‘This is not a TV series’ – are you sure about that?
Josanne Cassar
The show of support whipped up for Joseph Muscat outside the law courts on Tuesday morning resulted in the usual, predictable, knee jerk reactions
Abandon cheap provincial politics, go Green
Ralph Cassar
Roberta Metsola’s political group, the EPP, led by its President Manfred Weber and his right-hand man, and the political group’s secretary general Simon Busuttil are...
Malta through the eyes of a tourist
Josanne Cassar

When tourists come to look at Malta’s spectacular landscape in areas such as Għar Lapsi, with its aquamarine seas and craggy, unforgiving rocks, I...

When tourists come to look at Malta’s spectacular...

Playing hide and seek inside the PN
Michael Falzon

No wonder many switchers are convinced they will never be welcomed back in the PN if certain PN politicians are in power: these politicians have shied...

No wonder many switchers are convinced they will never be...

Irrespective of Saturday's vote, the PN remains broken
Raphael Vassallo

Delia really is unelectable… precisely because his internal opponents...

Delia really is unelectable… precisely because his...

Let our reporting be our yardstick
Matthew Vella / Kurt Sansone

It is all down to our particular pedigree: we are not partisan journalists, we enjoy being the heretical, critical voice in a sea of yes-people, and we root...

It is all down to our particular pedigree: we are not...

Why go to all this trouble to sabotage a peaceful protest?
Josanne Cassar

When you go to such lengths to try and diminish a protest, it means you are not...

When you go to such lengths to try and diminish a protest,...

Living what we preach
Saviour Balzan

When we gather to protest against roads such as the proposed Central Link project we should ask ourselves how much we are actually prepared to give up

When we gather to protest against roads such as the...

It IS about politics; it always is
Josanne Cassar

In the world of social networks and the tangled web of Facebook friends and acquaintances, it is not always easy making your way through the minefield of which...

In the world of social networks and the tangled web of...

Time for parties to rein in their thugs
Raphael Vassallo

Does the PN (or Labour, for that matter) need to surround itself with strongarm tough-guys, in today’s political climate?

Does the PN (or Labour, for that matter) need to surround...

Andrea Camilleri: Much more than Montalbano
Evarist Bartolo

I would like to pay my respects by repeating what author Simonetta Agnello...

I would like to pay my respects by repeating what author...

The DB deceit: will the Planning Authority be an accomplice?
Arnold Cassola

The cheek of the DB Group knows no boundaries. Of course, they feel that they...

The cheek of the DB Group knows no boundaries. Of course,...

Suddenly, we are half a million!
Michael Falzon

The question now is whether Malta intends to press the brake at some point, or better still, whether our territory should be loaded with a bigger population...

The question now is whether Malta intends to press the...

Cutting down trees to widen roads is not just wrong. It is evil
Raphael Vassallo

And our government’s policy holds that the economy takes precedence over...

And our government’s policy holds that the economy...

That’s some legacy you’re leaving behind, Ian
Josanne Cassar

You are not allowed to contradict [Ian Borg] on the Central Link Project, which...

You are not allowed to contradict [Ian Borg] on the Central...

Them foreign hordes
Saviour Balzan

The Maltese remain a pragmatic society which understands its livelihood, and quality of life is intrinsically dependent on the thousands of foreign workers

The Maltese remain a pragmatic society which understands...

Checking Malta’s powerful Prime Minister through constitutional reforms
Michael Briguglio

As a neutral political figurehead, President George Vella may be best placed to rely on the report of the Venice Commission to lead the reform process to a...

As a neutral political figurehead, President George Vella...

Slow drivers don’t cause accidents, over-speeding does
Josanne Cassar

Contrary to the claims of the people commenting on the above-mentioned...

Contrary to the claims of the people commenting on the...

To lecture us about democracy, you have to be democratic…
Raphael Vassallo

Rob democracy of the fundamental principle of opposition, and what remains...

Rob democracy of the fundamental principle of opposition,...

No checks, no balances: why a whole system needs rethinking
Michael Falzon

We need radical changes in Malta’s executive and legislative structures...

We need radical changes in Malta’s executive and...