Another year, another strategic budget | Chris Bonett
Consistent economic growth ultimately equates to a better quality of life for the Maltese islands. However, just because the numbers add up, that does not mean that our work stops...
Social to the core
JP Fabri
In essence, Malta’s 2025 Budget offers valuable social support. However, to position Malta for long-term success, it is essential to complement redistribution with...
Some animals really are ‘more equal than others’, after all…
Raphael Vassallo

Indeed, we have become so accustomed to this same syndrome, that a local...

Indeed, we have become so accustomed to this same syndrome,...

A reminder to do better: the EP on persecution of minorities | Christian Colombo

Humans are not inherently evil, just inherently human. Yet we we remain capable of the horrendous atrocities that were carried out in the past. We must...

Humans are not inherently evil, just inherently human. Yet...

Diving, head-first! | Clayton Bartolo

As a government and as a ministry we have just launched a strategy scoped to boost our diving industry sustainably

As a government and as a ministry we have just launched a...

Growth and fiscal  prudence: the post-COVID formula
Frank Psaila

Diversifying into new economic sectors is of the essence – and this...

Diversifying into new economic sectors is of the essence...

A touch of gray
Michael Falzon

Apart from Boris Johnson’s facetiousness, what strikes me in this episode is the independence of the British civil service from the government of the day

Apart from Boris Johnson’s facetiousness, what...

‘Nobody does it better…’
Raphael Vassallo

And I’ll stop there, because…. honestly, though… what sort of ‘chance’ did Bernard Grech even think he ever had: when...

And I’ll stop there, because…. honestly,...

Apathy, genetic testing and more of Bernard
Saviour Balzan

We’re an overcrowded city masquerading as a country, that is looking...

We’re an overcrowded city masquerading as a country,...

This trial by media has not helped domestic violence victims one bit
Josanne Cassar

The temptation to mock anyone on social media who says they have been abused...

The temptation to mock anyone on social media who says they...

Which part of ‘Animal Rights’ is so goddamn difficult to understand?
Raphael Vassallo

Or else, we simply resign ourselves to the fact that… well, we really are all living in an ‘Orwellian dystopia’, after all

Or else, we simply resign ourselves to the fact...

Gaming: one of Malta’s few industries that built a local ecosystem | Marisa Xuereb

The gaming industry is one of the few local industries that has managed to build a local ecosystem around it, and one industry where Malta is an established...

The gaming industry is one of the few local industries that...

Climate change is the real pandemic, and we have a part to play
Cyrus Engerer

Through the individual choices that we make when we travel from point A to...

Through the individual choices that we make when we travel...

Opting for Ukraine in Turin
Michael Falzon

After all, they all are also a form of human expression, and the human spirit should be free to state what it wants to state, whatever the means used to...

After all, they all are also a form of human expression,...

‘A government that listens’…  to zookeepers
Raphael Vassallo

‘A government that listens’… to whom, exactly? Because it...

‘A government that listens’… to whom,...

Defamation and the Maltese courts: the chilling effect on the press
Saviour Balzan

Most journalists are unable to face down this culture of litigation; many media...

Most journalists are unable to face down this culture of...

We’re heading for a normal summer with abnormal staffing problems
Josanne Cassar

As the tourism sector looks forward to recouping some of its losses from the...

As the tourism sector looks forward to recouping some of...

Want to win Eurovision? Just get invaded by Russia, that’s all…
Raphael Vassallo

But then again… what would any of that even matter? We’d have...

But then again… what would any of that even matter?...

How BOV duped shareholders on Deiulemar affair for years
Arnold Cassola

These shareholders have had to bear the brunt of it all. What has been...

These shareholders have had to bear the brunt of it...

The siege of Malta’s critical thought | Luke Fenech

To start fighting the long-standing problem of critical thinking in our...

To start fighting the long-standing problem of critical...