Malaysia court frees woman in North Korea murder case
The Indonesian woman accused of killing Kim Jong-nam, half-brother of North Korea's Kim Jong-un, has been freed after charges against her were dropped
Paul Manafort: Trump's ex-campaign chief sentenced to 47 months
US President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort has been sentenced to 47 months in prison for tax and bank fraud
US ended spying programme after White House learned of snooping

National Security Agency stopped spying on Angela Merkel mid-year, Wall Street...

National Security Agency stopped spying on Angela Merkel...

European Parliament president Martin Schulz eyes Barroso’s seat

Malta set to support Schulz’s bid for Commission presidency thanks to long...

Malta set to support Schulz’s bid for Commission...

German Chancellor’s phone ‘bugged for over 10 years’

German media report US may have been tapping Angela Merkel’s phone for more...

German media report US may have been tapping Angela...

Nepal politician arrested over elections candidate murder

Unified Marxist-Leninist politician arrested in connection for the fatal...

Unified Marxist-Leninist politician arrested in connection...

Mount Etna erupts

Airspace temporarily closed, re-opened after a few hours

Airspace temporarily closed, re-opened after a few hours

Prince Charles not enthusiastic on becoming king

The Prince of Wales speaks about his hopes and fears for the future with TIME...

The Prince of Wales speaks about his hopes and fears for...

EU leaders to hold talks with the US over spying allegations

Merkel said once seeds of mistrust had been sown, it made co-operation on...

Merkel said once seeds of mistrust had been sown, it made...

Ancient intact mummies found in Peru

Researchers also found other offerings including the remains of guinea pigs and jars with feline designs.

Researchers also found other offerings including the...

Libyan refugees allowed to return to Canada… for $6,000

Refugees living in Malta allowed to return to Canada, on condition that they...

Refugees living in Malta allowed to return to Canada, on...

Mass protests in Tunisia urge government to resign

Seven police personnel killed in clashes with protestors

Seven police personnel killed in clashes with protestors

Explosion causes black-out in Syria

Much of Syria, including the capital Damascus, hit by power cut after rebels attack a gas pipeline

Much of Syria, including the capital Damascus, hit by power...

Berlusconi to stand trial for bribing senator

Former Italian PM is charged with bribing senator in attempt to bring down...

Former Italian PM is charged with bribing senator in...

Pope suspends German ‘luxury bishop’

Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst ordered to leave his diocese after spending $43m of church money on his residence

Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst ordered to leave his...

Martin Schultz makes pitch for legal migration

European Parliament president Martin Scultz calls for introduction of legal...

European Parliament president Martin Scultz calls for...

Malta pushing for ‘substance’ in proposed draft migration conclusions

Nine countries including Malta, Italy, France and Spain, coordinate draft conclusion on migration.

Nine countries including Malta, Italy, France and Spain,...

OLAF looking into Dalli’s international business links in ‘Bahamas probe’

Reuters quotes OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler saying agency looking whether Dalli’s international activities were ‘compatible with commissioners’...

Reuters quotes OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler saying agency...

Interpol to help Greece with girl's DNA check

Greek authorities ask Interpol to help them identify a blond girl found in a...

Greek authorities ask Interpol to help them identify a...

Australia fires force residents to flee

Australia battling new bushfires as at least 65 fires have spread across the state of New South Wales.

Australia battling new bushfires as at least 65 fires have...