

Two people including a French charity worker have been...

The Sun ends 44-year tradition of Page Three topless models

With no official confirmation from News UK, it was suggested that executives...

With no official confirmation from News UK, it was...

Four men who supported Paris terrorist may face charges

Four men may face charges for providing logistical support to Amedy Coulibaly,...

Four men may face charges for providing logistical support...

IS demands $200 million ransom for two Japanese hostages

The Islamic State made its demands via a video posted online

The Islamic State made its demands via a video posted online

Oxfam report shows richest 1% own half of global wealth

The world’s richest 1% will own more than the other 99% of the...

The world’s richest 1% will own more than the other...

Witnesses come forward with details on Kouachi brothers' childhood

Several people from the Kouachi brothers' past have come forward in the...

Several people from the Kouachi brothers' past have...

Boko Haram abducts 80 people in Cameroon

80 people have been abducted by Nigerian armed group Boko Haram, with fears it is expanding to neighbouring countries

80 people have been abducted by Nigerian armed group Boko...

Terrorism threat to be discussed by EU

Following the recent attacks in Paris, and last week’s failed attacks in Brussels, EU foreign ministers will meet on Monday to discuss terror threats

Following the recent attacks in Paris, and last...

Moroccan man stabbed to death in latest Islamophobic attack in France

Mohamed El Makouli was confronted by a 28-year-old attacker who forced himself...

Mohamed El Makouli was confronted by a 28-year-old attacker...

Israeli PM blasts impending war crimes probe as ‘absurd’

Benjamin Netanyahu criticises International Criminal Court's decision to...

Benjamin Netanyahu criticises International Criminal...

Thousands take to Berlin streets to protest against TTIP agreement

Protestors argued that the planned free-trade agreeement between the EU and the...

Protestors argued that the planned free-trade agreeement...

Islamic State releases 350 Yazidis in northern Iraq

The Islamic State has freed around 350 members of the Yazidi community, most of...

The Islamic State has freed around 350 members of the...