Back to Taxi Mary
Michael Falzon
Someone is bullying Malta to refrain from doing what everybody in Malta agrees upon. I ‘suspect’ it must be Uncle Sam
Hey local councils: What exactly are you responsible for?
Josanne Cassar
If candidates running for re-election can promise us all sorts of marvellous things that they will be doing for their town/village over the next few years, why haven’t they...
We are in a state of abnormality. Muscat must go
Matthew Vella / James Debono / Kurt Sansone

Muscat can no longer command the moral authority a prime minister requires to...

Muscat can no longer command the moral authority a prime...

This is not about red or blue. It’s about Malta’s future
Josanne Cassar

And that reality is simple: after what happened on Tuesday, we cannot go on as...

And that reality is simple: after what happened on Tuesday,...

Let it all come down…
Raphael Vassallo

Muscat’s prolonged tenure as prime minister is not only untenable; but also stands in the way of the full truth coming out. By his own earlier promise to...

Muscat’s prolonged tenure as prime minister is not...

The ties between politics and business have to be tackled head-on
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog: The unprecedented events of the week has...

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog: The unprecedented events...

Now more than ever, we need a police media briefing unit
Raphael Vassallo

Simply put, prime ministers should play no part in any criminal investigation,...

Simply put, prime ministers should play no part in any...

Living in interesting times
Michael Falzon

Whether Malta is damned or moving towards redemption is what makes these times so interesting

Whether Malta is damned or moving towards redemption is...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog | Prime Minister must act if Konrad and Keith don't leave
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan says that it is incomprehensible how the two men who opened companies in Panama continue to stay on when the man they did secret business with...

Saviour Balzan says that it is incomprehensible how the two...

There are much graver issues at stake than some damage to a minister’s car
Josanne Cassar

What is at stake here is not damage to a mere car, or the psychological state of mind of politicians who were reportedly shaken and “terrified” by...

What is at stake here is not damage to a mere car, or the...

No question about it, resign now!
Saviour Balzan

It cannot be that in the face of such irrefutable proof and links, ministers and functionaries who were connected indirectly through some secret offshore...

It cannot be that in the face of such irrefutable proof and...

Beyond the fringe
Matthew Vella

We need a social pact in which the power of journalism – a journalism that does good and that serves the public – can be guaranteed a future

We need a social pact in which the power of journalism...

The long and short of it…
Raphael Vassallo

The long and short of it is that the work of a journalist can be very hard. Even hair-raising, at times. But it is also highly rewarding.

The long and short of it is that the work of a journalist...

The story of the 800 Isis fighters on a ship in St Paul’s Bay: The changed media landscape
Kurt Sansone

It is the undying rigours of journalism that will enable us to make sense of information that comes our way and remain a beacon of certainty in a world that...

It is the undying rigours of journalism that will enable us...

The joys and pains of documenting change
James Debono

From Gonzi to Muscat, chronicling the environmental destruction at the hands of Maltese governments has been a mix of joy and pain

From Gonzi to Muscat, chronicling the environmental...

Malta Tomorrow
Roger De Giorgio

Director Roger De Giorgio on MaltaToday’s challenge to secure journalistic integrity and financial independence

Director Roger De Giorgio on MaltaToday’s...

The birth of MaltaToday
Saviour Balzan

A newspaper of impact that will continue to play its important part in Maltese life

A newspaper of impact that will continue to play its...

The only way forward is to remove Schembri and Mizzi now
Josanne Cassar

This week, with the very real possibility that those in the seat of power have...

This week, with the very real possibility that those in the...

‘This is what you’ll get, if you mess with us…’
Raphael Vassallo

Call me a naïve optimist, but I still believe there is time to roll back...

Call me a naïve optimist, but I still believe there is...

The next wave of innovation will not be about phones
Evarist Bartolo

I do hope that real innovation in areas such as education is more focused on...

I do hope that real innovation in areas such as education...