Populism on the decline
Michael Falzon
With Labour’s populist cry on the decline and with the average voter being more dissatisfied with the current administration as time goes on, the PN should sit back and let...
When a Prime Minister fails to ‘read the room’
Josanne Cassar
The more Robert Abela vehemently claimed that he has nothing to hide and that he is waiting for the outcome of the magisterial inquiry so that those responsible would be held...
A Dubai in the Mediterranean
David Friggieri

A power network has successfully meshed Western capitalism and aggressive development with a blurring of the distinction between Church and State.

A power network has successfully meshed Western...

Eurovision: the biggest disappointment was the commentary
Carmen Sammut

Like the blatant propaganda that is churned out of war rooms, this...

Like the blatant propaganda that is churned out of war...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

Tolerance in the divorce referendum debate... Saviour Balzan's videoblog.

Tolerance in the divorce referendum debate... Saviour...

Mullahs in our midst
Matthew Vella

The way the anti-divorce lobby view society is a reflection of their personal successes.

The way the anti-divorce lobby view society is a reflection...

How Bouazizi killed Bin Laden
James Debono

It was Mohamed Bouazizi's self immolation which awakened the Arab world not Bin Laden's attack on the twin towers.

It was Mohamed Bouazizi's self immolation which...

A matter of choice
Caroline Muscat

The desire for equality has been flattened beneath a barrage of discourse that suggests all women really want is a man and a family to care for.

The desire for equality has been flattened beneath a...

Osama's death: Beyond the spin and the jubilation
Carmen Sammut

We still need to go beyond the spin and the jubilation about bin Laden's...

We still need to go beyond the spin and the jubilation...

With 'friends' like Lowell...
Matthew Vella

Joseph Muscat's immigration talk has found a likely supporter: Norman Lowell.

Joseph Muscat's immigration talk has found a likely...

The loony Nationalist Party
James Debono

The PN has made a deliberate political choice - that of abandoning the political middle-ground, and embracing an extremist confessional position.

The PN has made a deliberate political choice - that of...

Marriage, beatitude and pageantry
Carmen Sammut

Given their narrow focus, media events provide ample opportunities for the political elite to bury their ‘dead bodies’.

Given their narrow focus, media events provide ample...

The elusive malaise
David Friggieri

The elusive malaise projected by artists comes from the fact that they know that they'll never be as relevant to Maltese society as people like...

The elusive malaise projected by artists comes from the...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday's managing editor Saviour Balzan talks about construction magnate Zaren Vassallo's revelations on financing both the PN and the PL.

MaltaToday's managing editor Saviour Balzan talks...

Blame it on Jesus
Raphael Vassallo

It’s not often I find myself agreeing with Fr Joe Borg, and it is certainly not my intention to suddenly make a habit of it now.

It’s not often I find myself agreeing with Fr Joe...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

When the Austrian government bailed out its national airline before selling it to Lufthansa, the EC said nothing of this 'restructuring'.

When the Austrian government bailed out its national...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan argues about issues and their definitions.

MaltaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan argues about...

Joseph, you are so bloody wrong
Saviour Balzan

In politics people search for strong leaders, people who can lead and people who take decisions.

In politics people search for strong leaders, people who...

The national interest... in immigration
David Friggieri

The EU still lacks clear rules with regard to the integration of migrants and a proper border police force, while its rules on asylum are being challenged.

The EU still lacks clear rules with regard to the...

The right to remarry
Michael Briguglio

Should a separated person, whose marriage failed with no possibility of reconciliation, be given the right to remarry or should it be denied?

Should a separated person, whose marriage failed with no...