Abortion change that preserved the status quo | Neil Muscat
In stark contrast, the Diluted Amendment limits the scope of who may access the necessary treatment, since it requires that the life or health of the patient must be ‘in...
Silver economy in Malta: A growing opportunity | Steve Ellul
Like most EU Mediterranean countries, Malta is experiencing a significant demographic change characterised by an ageing population
Malta needs a gore-horror film
Teodor Reljic

Simshar is all well and good, but wouldn’t it be better if local filmmakers got down and dirty and made a mad, fun little B-movie instead?

Simshar is all well and good, but wouldn’t it be...

Life through the Panini album
Where's Wally?
Raphael Vassallo

Chris Said assures us all ‘we know where we stand’ with the PN in this campaign. He just won’t tell us until after the election, that’s...

Chris Said assures us all ‘we know where we...

On employment, the PN plays a numbers game
Evarist Bartolo

The PN leader’s claims are pure mathematical miscalculation. Eurostat...

The PN leader’s claims are pure mathematical...

MEP elections: some easy predictions
James Debono

Labour is set to win the MEP elections. The unknown variable is the scale of Labour’s victory.

Labour is set to win the MEP elections. The unknown...

Life on a 12-month lease
Farah Abdi

Migrants granted subsidiary forms of protection have no avenue of becoming Maltese citizens, but they still live without any form of security when their...

Migrants granted subsidiary forms of protection have no...

We're going slightly mad...
Raphael Vassallo

I imagine if the next foreign busybody happens to be Japanese, he or she will be curtly reminded of Pearl Harbour (or, more pointedly, Hiroshima) and likewise...

I imagine if the next foreign busybody happens to be...

Noah to the rescue
Saviour Balzan

When you have nothing better to do, you might want to consider ruining your Saturday mornings by listening to European Union candidates making wondrous...

When you have nothing better to do, you might want to...

The real issues
Josanne Cassar

Isn’t it time that we threatened politicians with our votes (because that seems to be the only way to get their attention)?

Isn’t it time that we threatened politicians with our...

Malta faces some future footballing greats
Angelo Chetcuti

A future Golden Ball winner could be playing in Malta next month

A future Golden Ball winner could be playing in Malta next...

Not Gonzi’s church, but neither Cremona’s
Frank Psaila

God forbid we have a return to Archbishop Gonzi’s church – but I am...

God forbid we have a return to Archbishop Gonzi’s...

One giant step backwards
Raphael Vassallo

We are no longer in the 60s. Yet Busuttil, who was not yet even born in the days of the Interdett, seems to want to take us all back there

We are no longer in the 60s. Yet Busuttil, who was not yet...

Civil rights for all
Evarist Bartolo

I feel privileged to be part of the party re-writing history and ensuring equality for us and for future generations.

I feel privileged to be part of the party re-writing...

Knisja kwieta
Carmen Sammut

Jien nixtieq nemmen li l-knisja tinsab kwieta għax tinsab f’burdata riflessiva. Nixtieq nemmen li fl-aħħar għarfet li l-eġemonija tagħha...

Jien nixtieq nemmen li l-knisja tinsab kwieta għax tinsab...

Unity or insignificance?
Michael Falzon

Last Monday’s mass abstention by the Opposition was a parliamentary first. One hopes it will also be the last.

Last Monday’s mass abstention by the Opposition was a...

‘It’s unnatural’, said illogical
Raphael Vassallo

Same-sex couples exist, with or without society’s approval. They adopt children anyway, and have been doing so for years. Faced with this situation, the...

Same-sex couples exist, with or without society’s...

Integration is about respect and admiration too
Farah Abdi

Political leaders must use their position in society to foster harmony. And as...

Political leaders must use their position in society to...

Missing: Archbishop to lead the church
Saviour Balzan

If the Labour Party can be convinced to vote in favour of civil unions, then surely they can be convinced that shooting birds is not on, and that solidarity...

If the Labour Party can be convinced to vote in favour of...