Right of reply: Defending Christian civilisation
Pro Malta Christiana right of reply to MaltaToday story ‘Far-right nutters come aplenty in Malta. Why are they on our TV sofas?’
Right of reply: Campus Hub audit
University of Malta right of reply to MaltaToday story ‘Campus Hub audit: ‘Serious doubts’ on tender process fairness’
A new definition for ‘vulnerable’

In terms of vulnerable members of our society, ' enormous steps in the right directions are being achieved through the introduction by the Education...

In terms of vulnerable members of our society,...

Can I sell my Maltese citizenship?

'If a person such as myself wants to sell Maltese citizenship, what are my options'?

'If a person such as myself wants to sell Maltese...

Post-truth world not good for man’s future

Parliaments are important, as are political leaders, but people suffer in spite...

Parliaments are important, as are political leaders, but...

Losing our humanity

It is vastly more important to decide who we want to be as a country, than to reflect on those who inhabited these islands before us

It is vastly more important to decide who we want to be as...

Marking 500 years since the Reformation

Roman Catholicism regards the Reformation as the cause of an unnecessary schism. However, since the papacy was corrupt and unscriptural, the Reformation...

Roman Catholicism regards the Reformation as the cause of...

Choosing new PN leader wisely

No one has as yet come forward to say they would be willing to give up their seat if so-and-so is elected

No one has as yet come forward to say they would be willing...

Appreciation: Dame Frances Grima

Dame Frances Grima was blessed with a long life which she dedicated primarily to improve the life conditions of her compatriots

Dame Frances Grima was blessed with a long life which she...

Making room for Maltese artists

If the Maltese Central Bank as well as Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti are so genuinely concerned with promoting the Maltese heritage they should have promoted...

If the Maltese Central Bank as well as Fondazzjoni...

Better education for equality

We need to start learning from each other, mutually benefit from the villager and the executive

We need to start learning from each other, mutually benefit...

Vassallo and Fenech are not alone on gay marriage

I obviously don’t think that a fundamentalist state is in order but, on...

I obviously don’t think that a fundamentalist state...

Facts, not deceit

It also is imperative that your readers are informed of comments made at a meeting held on 10th December, 1973 at which both the president and the general...

It also is imperative that your readers are informed of...

The way we communicate

The class distinction between those clerical authorities 'up there', and the foot soldiers who have to face the music in our society, has become so...

The class distinction between those clerical authorities...

Delusionally utopian or sound principles?

The conception of a feel-good factor is deceptive if it does not conform with...

The conception of a feel-good factor is deceptive if it...

The Cittadella Traineeship Scheme

The 100 figure of “new employees” stationed at the Ċittadella is factually wrong on two counts – firstly because 43 is not 100, and secondly...

The 100 figure of “new employees” stationed at...

Arrogant denial of scientific truth

President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement is simply an arrogant abrogation of science and cooperation

President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw...

Disgruntled, yet hopeful

The movement led by Muscat brought about changes that were only promised in the past, but never delivered

The movement led by Muscat brought about changes that were...

A matter of public interest

The independence of the press, so cherished by my aunt, has been severely compromised by this 'takeover' of the Strickland Foundation

The independence of the press, so cherished by my aunt, has...

Similarities to Le Pen’s attempt to undermine rival

Besides Simon Busuttil’s copying of Marine Le Pen’s slogan...

Besides Simon Busuttil’s copying of Marine Le...