James Debono

James Debono

James Debono is MaltaToday's chief reporter on environment, planning and land use issues, and one of the newspaper's main political analysts. Apart from blogging regularly on politics, James Debono won the IGM national press awards' environmental reporter of the year in 2011 for his report showing how a beverage company that extracted over 51,000 of cubic metres of water every year from the national water table for free, was awarded an environmental award by the University of Malta. Debono also heads Mediatoday's survey unit, which has conducted polls on all electoral appointments since 2008, correctly predicting the outcome of all elections and the 2011 divorce referendum.

He read history and obtained his Masters' degree from the University of Malta, and in the past worked for TV production house Where's Everybody before joining MaltaToday in 2005. A co-founder of Moviment Graffitti and active in Moviment ghall-Ambjent, he served as a media officer for Alternattiva Demokratika - the Green Party. James is married and has a son. His interests include listening to music and reading.

Articles by this author
Government considers scheme to regularise illegal buildings
The government is considering a scheme through which buildings in breach of sanitary regulations, that were sold bona fide, will be regularised.
Only 23% of women return to work six months after pregnancy
By the time they had their first baby, 43% of mothers were already out of the labour market and only 23% returned to work six months after the baby was born.
Malta’s water resources ‘among scarcest in the world’, newly-formed association warns
Hexagon House sickness?
Is divorce turning the PN into Malta's Tea Party?
Divorce Referendum
28 May 2011: An appointment with history
Defending the honour of the House | Michael Frendo
Despite Libyan crisis, Muscat still ahead of Gonzi
Libya: time for hard choices
Rien ne va plus – Government clamps down on gaming halls
Gaddafi’s fate: Meltdown or come-back?
Only 6% of Maltese men have a female boss
Between fear and defiance | Khaled Riani
Are we ready for a crisis? ‘Yes and No’