A reminder to do better: the EP on persecution of minorities | Christian Colombo
Humans are not inherently evil, just inherently human. Yet we we remain capable of the horrendous atrocities that were carried out in the past. We must remain vigilant and...
Fat and loud is a virtue for many, though, surely?
The Skinny | No 141 – Home of the Loud, Land of the Fat
The PN grassroots strike back
Michael Falzon

Have those who have wrought so many problems within the PN taken their lesson?

Have those who have wrought so many problems within the PN...

60,000 different reasons for not voting
Josanne Cassar

The worst thing any political party can do after a defeat is to turn its cannons onto the electorate, blaming them for the result - And yet, the immediate...

The worst thing any political party can do after a defeat...

The prayer we need to be reciting
Saviour Balzan

I believe that Grech has had all the good intention in the world in taking up the PN leadership, but I see neither savoir-faire nor sophistication in trying to...

I believe that Grech has had all the good intention in the...

If Grech stays, his reforms must be far-reaching

Only a leader with a clear vision for this party, with the stamina to coax it...

Only a leader with a clear vision for this party, with the...

When public interest comes into play
Malcolm Mifsud

The authorities may take measures in private property in order to safeguard public health and within the pubic interest

The authorities may take measures in private property in...

Alfred Sant: Cancellation of Azzopardi play just like we are back to the 1960s

Sant: Mario Philip Azzopardi has my full solidarity. What has been done with his play and production is shameful.

Sant: Mario Philip Azzopardi has my full...

Transformed by grief: my ‘bonus year’ at the side of my late mother
Mark Camilleri Gambin

There is no ‘getting over’ a loss: we have no choice but to live on with grief thereafter. This sense of finality and inevitability gives this...

There is no ‘getting over’ a loss: we have...

Circumventing the Constitution and ordinary law on hunting | Kevin Aquilina
Kevin Aquilina

The WBRU is in a situation of lawlessness: the Gozo Minister enjoys no power over the WBRU and is not answerable in the House for its actions. The environment...

The WBRU is in a situation of lawlessness: the Gozo...

A paradoxical election

The high number of non-voters also suggests that a large segment may not feel represented in the current two-party set up anymore; and this should increase...

The high number of non-voters also suggests that a large...

How about making today a ‘Day of Silence’ instead?
Raphael Vassallo

Or do we need that ‘silence’ a whole lot more, on a day...

Or do we need that ‘silence’ a whole lot more,...

Bernard Grech has to go
Saviour Balzan

“No matter how humble Abela claims he will be... we need a new fighting force to keep a powerful government in check

“No matter how humble Abela claims he will be... we...

The fact PN and PL rallies were apparently immune to COVID was an underappreciated breakthrough

The Skinny | No 132 – We’ve Won!

The Skinny | No 132 – We’ve Won!

A bland campaign which only served to piss people off
Josanne Cassar

The two big parties were competing to see who can be the biggest spender as if...

The two big parties were competing to see who can be the...

Not back to square one!
Michael Falzon

Time will tell whether Abela’s other victory that led to his succeeding Muscat as the Labour Party leader was, in fact, just a poisoned chalice; or...

Time will tell whether Abela’s other victory that led...

The only loser is democracy

Under such circumstances, one cannot expect the same voter enthusiasm that has characterised elections in the past

Under such circumstances, one cannot expect the same voter...

Judicial review may take place on fines, even though they have been paid
Malcolm Mifsud

The decision to impose a fine from an administrative authority may be subject to judicial review even though that fine was paid

The decision to impose a fine from an administrative...

And the winner is...
Saviour Balzan

If Robert Abela wants to be proud of his legacy and mature in his role as prime minister, one important mission is a major overhaul of our...

If Robert Abela wants to be proud of his legacy...

African migrants in Malta: an uncertain daily life in a hostile world | Regine Nguini Psaila

Would only they have known the beating that awaited them once in the reality of their dreams, that they would never have wished to live them. Or maybe they...

Would only they have known the beating that awaited them...