In the fight against poverty
Evarist Bartolo
In the coming months I would like our schools to have a new code of discipline written in consultation with teachers, students and parents. After we have agreed on it we must then...
MaltaToday calls for investigation into OLAF report
Arriva – one year on
James Debono

The political decision to smash the old monopoly is paying off. Pity Austin Gatt's attitude risked undermining it.

The political decision to smash the old monopoly is paying...

A question of self respect

With Monday’s vote in Parliament, the previously invisible battle lines of the Nationalist Party’s civil war have now been dragged into the open for all to...

With Monday’s vote in Parliament, the previously...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the aftermath of the Richard Cachia Caruana resignation motion.

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the aftermath...

Being PM for a day
Carmen Sammut

Today’s xarabankesque effort has backfired. It merely contributed to the banalisation of democracy.

Today’s xarabankesque effort has backfired. It merely...

Home truths about home affairs
Raphael Vassallo

How does Gonzi intend to handle this new ministry of his, on top of others he has slowly acquired through nine years of losing confidence in one Cabinet...

How does Gonzi intend to handle this new ministry of his,...

The sins of the son
Claudine Cassar

Eddie Fenech Adami is renowned for his integrity and honesty and he deserves better than this.

Eddie Fenech Adami is renowned for his integrity and...

Time to send in the clowns
Michael Falzon

To be considered as a serious contender for power, the Labour Party has to come clean on its past.

To be considered as a serious contender for power, the...

‘No SEC please, we’re failures’
Evarist Bartolo

We need to make secondary schools more relevant and meaningful for our adolescents. We need to change what we teach, and how we teach it.

We need to make secondary schools more relevant and...

Getting Your Internet Marketing Strategy Right
Conrad Bugeja

There are different techniques, channels, and approaches that can be used to...

There are different techniques, channels, and approaches...

The end of the tether

Prime Minister Gonzi should really think twice before trying to keep up the futile pretence that all these issues are merely figments of our imagination.

Prime Minister Gonzi should really think twice before...

Why Muscat’s land reclamation idea is such a bad idea
James Debono

After his excursion in hyper-capitalist Dubai, Joseph Muscat has rediscovered...

After his excursion in hyper-capitalist Dubai, Joseph...

Public opinion and the environmental crimes Act
Carmen Sammut

We are in dire need of transparency and accountability in environmental health...

We are in dire need of transparency and accountability in...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the hearing of the motion censuring Malta's permanent representative to the EU Richard Cachia Caruana and...

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the hearing of...

Country of lost children
Raphael Vassallo

What sort of a sick, sick culture willfully traumatises and abuses its own children?

What sort of a sick, sick culture willfully traumatises and...

Après Franco la déluge
Michael Falzon

Franco Debono just pushed the limits beyond what we normally and reasonably expect.

Franco Debono just pushed the limits beyond what we...

The hidden hand behind the messenger
Saviour Balzan

If one needed proof that the 'bile blogger' is protected by the powers that be, one need only see the support she receives from those who support her...

If one needed proof that the 'bile blogger' is protected by...

Back to square one
Claudine Cassar

I feel sorry for Mifsud Bonnici. It seems to me that he has ended up as the sacrificial lamb slaughtered on the altar of Franco Debono’s megalomania.

I feel sorry for Mifsud Bonnici. It seems to me that he has...

Hate to burst your bubble, Andrew, but… you are most certainly NOT Spartacus
Raphael Vassallo

The man whose identity Andrew Borg Cardona so liberally borrowed was both in real life and in the Kubrik film the ‘chav from Hell’.

The man whose identity Andrew Borg Cardona so liberally...