Conscientious objection would nullify the protection of the Equality Law
Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish Inquisition of old, take action against someone who espouses even publicly ideas that go against its ethos?
Chris Vella: Should any school, like the Spanish...
Faith schools need not lose their ethos, but teachers must be employed on competence
Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop discrimination, not encourage it
Cynthia Chircop and Joe Grima: An Equality Act should stop...
Petulant and fraudulent behaviour won’t help PN build bridges it burnt | Edwin Vassallo
Vainglorious, petulant and fraudulent behaviour will not help PN build the bridges it has burnt with so many. Now is the time for PN to disentangle itself from...
Vainglorious, petulant and fraudulent behaviour will not...
No business-as-usual please | Ralph Cassar
We have to move to a new normal. Our economic and social model and the way we...
We have to move to a new normal. Our economic and social...