Is gay love second-class?
James Debono
The proposed cohabitation bill risks institutionalising inequality by creating a ‘second class’ division for same sex couples.
The death of social responsibility
According to the various ‘obituaries’ that would follow, Mintoff was either a superhuman idol who could absolutely no wrong whatsoever… or else a monster equally incapable...
The national interest and the common good
James Debono

The way the two major political parties make claims to the 'national...

The way the two major political parties make claims to...

On immigration, Joseph Muscat fails the progressive test
Matthew Vella

Joseph Muscat’s take on progressivism is confused and immigration exposes...

Joseph Muscat’s take on progressivism is confused and...

Europe, a shameful spectacle
James Debono

The current spectacle of Italy turning back migrants to Malta, and France turning back migrants to Italy is a shameful spectacle which erodes the core values...

The current spectacle of Italy turning back migrants to...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's press conference on his third year in office.

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about...

UPDATED: Understanding the rules of democracy and how to bend the rules to suit our needs
Saviour Balzan

Why cannot we apply the rules of democracy in a fair way?

Why cannot we apply the rules of democracy in a fair way?

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan reacts to the Prime Minister's press conference to the government's work over these last three years, and...

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan reacts to the...

How time flies and migrants flow
Carmen Sammut

The media have a public obligation to help understanding and not adding unnecessary panic through discourses that verge on racism.

The media have a public obligation to help understanding...

Ir-Realta case: who is politically responsible?
James Debono

The decision to appeal the Realta acquittal bears the stamp of political...

The decision to appeal the Realta acquittal bears the...

Libya - Why I support the intervention
James Debono

Never in my life have I felt enthusiastic for western military intervention. But that changed the very moment Gaddafi sent shivers down my spine describing...

Never in my life have I felt enthusiastic for western...

'In Europe, secularism is optional'
David Friggieri

As was to be expected, the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber’s reversal of the previous crucifix judgement, was met with great enthusiasm by...

As was to be expected, the European Court of Human Rights...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about the Maltese government's absurd attempts to rubbish any story that relates to Libya, and also...

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan talks about the...

28 May 2011: An appointment with history
James Debono

28-5-2011 will either go down in history as the day when Malta joined secular Europe or the day when Malta entrenched its status as a conservative backwater.

28-5-2011 will either go down in history as the day when...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

The ongoing crisis in Libya | Wednesday's parliamentary vote on a question for a referendum on divorce | Anthony Tabone's appointment as chairman of...

The ongoing crisis in Libya | Wednesday's...

Libya: time for hard choices
James Debono

The same values which inspired me to resent western hypocrisy in its relations with brutal regimes are the same ones which led me to sign the Avaaz petition...

The same values which inspired me to resent western...

The second sex
Caroline Muscat

The country needs a total overhaul of the way society sees women because inequality between men and women is structural.

The country needs a total overhaul of the way society...

The mud-slinging machine
David Friggieri

The mud-slinging machine tells you: ‘If you criticise, it’s because you want to take their place... in order to force us to think that things...

The mud-slinging machine tells you: ‘If you...

Divorce does not weaken the marriage bond
Michael Falzon

The argument that the introduction of divorce in Malta would weaken the...

The argument that the introduction of divorce in Malta...

The spin and the mistakes with millions
Saviour Balzan

Government spin has reached epic proportions, equivalent perhaps to Gaddafi's claim that all Libyans love him.  

Government spin has reached epic proportions, equivalent...