Assisted Dying: It’s a Pandora’s box, but we are late to the debate | Andrew Azzopardi
'I believe we need to explore regulating euthanasia. This practice should be allowed under strict conditions, namely, consent from the patient,...
'I believe we need to explore regulating euthanasia....

Assisted Dying: Needs and realities of people will prevail | Daniel Micallef
'In my opinion, the Assisted Dying Bill strikes a very sensible balance with lessons learned from other countries that have introduced such or similar...
'In my opinion, the Assisted Dying Bill strikes a very...

A guide to action: Malta’s fight against gender-based violence | Charmaine Mangion
Public awareness campaigns have been instrumental in educating communities about gender-based violence
Public awareness campaigns have been instrumental in...

Leading with purpose, peace, and progress | Ian Borg
As we navigate an increasingly complex world, Malta’s diplomatic strategy...
As we navigate an increasingly complex world, Malta’s...

Mercury Rising: Artwashing through real estate | Gabriel Zammit
Reputation laundering via cultural projects is not a new move for Portelli. He...
Reputation laundering via cultural projects is not a new...

Bernard Grech, the purveyor of fake news | Naomi Cachia
The problem with the PN is that its credibility is so low that people can...
The problem with the PN is that its credibility is so low...

Mercury in retrograde: Social mobility through real estate | Gabriel Zammit
Mercury is thus the ultimate indictment of our society’s collective dreams – social and financial mobility through real estate, at any cost
Mercury is thus the ultimate indictment of our...