How Donald Trump used the media and the 'industry of outrage' to win the US Presidency
The Conversation
In the face of the Trump onslaught and the unrestrained outpourings of the outrage industry, this has seemed insipid and inadequate. But does an ethical media organisation abandon...
A vote for Trump was a despicable choice
James Debono
Call me part of the liberal elite, but a vote for a playground bully like Trump was a despicable choice that must be understood, but never condoned
Blame it on Brexit
Raphael Vassallo

‘Brexit’ actually got us to re-evaluate our entire understanding of what this whole ‘EU thing actually is’

‘Brexit’ actually got us to re-evaluate our...

The way to Neverland
Angelo Chetcuti

These Championships have shown that having more teams compete in the final tournament was not a bad idea after all – the so-called minnows fared more...

These Championships have shown that having more teams...

Are you sure you want to post that on Facebook?
Josanne Cassar

Cyberspace is intangible but every drop of information shared is like leaving a...

Cyberspace is intangible but every drop of information...

Cartoon: 10 July 2016

On Tony Blair's press conference following the publication of the Iraq Inquiry

On Tony Blair's press conference following the...

Europe – learning to live together

The EU allows former foes to now live together in one large community of nations

The EU allows former foes to now live together in one large...

On Chiellini’s educational merits…

Giorgio Chiellini has a degree in Economy and Commerce from the University of Torino

Giorgio Chiellini has a degree in Economy and Commerce from...

Contractor has to make good for damage to State and private property
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court observed that the tender included a number of conditions, obliging...

The Court observed that the tender included a number of...

The ugly reality of violence against women

It may be worth recalling recent warnings about the extent of this problem,...

It may be worth recalling recent warnings about the extent...

I’ll take it, if no one else wants it
Raphael Vassallo

What was the whole point of the referendum? How is the result even going to be implemented, if the people who brought it about have no intention of actually...

What was the whole point of the referendum? How is the...

Breaking the culture of violence
Josanne Cassar

Let us not forget that watching all this abuse unfold are boys and girls, tomorrow’s men and women, who are absorbing this behaviour daily

Let us not forget that watching all this abuse unfold are...

Cartoon: 6 July 2016

An unsure future for the European Union?

An unsure future for the European Union?

Wanted in Europe: leadership
Frank Psaila

EU leaders should humbly respect the UK referendum result and see that the EU strives to reconnect its leadership, polices and institutions with its citizens

EU leaders should humbly respect the UK referendum result...

Thank you, Juanito
Evarist Bartolo

We worked very well together for the last three years to improve the education system as a whole by recognising vocational subjects as entry...

We worked very well together for the last three years to...

When it all goes wrong, watch out for ‘the Farage’
James Debono

Malta may be a more fertile ground for home-grown Farages than we think. For...

Malta may be a more fertile ground for home-grown Farages...

Censorship reform: a concession too far?
Ingram Bondin

Perhaps the vilification law is not the only fossil whose time is long past - Ingram Bondin

Perhaps the vilification law is not the only fossil whose...

Of censorship and cyberbullying

The recent clash between Brikkuni vocalist Mario Vella and OPM aide and blogger Glenn Bedingfield has once again exposed the limitations of freedom of speech

The recent clash between Brikkuni vocalist Mario Vella and...

Water, water everywhere
Michael Falzon

It is worth looking into how different parties choose their leader. No one seems to have found the ‘ideal’ solution

It is worth looking into how different parties choose their...

The rule of law is ‘up in smoke’
Raphael Vassallo

People wouldn’t have complained so much, if it were a case of only one random individual getting let off lightly, by a system that was otherwise equally...

People wouldn’t have complained so much, if it were a...