Enemalta CEO says that the challenges during the July heatwave highlighted the need to accelerate and increase this investment in the electricity distribution...
Positive on civil rights and good governance, mixed messages on its political appointments, but the Muscat government is treading on dangerous ground when it...
Positive on civil rights and good governance, mixed...
The new Police Commissioner must read the auditor’s report and investigate Rita Schembri.
The new Police Commissioner must read the auditor’s...
Women appointed on a quota system must be at least as qualified and as experienced as her male colleagues on the board.
Women appointed on a quota system must be at least as...
In the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) carried out among 10-year-old students in 2011, Malta ranked 35th of 45 participating countries.
In the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study...
Now that the Church has lost its battle to retain supreme legal jurisdiction...
Now that the Church has lost its battle to retain supreme...
Margaret Thatcher waged a political and intellectual assault on the whole set...
Margaret Thatcher waged a political and intellectual...
Four candidates for the PN leadership, but only two competitors.
Four candidates for the PN leadership, but only two...
I like my injustices righted by people I can see, thank you very much… and...
I like my injustices righted by people I can see, thank you...
Mario de Marco represents the ethos of the Nationalist with more than a sensitive consideration for the liberal wing of the PN
Mario de Marco represents the ethos of the Nationalist with...
My compulsory reading at the moment is Instruction To Deliver by Michael Barber, who was appointed by then prime minister Tony Blair to lead the fight to...
My compulsory reading at the moment is Instruction To...
As a good dentist, Farrugia must have heard of the Italian proverb, ‘La lingua batte dove il dente duole’ – the tongue lashes at wherever the toothache...
As a good dentist, Farrugia must have heard of the Italian...
The choice facing the PN’s councillors is actually very simple. Do you want...
The choice facing the PN’s councillors is actually very...
Pillow talk between a minister and their spouse is acceptable enough. Should it be brought into the ministerial boardrooms?
Pillow talk between a minister and their spouse is...
The lack of coordinated action to spread functional literacy in our society has left Malta with 36% illiteracy
The lack of coordinated action to spread functional...
So far, two specific aspects of the new administration’s way of doing...
So far, two specific aspects of the new administration’s...
The diabolical decision to push for John Dalli’s arraignment was also one way of deviating public attention from the Franco Debono vote of no confidence in...
The diabolical decision to push for John Dalli’s...
If there was one appointment which should have been done through consensus with the opposition, it was that of coordinator of the constitutional convention...
If there was one appointment which should have been done...