An avoidable national crisis and our plan forward
Mark Anthony Sammut
They made it almost sound as if this crisis was unavoidable, out of our control. The Prime Minister at one point even compared it to the COVID pandemic
The arrogance of dilettantism
Michael Falzon
In the Corradino case, the quacks left their signature all over the rubble that crushed and killed Jean Paul Sofia. People registered as ‘carpenters’ suddenly became...
The politics of contempt
Evarist Bartolo

The GonziPN clique has tried to discredit MP Franco Debono’s criticism of the “unelected few” who wield power as the ravings of an insane, infantile and...

The GonziPN clique has tried to discredit MP Franco...

Are Church schools cost effective?
Claudine Cassar

Fees charged for attending Church Schools have increased dramatically this year.

Fees charged for attending Church Schools have increased...

Where are the socialist extremists?
James Debono

Last Sunday Lawrence Gonzi claimed the PL is overrun by socialist extremists. Nothing could be further from the truth – the PL is more at risk of being...

Last Sunday Lawrence Gonzi claimed the PL is overrun by...

Being there
Saviour Balzan

I am not quite sure what Lawrence Gonzi is getting at, but he knows there will be no contestants. There will be no one to challenge him.

I am not quite sure what Lawrence Gonzi is getting at, but...

Should I stay or should I go?
Jurgen Balzan

Even if Lawrence Gonzi is re-elected PN leader, Franco Debono remains the kingmaker intent to keep the country guessing.

Even if Lawrence Gonzi is re-elected PN leader, Franco...

Will elections solve anything? Maybe, but not the real problem
Raphael Vassallo

An election now, before these important reforms are actually put into place,...

An election now, before these important reforms are...

People’s reactions to homosexuals engaging in public displays
Claudine Cassar

My message to all couples out there, whether straight or gay, is that if you...

My message to all couples out there, whether straight or...

Franco’s last hurrah?
Michael Falzon

Franco Debono’s speech last Wednesday was not a vicious one, but it exposed the Prime Minister’s weaknesses.

Franco Debono’s speech last Wednesday was not a vicious...

Hoping that lies will prevail
Evarist Bartolo

The PN has already embarked on its campaign of deceit to scare voters away from the Labour Party.

The PN has already embarked on its campaign of deceit to...

After the farce on Sunday, the ball is in Franco Debono’s court
Saviour Balzan

What will happen next after yesterday's Kunsill Generali?

What will happen next after yesterday's Kunsill Generali?

Three options for Gonzi
Saviour Balzan

What happens next for the Prime Minister? The three options ahead...

What happens next for the Prime Minister? The three options...

Gonzi on life support, Muscat with egg on his face
James Debono

Two facts are clear: Muscat failed in his bid to topple the government, Gonzi...

Two facts are clear: Muscat failed in his bid to topple the...

It’s alive! Alive, I tell you!
Raphael Vassallo

As mastermind political strategies go, I must say this one takes the goddamn biscuit.

As mastermind political strategies go, I must say this one...

The Nationalist Party has your e-mail and is using it
Evarist Bartolo

Is it a coincidence as in this campaign Austin Gatt has roped in to help him...

Is it a coincidence as in this campaign Austin Gatt has...

The one-seat majority they deserve
James Debono

Democracy took another dip this week with both parties willing to discuss awarding themselves extra seats if they win with a one-seat majority.

Democracy took another dip this week with both parties...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing editor Saviour Balzan on Sandro Chectuti's defence counsel arugment that Vince Farrugia had asked a blogger to undermine Chetcuti.

MediaToday Managing editor Saviour Balzan on Sandro...

All the madmen…
Raphael Vassallo

Bondiplus provided a much-needed basis for comparison between the widely-held view of Franco Debono as madman and the Franco Debono we all saw deftly putting...

Bondiplus provided a much-needed basis for comparison...

Private matter, my ass!
Saviour Balzan

The very fact that he home affairs minister has chosen to keep his distance from any controversy is proof of his weak resolve when it comes to standing up for...

The very fact that he home affairs minister has chosen to...