Human rights can build a fairer society | Renee Laiviera
To ensure continued support for human rights, it is necessary to inform people...
To ensure continued support for human rights, it is...
A third party against tribalism | Katrina Cassar
One can easily understand why such a mindset is so toxic to Malta’s...
One can easily understand why such a mindset is so toxic to...
Equality cannot wait | Rosianne Cutajar
Rosianne Cutajar • The few, privileged opponents of this legislation will remark that it is unnecessary. I, beg to differ
Rosianne Cutajar • The few, privileged opponents of...
Conscientious objection would nullify the protection of the Equality Law
Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish Inquisition of old, take action against someone who espouses even publicly ideas that go against its ethos?
Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish...
Faith schools need not lose their ethos, but teachers must be employed on competence
Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop discrimination, not encourage it
Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop...