Mdina’s Palazzo Gourgion eyes terrace restaurant, boutique hotel
Large restaurant and seven-room hotel could be in breach of local plan’s...
Large restaurant and seven-room hotel could be in breach of...
Villa to grow on Dingli’s controversial new road near medieval chapel
Yet-to-be-built villa outside development zones near Dingli’s medieval chapel seeking additional storey and pool permit
Yet-to-be-built villa outside development zones near...
Luqa mosque’s gold-cladded dome could disturb airplanes
Transport Malta ‘strongly objects’ to mosque in Luqa due to impact...
Transport Malta ‘strongly objects’ to mosque in...

Tuna magnate withdraws Birzebbuga nine-storey hotel plan
After refusal recommendation, Charles Azzopardi withdraws plan to add two...
After refusal recommendation, Charles Azzopardi withdraws...

Illegal Bahrija gate exposes Malta’s enforcement sham
Changes to planning laws in 2015 allow owners to delay enforcement by first...
Changes to planning laws in 2015 allow owners to delay...

Environmental culprits to get petition rights on fines
Maximum daily €150 penalty for environmental offences in protected areas...
Maximum daily €150 penalty for environmental offences...

Historical Ottoman cemetery spared of industrial garage development
Planning Authority rejects industrial garage complex over impact on adjacent...
Planning Authority rejects industrial garage complex over...

BirdLife hits out at ‘moral crime’ after ERA endorses Marsaxlokk garden offices
Birdlife Malta describes the Environment and Resources Authority’s go-ahead for the development of the Marsaxlokk council offices on 900sq.m of...
Birdlife Malta describes the Environment and Resources...
High-rise on St George’s Bay: 35-storey tower on Villa Rosa
Local plan had limited heights to seven floors in area near Bay Street, now...
Local plan had limited heights to seven floors in area near...

Għarb rezoning of ODZ is non-starter, Planning Authority rules
Application to rezone 7,880sq.m of agricultural land in Għarb for...
Application to rezone 7,880sq.m of agricultural...

Hal Far racetrack consultants advise government to relocate refugees due to noise pollution
Racetrack abuts on refugee centre, with preliminary studies indicating noise pollution would be the major impact • Five other sites considered for...
Racetrack abuts on refugee centre, with preliminary studies...

Residents appeal Naxxar high-rise, Labour councillors backing PN mayor
Labour councillors push motion that claims Nationalist mayor voted in favour of project “after consultation with residents”
Labour councillors push motion that claims Nationalist...

Second mosque in Luqa estate, ‘bands’ area moves to Marsa
Islamic organisation granted land in Luqa industrial estate to vacate Ospizio...
Islamic organisation granted land in Luqa industrial estate...

ERA go-ahead for Marsaxlokk council offices
ERA gives go-ahead for Marsaxlokk council offices earmarked inside school garden
ERA gives go-ahead for Marsaxlokk council offices earmarked...

Refusal recomended for nine-storey Birzebbugia hotel
The Planning Authority’s case officer is calling on the PA’s...
The Planning Authority’s case officer is calling...

Portelli behind major Birkirkara development on GO exchange
Another major commercial and residential development is in the pipeline on the...
Another major commercial and residential development is in...

Shanghai Electric hints at plans for Marsa power station site
Ideas being considered for power station site include commercial centre,...
Ideas being considered for power station site include...

Residents and NGOs request EU investigation into Marsaskala yacht marina plans
700 Marsaskala residents and eight NGOs write to MEPs and European Commission, claiming the yacht marina plans in Marsaskala breach EU Habitats Directive
700 Marsaskala residents and eight NGOs write to MEPs...