PN debates must give vision
One thing the PN leadership contest should start focusing on is the need to counterbalance Mucat's dominance on a national scale. Electors should be...
One thing the PN leadership contest should start focusing...
Adapting to population pressures
Though essentially unrelated, waste and security seem to be intertwined: the first is a question of increased population pressures from both residents and...
Though essentially unrelated, waste and security seem to be...
Mixed messages on Brexit
Either we are doubtful that Brexit will happen, or we are poised to take maximum benefit from a Brexit that will certainly happen
Either we are doubtful that Brexit will happen, or we are...
A new phase of environmental awareness
It is no longer just random voices in civil society calling for more awareness of such issues: the wider population is also beginning to feel the effects of...
It is no longer just random voices in civil society calling...
Beaches are meant to be ‘public domain’
While the authorities are right to clamp down on such abuses, it remains a fact...
While the authorities are right to clamp down on such...
Trapped by our own trapping policy
The ECJ’s opinion validated much of the criticism already levelled at Malta, both locally and internationally, over its stubbornness in pursuing a...
The ECJ’s opinion validated much of the criticism...
No rollback on Aarhus
What matters is not just that information is provided to those interested in a particular permit as clients or objectors, but that this information is easily...
What matters is not just that information is provided to...
A criminal complaint too far
'As the person caught red-handed opening a secret company, it should be Keith Schembri to prove Busuttil’s allegations wrong'
'As the person caught red-handed opening a secret...
The PN’s dilemma: continuity or change?
The Nationalist party is caught, as in a vice, between the opposing forces of...
The Nationalist party is caught, as in a vice, between the...
The cost of overdevelopment
If we are to preserve our natural heritage and conserve our urban tradition – which would entail a strict ‘ODZ is ODZ’ policy – the...
If we are to preserve our natural heritage and conserve our...
A day of celebration and protest
Fears that the new law would somehow affect the way people can legally talk about family relations – to the extent, for example, of ‘out-lawing...
Fears that the new law would somehow affect the way people...
Breaking our addiction to cars
We are reaching a point where existing solutions no longer serve their purpose
We are reaching a point where existing solutions no longer...
The Last Supper, but not the last controversy
What this case has revealed is a deep and widespread misunderstanding of...
What this case has revealed is a deep and widespread...
The civil liberties minefield
The Nationalist Party is already committed to support the bill by its electoral programme: to vote against the bill today would be a complete reversal of the...
The Nationalist Party is already committed to support the...
‘Bringing down the government’ should not be the Opposition’s aim
The allegations which prompted the early election remain, as yet, unproven. If it transpires that they were inaccurate or untrue, ‘bringing down his...
The allegations which prompted the early election remain,...
A chance to pull our socks up
This legislature opens at a time when its services are most needed. Unfortunately it also opens under a cloud of mutual antagonism and distrust. But this...
This legislature opens at a time when its services are most...
Now is not a time to rush
Leaders can be easily and quickly chosen, but to come up with a genuinely inspiring political agenda is a different matter
Leaders can be easily and quickly chosen, but to come up...
Exploitation is the real issue
Whether the intention is to ban prostitution, or legalise it, the actual aim of the legislation remains the same: to target the exploitation of sex workers
Whether the intention is to ban prostitution, or legalise...