Corrupt profits over patients
Peter Agius
CGMs should be given to all diabetics in Malta free of charge, and this would be a pivotal step towards modernising diabetes care, improving patient outcomes, and reducing the...
Chris Fearne: Mr Clean and Mr Smart | Frank Camilleri
The magisterial inquiry has given Fearne the opportunity to prove his innocence. The ball is in his court after all.
A shake-up in Brussels
Matthew Bugeja

At a time in which the EU is facing challenges from inside and outside of its borders, EU leaders have turned to highly political individuals to pave the path...

At a time in which the EU is facing challenges from inside...

It is much easier to destroy than to create
Raphael Vassallo

The Adrian Delia faction is visibly stronger than its detractors; and this is...

The Adrian Delia faction is visibly stronger than its...

Sudden population growth within the confines of an island
Josanne Cassar

But away from slick, fancy presentations and men in suits, the reality on the...

But away from slick, fancy presentations and men in suits,...

How vocational education is transforming our country
Evarist Bartolo

Malta is the land of second chances - and we hope to make it the land of the...

Malta is the land of second chances - and we hope to make...

EU: Seizing our moment in the next five-year mandate
Aaron Farrugia

After 15 years of membership in the EU, Malta is no longer a new member...

After 15 years of membership in the EU, Malta is no...

Joseph Muscat: Here to stay?
Michael Falzon

A strong Muscat leading the Labour Party, with no end of his leadership years in sight, poses a robust challenge to any party in Opposition

A strong Muscat leading the Labour Party, with no end of...

A real drama behind a (mostly fictitious) documentary
Raphael Vassallo

Of all the inaccuracies in the first part of the BBC's docudrama about...

Of all the inaccuracies in the first part of the BBC's...

You break the rules, so why shouldn't I?
Josanne Cassar

Being Mediterranean and laidback should not prevent us from embracing civic pride to show that we really love our own country as much as we claim we do

Being Mediterranean and laidback should not prevent us from...

The lure of the political limelight
Josanne Cassar

There seems to be a general sense of exaggerated self-importance everywhere you look and our little island is certainly not lacking in that department

There seems to be a general sense of exaggerated...

The ‘SOK’ syndrome (and making sense of Malta’s new building rules)
Raphael Vassallo

According to urban legend, the idea for a course in Systems of Knowledge came to Education Minister Ugo Mifsud Bonnici’s head while he was stuck at an...

According to urban legend, the idea for a course in Systems...

From De Rohan to baseball, Malta and the U.S celebrate 243 years of friendship
Mark A. Schapiro

From the appointment of the first U.S. Consul to Malta in 1796, to the power of sports diplomacy today, Malta and the United States have enjoyed many common...

From the appointment of the first U.S. Consul to Malta in...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan's video blog: An incredible request by pilots and the Daphne BBC radio drama
Saviour Balzan

Industrial action by Air Malta pilots and Daphne Caruana Galizia's docudrama on BBC4

Industrial action by Air Malta pilots and Daphne Caruana...

Rent reform, at last
Michael Falzon

The proposed law will avoid the situation where tenants are continually worried that their rent would be increased astronomically and capriciously. At the...

The proposed law will avoid the situation where...

Facebook killed the political star
Raphael Vassallo

If a Facebook post somehow chimes in with the viewer’s own private opinion or bias… it becomes an instant, incontrovertible ‘fact’

If a Facebook post somehow chimes in with the...

Tourists behaving badly are a threat to global tourism, and the industry is partly to blame
The Conversation

Freya Higgins-Desbiolles • The increasing prevalance of the badly behaved tourist, either in reality or simply as cultural meme, presents a serious...

Freya Higgins-Desbiolles • The increasing...

Are exams producing quality students?
Josanne Cassar

While I can understand that some parents are alarmed at the prospect of no more benchmarking exams at Year Six, I have never really been able to grasp the...

While I can understand that some parents are alarmed at the...

Let’s razzle dazzle them, with some PR
Josanne Cassar

Did you blink and think you missed this clamping down on construction sites? No, because it just didn’t happen

Did you blink and think you missed this clamping down on...

‘Leadership cults’ are the last thing the PN needs
Raphael Vassallo

Now is not the time for ‘glorious leaders’; now is the time for a...

Now is not the time for ‘glorious leaders’; now...