On the side of rule of law | Edward Zammit Lewis
The Abela Administration was able to sustain these foundations even in challenging times and build the fourth pillar, that of the rule of law
Tran|Sport Malta Marathon? That’s an admirable feat of compression, if nothing else
Happy New Year to our readers, children, wives, mistresses, toyboys and digital life-assistants

The Skinny | No. 120 – Death to 2021

The Skinny | No. 120 – Death to 2021

Bread and circuses
Michael Falzon

People  tend  to  talk  of  abuses  carried  out by individual politicians for the benefit of their own pocket, but this...

People  tend  to  talk  of ...

Year of the Vaccine...
Raphael Vassallo

If   people  now  object  to  face-masks,  it  is  only  because  the ...

If   people  now  object  to ...

Looking back at 2021 | A new normal that shows no sign of waning
Matthew Vella

Christmas Specials • Malta’s government thrived under COVID-19,...

Christmas Specials • Malta’s government...

A mistake made more than once is called a decision
Josanne Cassar

Did Caruana really think she would not get caught out? And how does she have...

Did Caruana really think she would not get caught out? And...

Some Christmas this has been...
Saviour Balzan

Our political class just does not understand how standards in public life work... just because they happen to win some popularity contest once every...

Our political class just does not understand how...

The price of Joseph Muscat’s legacy
Matthew Vella

Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi have exited the political field, in one way or another... but the effects of their legacy will be with us for years to...

Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi have exited the...

Nobody resigns in Malta. Three stacked together is a Christmas miracle

The Skinny | No 119 – Christmas Collapse at Mile End

The Skinny | No 119 – Christmas Collapse at Mile End

Resigned to a non-resignation mentality | Mark Said

Cabinet ministers have to resign whenever the prime minister perceives the...

Cabinet ministers have to resign whenever the prime...

Putting ‘Christ’ back into Christmas  (but leaving migrants out at sea)
Raphael Vassallo

As for their geometric configuration: it is certainly no coincidence that all human civilisations, in one way or another, have always recognized the circle as...

As for their geometric configuration: it is certainly no...

Vaccination worked in 2020; let’s do our bit to make it work again

Despite the fact that well over 200 cases have been reported in the space of...

Despite the fact that well over 200 cases have been...

Gonzi getting HIGH and mighty over cannabis is a tactical error par excellence

The Skinny | No 118 – Gonzi vs Ganja

The Skinny | No 118 – Gonzi vs Ganja

A fabricated abuse
Michael Falzon

The minister should have been given some advice. Instead, apparently, the permanent secretary just obliged

The minister should have been given some advice. Instead,...

Did we really ‘make history’ this week? Not quite…
Raphael Vassallo

I, for one, still struggle to discern any real difference – at least in...

I, for one, still struggle to discern any real difference...

Don’t ask for public consultation if you’re going to ignore them
Josanne Cassar

Labour might feel it has the upper hand because it is ahead in the polls,...

Labour might feel it has the upper hand because it is...

Living with COVID
Saviour Balzan

The truth is that COVID has also altered our economic cycle, making the operation of the economy costlier and more difficult. The...

The truth is that COVID has also altered our...

Contractors remain responsible even though the works have been accepted
Malcolm Mifsud

When a contractor finishes the works he or she was engaged to carry out, he/she will be still responsible even if the works have been accepted and paid

When a contractor finishes the works he or she was engaged...

Abela’s elastic ethical yardstick

Abela is playing for time to avoid upsetting the apple cart by having to reshuffle the Cabinet for a new education...

Abela is playing for time to avoid upsetting the apple...