UK labs find unsafe levels of phtalates in loom band charms
The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority has requested the suspension of the sale of the items until the investigation is complete

The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) released a press statement saying that charms attached to loom bands were recalled from UK toy outlets due to high levels of chemicals (phthalates) which may cause serious health problems in children, especially if placed in the mouth.
According to reports, specialised laboratories in the UK have tested these products and in certain instances levels were found to be higher than the levels prescribed by these laws.
Currently, the MCCAA is carrying out inspections and investigating this matter, and has already elevated some charms from the market.
Consequently, the Authority is requesting importers and retailers to remove these charms from the market with immediate effect and to refrain from selling or in any way supplying them until investigations are concluded.
Should consumers or economic operators have any queries or require further information they can call the Market Surveillance Directorate within MCCAA on 2395 2000.