Why ‘Mr Mojo-Jojo’ is the superhero this country really needs, right now
Raphael Vassallo
All the ongoing overdevelopment, in this country right now, can be defined as being somehow ‘tourism-related’, in one way or another
If this is not a wakeup call, I don’t know what is
Josanne Cassar
If this is not a wakeup call that we need to change our ways and the completely wrong direction this country has taken, then I don’t know what is. 
Sort it out will you!
Claudine Cassar

Franco Debono may be giving a clear message that he believes the Labour Party in government is more likely to take forward the reforms that he is championing.

Franco Debono may be giving a clear message that he...

The better part of valour
Michael Falzon

By the time the election is held, Lawrence Gonzi would have prepared the way for blaming Franco Debono’s intransigence in case of an electoral defeat.

By the time the election is held, Lawrence Gonzi would have...

The Sirens’ call
Saviour Balzan

Beyond all recriminations, has anybody asked whether Gonzi has failed to smell the coffee? Did he honestly believe this problem would blow over by simply...

Beyond all recriminations, has anybody asked whether Gonzi...

Democracy in free-fall
James Debono

Imposing a presidential system based on feudal loyalties between leader and candidate on our parliamentary democracy has provoked the current crisis. The...

Imposing a presidential system based on feudal loyalties...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the current political crisis and reminds what had happened during the Labour Party's crisis in 1998

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the current...

Blame it on Gonzi and the sleaze machine
Jurgen Balzan

An early election is not what the country needs, but Debono has given a name to the sleaze machine that replaced official party media.

An early election is not what the country needs, but Debono...

The seeds of this crisis were sown in 2008
Carmen Sammut

Gonzi’s stronger image won him his one-seat majority but the GonziPN brand...

Gonzi’s stronger image won him his one-seat majority but...

A shotgun election?
James Debono

If Gonzi doesn’t call for a vote of confidence he risks being perceived as someone clinging to power at all costs; while Muscat risks making Franco Debono...

If Gonzi doesn’t call for a vote of confidence he risks...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the current political situation within the Nationalist Party, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Franco Debono

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on the current...

What a week...
Saviour Balzan

It is a matter of days before we will know whether the next general election will be held in March.

It is a matter of days before we will know whether the next...

A bill to protect the JS list
Evarist Bartolo

The bill presented by the PN government to GRECO is not meant to make party financing transparent. It is meant to keep the JS list funding mechanism intact.

The bill presented by the PN government to GRECO is not...

A horrid start
Claudine Cassar

The idea that a family is not safe when at home is one that undoubtedly strikes fear into the bravest of hearts.

The idea that a family is not safe when at home is one that...

Losing €37 million is a sign of hope
Saviour Balzan

Time flies and people simply forget what is reported, or what was not said. I would like to take you back to what Air Malta Chairman Louis Farrugia, a...

Time flies and people simply forget what is reported, or...

Annus Horribilis
Claudine Cassar

It has been a bad year for the Catholic Church in Malta.

It has been a bad year for the Catholic Church in Malta.

Anthem for doomed farmers
Evarist Bartolo

‘L-ahhar bidwi f’Wied il-Ghasel’ is fast becoming the anthem for doomed farmers...

‘L-ahhar bidwi f’Wied il-Ghasel’ is fast becoming the...

In coalition with Franco
James Debono

Franco Debono is right on justice being separate from home affairs but linking this issue to the government’s future shows that he lacks a sense of...

Franco Debono is right on justice being separate from home...

No kangaroo courts, but a proper press regulator
Matthew Vella

We need a press regulator more than ever: a form of Ombudsman that can offer...

We need a press regulator more than ever: a form of...

This is your justice system on drugs
Raphael Vassallo

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I’m beginning to see a certain connection between all earthly things.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I’m beginning to see a...