Government’s screeching and damaging U-turns | Mark Said
Abela’s premiership hardly ever got off to the smoothest of starts, with widespread criticism of how he mishandled sensitive issues
‘Blaming climate change’ is just another way for Robert Abela to ‘blame himself’...
Raphael Vassallo
And after all that... Robert Abela still has the gall to ‘blame climate change’, for his own failures?! I mean, come on. There’s a limit to how...
Close to me
Raphael Vassallo

Oh dear. It must be getting to ‘that time of year’ again. You know, the time when not even Paris Hilton can realistically handle any further penetration of...

Oh dear. It must be getting to ‘that time of year’...

Dishonest politics at its best
Evarist Bartolo

Government does not have money to help vulnerable people yet it still finds money to pay consultants €6,000 a month, build a bridge to nowhere costing €3...

Government does not have money to help vulnerable people...

Stipends and blood diamonds
Claudine Cassar

If bribing young people with cash hand-outs is what it takes, then so be it. What I do have a problem with is the fact that government cannot afford these...

If bribing young people with cash hand-outs is what it...

PN and civil society: a relationship of convenience
Carmen Sammut

Very often government and a chorus of media supporters have portrayed critical...

Very often government and a chorus of media supporters have...

Farewell GonziPN?
James Debono

At the very moment that GonziPN was reaffirmed through a leadership contest with Lawrence Gonzi as the sole contestant, the PM ditched the GonziPN electoral...

At the very moment that GonziPN was reaffirmed through a...

Why Debono is history and the PM’s contest a farce
Saviour Balzan

Franco Debono’s decision not to come clean and state how he voted when we...

Franco Debono’s decision not to come clean and state how...

Happy clappers
Raphael Vassallo

Ah well, at least you can’t complain that Maltese politics is boring, as politics tend to be in most other parts of the world.

Ah well, at least you can’t complain that Maltese...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the PN leadership election.

Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan's videoblog on...

Libya: one year on
James Debono

The message to the new Libya must be loud and clear: we will support you as long as you respect basic human rights of all those living in Libya.

The message to the new Libya must be loud and clear: we...

Resigned to absurdity
Raphael Vassallo

Ministerial culpability and a culture of resignations cannot and should not be regulated at law.

Ministerial culpability and a culture of resignations...

Corrupt P.I.G.S.
Carmen Sammut

While Maltese mistrust in politicians is on an equal level with that of other EU countries, the results of the Eurobarometer are a deafening no-confidence vote...

While Maltese mistrust in politicians is on an equal level...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan on the aftermath of Nationalist MP Franco Debono's abstention.

Saviour Balzan on the aftermath of Nationalist MP Franco...

Sliema – A building site that needs proper governance
Michael Briguglio

Sliema is a case study of a failed local council

Sliema is a case study of a failed local council

Bread and butter issues
Raphael Vassallo

True to the formula that has always worked so well in the past, ACTA is deliberately channelled into a purely ‘us against them’ mentality.

True to the formula that has always worked so well in the...

The post-Franco scenario
Michael Falzon

It is easy to conclude that the Franco Debono antics were a godsend to the Labour Party, but on closer scrutiny this is not necessarily so.

It is easy to conclude that the Franco Debono antics were a...

The infamous directive
Claudine Cassar

Clearly it does not make sense that public sector employees who want to take part in local council elections are penalised in such a manner

Clearly it does not make sense that public sector employees...

Three questions to the MFSA
Evarist Bartolo

It is not acceptable that the MFSA Chairman and Director-General lend themselves to be used by whoever suffers from the old school-tie syndrome.

It is not acceptable that the MFSA Chairman and...

Stop messing about
Saviour Balzan

Debono is simply playing a game but does not have the balls to vote against his Prime Minister.

Debono is simply playing a game but does not have the balls...