‘U il-kotra qamet f’daqqa’…
Raphael Vassallo
And if that’s not a milestone historical moment, for Ruzar Briffa to write a poem about: I don’t know what is, quite frankly…
A budget not for the middle class? | Daniel Attard
While this budget heralds numerous improvements in social security benefits for low-income individuals, alongside a significant rise in the minimum wage, it also offers...
The changing map of world religions
Carmel Vassallo

The proportion of Muslims in the world’s population will increase from around one in four at present to nearly one in three in 2050, very near to the...

The proportion of Muslims in the world’s population...

This is what we are
Raphael Vassallo

Joseph Muscat is also a politician, and as such cares only about one thing. Power. Judged only by that yardstick, it was a formidable move. Frightening, in...

Joseph Muscat is also a politician, and as such cares only...

[WATCH] Saviour Balzan: Spring hunting retained thanks to Muscat

20% of Labour voters would have voted 'no' to spring hunting regardless...

20% of Labour voters would have voted 'no' to...

Yes victory: a poisoned chalice for Muscat
James Debono

No amount of discursive spin can redeem Joseph Muscat’s name with those...

No amount of discursive spin can redeem Joseph...

I’ll believe it when I see it
Josanne Cassar

From the beginning the biggest challenge was apathy because this issue did not stir many people’s emotions enough for them to rouse themselves up and...

From the beginning the biggest challenge was apathy because...

Angry birds and disillusioned democrats
Jurgen Balzan

The fight is far from over. The demands of the green lobby have neither been neutralised nor buried

The fight is far from over. The demands of the green lobby...

Don’t open that tin…
Raphael Vassallo

Political parties too should have an ‘expiry date’ stamped in smudgy ink somewhere on the package. ‘Best before 1976’. Yes, that...

Political parties too should have an ‘expiry...

Oh yes, it’s a ‘no’, Oh no, it’s a ‘yes’
Saviour Balzan

Considering that only half of the local councils were being contested it was...

Considering that only half of the local councils were being...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

Prelude to voting day for the 2015 spring hunting referendum

Prelude to voting day for the 2015 spring hunting referendum

Silent springs… no thank you
Carmel Hili

In modern civilised society the senseless killing of birds just for the thrill of it is both morally and ethically unacceptable. Birds have a right to live as...

In modern civilised society the senseless killing of birds...

Spring hunting | Let’s talk about rights and democracy
Ylenia Rosso

Generalized judgments lead to malicious sentiments; on a deep public scale this...

Generalized judgments lead to malicious sentiments; on a...

I mean, honestly…
Raphael Vassallo

This is the same Chris Said who was last seen explaining that, in his view, offering private construction work to a constituent for free, at the...

This is the same Chris Said who was last seen explaining...

Don’t give in to burnout
Kevin-James Fenech

Many professionals, managers, leaders, business owners, etc, have at some time or another experienced burnout. It is a dangerous state to get yourself in and...

Many professionals, managers, leaders, business owners,...

Crisis in Libya exposes failed EU
Frank Psaila

Truth be told, as far as foreign policy is concerned, Libya is not the EU’s top priority. The EU has failed Libya and its people; but it has failed its...

Truth be told, as far as foreign policy is concerned, Libya...

Implosion and the risk of insularity
Leo Brincat

Israel's new PM has already rowed back over his one state single option by seeming to change tack on rejection of Palestinian statehood.

Israel's new PM has already rowed back over his...

Imparting fundamental values to young people
Evarist Bartolo

The primary purpose of education is not only to develop knowledge, skills,...

The primary purpose of education is not only to develop...

The call of the wild
Raphael Vassallo

I sincerely believe that spring hunting is a perversion of the natural order which has caused untold damage to Malta’s wildlife over the years. 

I sincerely believe that spring hunting is a perversion of...

Last call, Vote NO!
Saviour Balzan

Most of us will rejoice at this victory, but really and truly it will be a message for all those who consider environmentalism as second division to rethink...

Most of us will rejoice at this victory, but really and...