iMovo wins NIC Malta mobile app prize
The aim of the NIC Malta Mobile App competition is to stimulate the design and development of innovative apps which exploit mobile technology and which address a clear need that is demonstrably relevant to the Maltese contex

iMovo, a leader in the fields of Business Intelligence, Customer Experience Management (CEM) and social media analytics has recently won the NIC Malta Mobile App Prize.
The aim of the NIC Malta Mobile App competition is to stimulate the design and development of innovative apps which exploit mobile technology and which address a clear need that is demonstrably relevant to the Maltese context. Presented by Prof. Josef Lauri on behalf of NIC Malta, the award was conferred for the mobile app that iMovo developed for eCabs, Malta’s leading cab company.
The eCabs mobile app was designed to provide a key communication channel between eCabs and a growing segment of young, tech-savvy, customers, enabling them to book a taxi through their smartphones.
Bookings through the app are received directly into the Customer Relationship Management system and instantly vetted and approved. Almost instantly an automatic confirmation SMS is sent back to the customer with the estimated waiting time.
“This is great recognition of the first generation app we developed for eCabs. In line with global trends, we have seen app downloads grow exponentially to in excess of 16,000,” commented Pierre Mallia, iMovo Managing Director.
“Our technology combined with eCabs’ business vision is aligned with this global trend and we will continue to jointly innovate to provide more convenience to consumers. This in turn will contribute directly to reducing traffic on the roads by making getting a cab a simple and quick process, rather than taking the personal vehicle with all the accompanying headaches of traffic and parking.”
iMovo’s mobile app has enabled eCabs to better reach their target audience – busy professionals, who are always on-the-go. According to Matthew Bezzina, Director at eCabs, “Young tech savvy customers are discovering the advantages of booking through the mobile app and we are confident that the more conservative part of our customer base will eventually ditch the traditional modes of booking.
"Being at par and in some cases ahead of the best taxi companies internationally, is paramount in order to maintain our competitive edge whilst remaining sustainable, and our partnership with iMovo has helped us significantly in this respect.”