Salary rise under Labour no match for PN’s five-yearly average – Busuttil
Opposition leader says job-creating industries must be attracted to Malta for real increase in workers’ salaries
Melita’s €98 million refinancing consolidates company
Melita plc, Melita Mobile and Melita Infrastructure to merge into one single company
GasanMamo team battle it out in “It’s a Knockout”

Eight GasanMamo employees once again gave their all during the annual...

Eight GasanMamo employees once again gave their all during...

Government says it safeguarded regional state aid

Labour, PN feud on EC plans to zero regional aids to Gozo and industry

Labour, PN feud on EC plans to zero regional aids to Gozo...

Anchovy Luxury now Malta’s only official Google Partner
HSBC Malta to hold fund raising triathlon to support WaterAid Ghana
Price of electricity in the EU: Malta below EU average in 2013

Household electricity prices in the EU28 rose by 2.8%

Household electricity prices in the EU28 rose by 2.8%

Parallel Payments outfits new premises at SmartCity Malta
‘Not on bank’s brief, but business loans must stay conservative’

Chamber of Commerce president David Curmi says his organisation’s position cautioning critics against touching banks’ high commercial interest...

Chamber of Commerce president David Curmi says his...

Special eCare offer for Atlas home clients

Atlas Insurance has teamed up with emCare to provide clients with eCare, an...

Atlas Insurance has teamed up with emCare to provide...

€485,000 in assistance to export locally manufactured programmes

Malta Enterprise launches two new programmes to help companies whose export...

Malta Enterprise launches two new programmes to help...

HSBC networking event focusses on leading people through change
Credit Suisse helped US 'tax cheats'

The Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse pleads guilty to helping some US clients avoid paying taxes to the US government and agrees to a $2.6 billion fine

The Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse pleads guilty to...

Outbound tourism up 6.7% over first quarter 2013

Total outbound visitor trips for the first quarter were estimated at 81,398, an...

Total outbound visitor trips for the first quarter were...

Germany, Malta only EU states with jobs growth from 2002

Employment rate for the population aged 20 to 64 in the EU28 down to 68.3% in...

Employment rate for the population aged 20 to 64 in the...

No to financial transactions tax, MEP candidate Sant says

On FTT, Sant says Malta needs to curry favour of other member states to protect...

On FTT, Sant says Malta needs to curry favour of other...

Two new nominations for Maltese gaming software company

2014 is proving to be a fantastic year for Malta-based gaming software platform...

2014 is proving to be a fantastic year for Malta-based...

Banif teams up with Everest 2014

Bank supports the climbers, who embody its coroporate values

Bank supports the climbers, who embody its coroporate values

First-time buyers can use third-party pledge for BOV home loan

First-time buyers can obtain financing through third-party pledge to make up...

First-time buyers can obtain financing through third-party...

Mediterranean Bank announces €35.3 million Volksbank purchase

Austrian bank’s subsidiary in Malta will be sold to Mediterranean Bank

Austrian bank’s subsidiary in Malta will be sold to...