Protecting honest citizens from persecution and vendettas
Owen Bonnici
In recent years, the Labour Party in government has carried out widespread reforms to our justice system to ensure that our institutions work more efficiently and with increased...
No one enjoys getting older - but it’s better than the alternative
Josanne Cassar
Obviously, there are also days when I think ugh and wish I had a magic wand. But that is also why God (or maybe it was the Egyptians?) created make-up
The consequences of polls on politics
Carmen Sammut

hey surely cannot substitute meaningful political engagement where candidates touch the heart of where we live by giving value to face-to-face engagement...

hey surely cannot substitute meaningful political...

How long can energy subsidies last?
Michael Falzon

The truth is, moreover, that it is this increase in Malta’s debt that is leading to Malta’s economic well-being

The truth is, moreover, that it is this increase in...

Everything goes, nothing really matters
Saviour Balzan

If the Prime Minister really means what he says, he should make it a point to direct his ministers to take certain steps. One of which is to set standards. One...

If the Prime Minister really means what he says, he should...

Unborn children deserve compassion | Tony Mifsud

This is not politics. This is business. The place for business is not in...

This is not politics. This is business. The place for...

Malta’s harm reduction hiccups: A love story in the making | Karen Mamo

Most importantly, the renewed ethos of promoting a safer dance culture in Malta is slowly, but surely creating a positive momentum in advancing the human...

Most importantly, the renewed ethos of promoting a safer...

From heartache to happiness: our journey through adoption
Mark Camilleri Gambin

Adoption is one of those instances where your decision has a massive impact on...

Adoption is one of those instances where your decision has...

Tell it to the marines | Frank Camilleri

For Chris Fearne to plead innocence of facts especially in his position, first as parliamentary secretary for health at the time of the Vitals concession award...

For Chris Fearne to plead innocence of facts especially in...

A myth debunked
Michael Falzon

Whoever is responsible for this gaffe must be ferreted out. It must be someone who is such a stupid person that they should have never been nominated as an...

Whoever is responsible for this gaffe must be ferreted out....

New definition of irony: Robert Abela complaining about ‘cushy jobs’
Raphael Vassallo

“We made mistakes, of course we did. But one thing I feel no remorse about, is that: if you were to ask me whether, in these past months, [my government]...

“We made mistakes, of course we did. But one thing I...

The people have spoken, but it’s being lost in translation
Josanne Cassar

The MEP elections were a cold shower for a complacent, arrogant administration...

The MEP elections were a cold shower for a complacent,...

The writing is on the bloody wall
Saviour Balzan

The Labour Party needs to accept the fact that it could lose the next election because of its wrong attitude and arrogance

The Labour Party needs to accept the fact that it could...

Hobson’s choice or waiting for Godot?
Mark Said

Until satisfactory answers are found to those questions, the PN risks continuing to wait for Godot, living without a sense of meaning, value or truth, and...

Until satisfactory answers are found to those questions,...

The web rebooted
Alexiei Dingli

Over the past decade, a significant shift has occurred. The Web's initial ethos of decentralisation and empowerment has been overshadowed by...

Over the past decade, a significant shift has occurred. The...

Back to Taxi Mary
Michael Falzon

Someone is bullying Malta to refrain from doing what everybody in Malta agrees upon. I ‘suspect’ it must be Uncle Sam

Someone is bullying Malta to refrain from doing what...

Hey local councils: What exactly are you responsible for?
Josanne Cassar

If candidates running for re-election can promise us all sorts of marvellous...

If candidates running for re-election can promise us all...

Once upon a time there was a super majority
Saviour Balzan

Robert Abela will have to accept that the super majorities for Labour are...

Robert Abela will have to accept that the super...

After Europe, it will be yet another day... except for some
Saviour Balzan

We will wake up with an electoral result that will determine to what extent...

We will wake up with an electoral result that will...

From EU standards to Maltese rights
Peter Agius

Raising the level in Malta to EU standards was one of the reasons for joining the EU, and this is still valid today more than ever before when sewage is...

Raising the level in Malta to EU standards was one of the...