Precarious employment – AD welcomes change in self-employed legislation

New labour laws give more protection to workers who were constrained to register as self-employed

New amendments in labour legislation that give more protection to workers who are often constrained to register as self-employed have been welcomed by green party Alternattiva Demokratika.

Angele Deguara, AD spokesperson on social policy, said the EIRA amendments had been finally put in place after talks with the General Workers Union. "These amendments are necessary to protect certain workers who did not have the necessary protection by the law as it stood, often leading to the creation of precarious working conditions."

As it stood, the law permitted employers to recruit workers for long-term services not as employees but on a self-employed basis. Workers were constrained to register as self-employed even if they worked for the same employer on a regular basis, using tools provided by the employer and unable to determine their working hours themselves.

With the new amendments, workers who satisfy five out of eight outlined criteria would have to be engaged on a full-time indefinite contract rather than forced to register as self-employed.

"AD has drawn the attention of the authorities to this anomaly more than once. We welcome these changes as a positive step in the fight against precariousness and worker exploitation. AD also appreciates the work done by the General Workers Union in this regard."

AD chairperson Michael Briguglio said the legal reform was a positive development in the struggle against precarious employment. "AD fully supports calls by progressive unions and NGOs against exploitation of workers. AD's manifesto will be containing various other proposals in this regard."

x'differenza. kienu jghajjru lil mintoff li vvinta l korpi. vera fi zmien il labour tas 70ijiet il gvern laburista immexxi min dom mintoff(mr ellul of dear dom please note) holoq il korpi sabiex iwaqqaf l emorogija ta zaghzagh li flok jemigraw lejn l awstralja u dan ir rizors jintilef darba ghal dejjem jidhlu go dawn il korp sakemm iktar il quddiem jinholqilhom xoghol sod u permanenti. vera li dawn tal korpi ma kellhomx id drittijiet kollha imma ma kontx tista tghidilhom li qedin f xoghol prekarju. leave, sick leave u iz zieda tal gholi tal hajja kienu johduha awtomatikament. u l weghda ta xoghol permanenti il labour zamma...airmalta, seamalta tugmalta, enemalta, telemalta bov, mid med fost l ohrajn. tant irnexxiet din il mossa li flok il maltin bdew jemigraw ghal l ewwel darba bdew jigu iktar maltin min barra min malta. u ta gonzipn dawn qed isoddu il pannu bil qara hamra...minn xoghol prekarju ghal xoghol prekarju ...hlief ghal ftit tal qalba. din hi d differenza...mghadx hemm ahleb guz.....issa jahilbu l haddiem u ftit entrepraneurs ta gejja jsiru miljunarji.....dawn il paraguni ghamilhom in nepputi ta psaila savona jew basta ha grant minghand gonzipn biex jghid li jrid.