International concerns mount following strike on aid workers
Following the deaths of its aid workers, food charity World Central Kitchen suspended its operations, and aid shipments to Gaza are being redirected to Cyprus
Vanessa Frazier on Israel hospital raid: Malta deplores attacks on humanitarian sites
UN Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vanessa Fraizer addresses UN Press Corps to presents Malta’s UNSC April Programme of Work
[WATCH] Indonesia: shots fired as desperation escalates

Desperate people in Palu in search of food, water and shelter clashed with...

Desperate people in Palu in search of food, water and...

[WATCH] Earthquake-triggered Tsunami kills scores of people in Indonesia

A shallow earthquake in the mountainous Central Sulawesi, followed by a series of foreshocks, resulted in a three-metre high Tsunami that swept away the lives...

A shallow earthquake in the mountainous Central Sulawesi,...

Muscat makes pitch for a digital revolution in his United Nations address

Joseph Muscat says a future-proof society will have to pair the digital economy with the digital state through the use of Blockchain

Joseph Muscat says a future-proof society will have to pair...

Trump sparks unintentional laughter from members of the UN General Assembly

U.S President Donald Trump address sparked laughter from members of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, as Trump took the opportunity to tout his...

U.S President Donald Trump address sparked laughter from...

Muscat to attend UN General Assembly in New York

The Prime Minister will be participating in the assembly’s 73rd session...

The Prime Minister will be participating in the...

Joseph Muscat discusses Brexit with Theresa May

The two leaders discussed the latest developments on Brexit as well as...

The two leaders discussed the latest developments on Brexit...

Hurricane Florence leaves death and destruction in its wake

Mother and infant among those killed and over 800,000 people do not have access...

Mother and infant among those killed and over 800,000...

Brexit deal possible by early November, EU negotiator says

The pound Sterling jumped to a six-week high after the EU's chief Brexit...

The pound Sterling jumped to a six-week high after the...

Joseph Mifsud,  missing link between Trump and Russia, could be dead, DNC says

Professor Joseph Mifsud, who is being sought in connection with alleged meddling in the 2016 US election may have died at some point during last year,...

Professor Joseph Mifsud, who is being sought in connection...

Election results deadlock leaves Sweden facing political uncertainty

Far-right, anti-immigrant party made significant gains from the last election...

Far-right, anti-immigrant party made significant gains from...

Trump intensifies trade war, threatens duties on almost all imports from China

  US President Donald Trump threatened he would impose duties on another $267 billion worth of goods, on top of $200 billion already set for levies

  US President Donald Trump threatened he would...

Former Trump aide Papadopoulos jailed for lying to the FBI

"My entire life has been turned upside down" - George Papadopoulos

"My entire life has been turned upside down" -...

Indian supreme court decriminalises homosexual acts

In a historic verdict, India's supreme court ruled that homosexuality is no...

In a historic verdict, India's supreme court ruled that...

Russian suspects arrested over Sergei Skripal nerve agent poisoning

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) gather enough evidence to charge Alexander...

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) gather enough evidence to...

Communications with Libya are severed, telecommunication companies deny involvement

The Democracy and Human Rights Foundation are convinced that this was an attack on the freedom of the Libyan people

The Democracy and Human Rights Foundation are convinced...

Fighting in Libya will continue until one side is obliterated or resigns, migration researcher insists

Local militias in Libya have grown steadily in recent years, with those left out now forming alliances to shift the balance of power

Local militias in Libya have grown steadily in recent...

'Incalculable' loss as National Museum of Brazil consumed by massive fire

200 years of priceless artefacts, including dinosaur bones and historical documents, are believed to be destroyed in the raging fire which engulfed the museum...

200 years of priceless artefacts, including dinosaur bones...

Libya declares state of emeregency as death toll reaches 39

Libya's United Nations-backed government has issued a state of emergency in...

Libya's United Nations-backed government has issued a...