Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Articles by this author
‘Majjistral Park restoration part of national afforestation plan’ – Environment Minister
Agro-science lecturer Sammy Vella has replaced Carmen Sammut as chairperson of the Majjistral Nature and History Park 
Consultation launched for accessibility design guidelines to become national standards
Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) launches consultation process on draft standard
€315bn Juncker plan endorsed by EU leaders
Air Malta cost-cuts with baguette and water for economy
FIFA to vote on publishing Garcia report in full
Malta registers highest job vacancy rate increase in Europe
Business News
Roof parapet collapses after being hit by crane
Court & Police
Reporter most watched discussion programme after Xarabank
Teenage girl reported missing
Court & Police
Different plans for winding down banks in Eurozone
24 civil unions since new law passed
Two reinstated police officers aged between 60 and 70
Court & Police
Environment Minister meets Commissioner Vella in Brussels
Security beefed up around Libyan embassy in Balzan