'Jesus will be watching over you in voting booth' - Catholic 'No' camp

"You will be alone in the polling booth on Saturday, but Jesus will be with you and he will be watching you," movement Kristu Iva, Divorzju Le said today in a last address before Saturday’s divorce referendum.

Clyde Attard from 'Kristu Iva, Divorzju Le' said the movement wants to stress "with all its might and energy" that Catholics are to vote ‘No’ on Saturday.

“We understand and respect that people are suffering but we must help in God’s plan to strengthen the family. Listen to the word of God, and vote no,” he said.

“We are the flock that follows God, our shepherd, and will care for us. We all have a place in His flock," Attard said, adding that "the only good will is God's", and if people want peace in their heart, body, mind and soul, then they should fulfill God’s will. Surrender to God’s will, with faith and conviction that God the is the expert of human and societal good in this country, he said.

Clyde get a life! you speak such nonsense that i its embarrassing for us to hear and watch you ,you are not at all convincing and you have no qualms about makings a huge fool of yourself ! Looking at the picture above i can see the woman who is supposed to be on your side is cringing now that says it all! Why pay to go to the circus! pfffttttt!!
clyde jider carr il business tijak sejjer lura u trid tara kif taqla lira. imma sejjer zball ghax jekk trid il flus mur ahdem bhali u mux tiprova titkelem biton ta qasis. tisimak tahsbek li gradwat f"teologia imma xorta mintiex taqta sandar. ghadilom kem int qalbek tajba finegozju ? ghax kieku tista il kulhadd bil guh toqtol.
L-unike billboard li ghamlu bis-sens kienu dawk iz-zewg billboards ezatt qabel tidhol issuq fil-mini ta' Santa Vennera: " QABZA fID-DLAM " - ghax veru, ezatt kif tidhol fil-mini ISSIB DLAM CAPPA !
Why is anyone surprised this guy Clyde has no depth? He has been saying the same three things about wine throughout the Aroma Kitchen schedule and each time he repeats and repeats he initiates with passion and gesticulations that gives one the false hope that one is about to hear something slightly beyond the usual - but because the textbook says you can smell wild berries he smells it in a wine.
I guess if Jesus will be watching it will save all those voting 'Yes' not needing an intermediary and having to go through confession to have their sin forgiven.
From what i heard on the grape vine Jesus is going to vote a big YES
Grow up Clyde, don't be an imbecile. Put the face in the church were it belongs. Come Monday lets hope we don't hear any more rubbish.
Listening to you speak gives me palpitations. I cannot understand how someone can utter such ignorant nonsense (not just this particular statement but all the rubbish you have said throughout your campaign). If you truly are a good person, with solid Christian values then you should know better than to listen to what this mad man has to say, and vote yes
Illum ircivejt fuljett kulurit iehor biex jikkonvincini nivvota le ghal ligi tad divorzju. Hafna paroli li ma jfisser xejn, is-soltu, u hafna theddid ta tghezzis tas snin u dlamijiet eterni. Possibli ghadhom qed jigdbu li dak kollu li qed iwerwirhom diga qed jigri fil pajjiz. Ha niehu gidba gidba: Gidba 1: L-aktar li jbatu t-tfal: Minnu li t-tfal ibatu f’cirkostanzi li l-genituri jkollhom l-inkwiet. Kulhadd jafu dan. Il qerq qieghed fir rabta li qed jghamlu bejn id dbatija tat tfal u d-divorzju. It-tfal ibatu meta l-genituri jkollohom l-inkwiet irrispettivament min x’jaghzlu genituriethom. Id divorzju jigi war hafna nkwiet u separazzjoni legali. Issa jekk il genituri jmorru ghall-annullament jew id divorzju ma taghmilx differnza lit tfal. Dan jigri wara hafna zmien min fuq is serapazzjoni legali u hafna drabi l-affarijiet ikunu s-setiljaw. It tfal ma jafux id differenza beejn separazzjoni, annullament jew divorzju. Anzi, meta jikbru t-tfal aktar jithawdu biex jifhmu dwar l-annullament, dwar kif huma ulied ta zwieg li m’eziztiex. U ma nhallux barra lil min m’ghandux tfal. DAwk x’jghamlu? Dawk ma jistawx jerghu ikollhom cans iehor lanqas? Gidba 2: Fis socjeta timbet mentalita ta xejn mhux xejn: Pajjiz bhall Amerka, fejm kul stat ghandu legizlazzjoni ta divorzju ghalieh, differenti ma tal ohrajn tara li l-istati li ghandhom ligi l-aktar laxka ghandhom l-aktar rati baxxi ta divorzju. Dan juri li l-ligi tad divorzju aktar tahdem il kontra milli qed jghidu tal LE, li n-nies jibdew joqghodu aktar attenti ghaz zwieg taghhom. Barra Mi min hekk, kull min jixzzewweg jghamel hekk ghal dejjem. Min ried jitlaq telaq, divorzju u le! Gidba 3: Min ikesser iz zwieg u abbuza mil parti l-ohra ma jhallas xejn ta ghemilu: Min jabbuza jhallas bil ligi kriminali ghax dak hu att kriminali. il fatt li jintuzaw kliem derogattiv bhall 'ikisser' juri kemm ihossuhom l-fuq min Alla dawn in nies. Min jasal biex jitlaq sinjal li jkun ipprova min kollox. U tinsewx id divorzju huwa l-ahhar pass, in nies ikunu diga infirdu u s-separasw legalment. Gidba 4: Il paga tibda tinqasam fi tnejn ghal zewg familji. Din diga ssir bis separazzjoni u anke bl-annullament. Meta n-nies jinfirdu iridu jmantu lill ulied u xi drabi lil parti l-ohra wkoll. Dan jibqa sakemm it-tfal ikunu indipendenti. min ikun separat jew annullat xorta jrid jaqsam il paga, divorzju jew le. Anzi d-divrozju jsolvi problemi f'dawn il kazi ghax jiccara aktar l-affarijiet. Gidba 5: Id-divorzju hu qabza kbira fid dlam: meta jaslu ghad divorzju il-koppji ikunu ilhom separati ghal 4 snin, plus il-glied li jkunu ggieldu qabel is-separazzjoni legali. Dan ifisser li d-divorzju huwa dawl gdid, dawl ta tama. Specjalment ghal dawk li fis separazzjoni taghhom ikun qed ibatu mil harassment tal partner, dawk li jiextiequ jkollhom it-tfal ghax ma kellhomx, u dawk li jixtiequ jerghu jizzewgu, per ezempju. Dan mhux divorzju bla raguni. Meta tal LE qalu li r-ragel jitlaq il mara (stereotip, ghax gieli l-mara titlaq) ghax tehxien veru ma jafux x'jigiefiei zwieg tajjeb, u jahsbu li kulhadd frivoli u mohhu fil laham. Ara trid tkun min tal le biex tghida din. Farsa!
Nota personali lil Clyde Attard fuq dan il-link https://www.facebook.com/notes/john-pisani/lil-clyde-attard-personali/224384200922064
Nahseb kien ghadu kif xorob xi xarba nbid. Ikollkom hniena minnu. Tiddejqu xejn tafux min jinsab ghaddej mill-martirju tal-glied fiz-zwieg. Skond mr.wine ghandu soluzzjoni prattika hafna. Jista' jghidilna kemm irnexxielu jirranga zwigijiet imkissrin bis-soluzzjoni tiehju?. U halli nghixu u ddahhaqx nies bik tinqeda bi Kristu.
I thought spying on votes was illegal.
Obviously Jesus has mastered the art of multitasking. The ability to look over EVERYONE'S shoulders at all the different polling booths all at the same time AND making a note of it, must've been a logistical nightmare. Pull the other one, NOBODY is looking at what mark is going down on paper except the person doing it. People who think otherwise, need serious psychiatric help.
Great news. I am sure that once I finish voting Yes he will hug me for doing the right thing and for ignoring the pharasees who just want to deny happiness they (I assume) enjoy to those less fortunate. IVA
Ma nistax nifhem kif dan l-espert ta-inbid m'ghamel l-ebda referenza li Kristu ma jridx min jabbuza mit-tfal. Ghaliex? Ma nistax nifhem ukoll kif dawk kollha tal LE in-negattivi, li bil-fomm jghidu li ghandhom qalbhom perzuta ghat-tfal, qatt m'ghamlu pressjoni fuq il-knisja u l-istat biex qatt ma jinghata annulament lil dawk il-koppji li jkommon it-tfal. Kieku stajt nemminhom. Fr Charles Vella qal li d-divorzju ma jbezzghux meta ghax ghandu jbezza lilek u lili?
A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy. Benjamin Disraeli
Bid-divorzju persuna li qed tghix ma bniedem insapportabbli ikolla dritt li tibda hajja gdida.
Jesus Christ would surely be arrested this Saturday for breaking electoral laws. Is this what the Catholics want? History does repeat itself.
This is something straight out of George Orwell's book 1984 - BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING - BEWARE!!! These are two extremist talibanis!!! Hope they did not plant any surveillance equipment in the polling booths so that they will take Big Brother's place!!! A mental psychotic lot of nerds!!!
Adrian Busuttil
I've seen people saying things like this before - the down-and-outs in the London tube stations mainly when they're not swilling meths.
well praise the lord for taking time off his busy schedule!!!!! IS THIS GUY SERIOUS!!? I'm taking my chances and will be voting Yes . after all,loving thy neighbour as you love yourself is not a sin as far as I recall. I don't think the Almighty would mind seeing people not thinking solely about THEIR needs for once!
You should be ashamed of yourself Mr.Attard, you're using Christ's name and image to scare people! People like you make me want to vote YES even more!!
It's true that the Shepherd looks after the sheep - but only to be able to fleece them, milk them, turn their offspring into lamp-chops and, when they are too old for that, turn them into mutton-pies. The only difference between the Shepherd and the wolf is a matter of timing.
ghax ma tmurx tbiegh xi flixkun inbid milli baqalek, ghax nahseb li xrobt naqra mhux hazin sur Clyde
Same stuff that we all know, yes of corse that Jesus will be looking over us in this referendum just like he did in the past. Unfortunatly he might be disapointed that so many might say no as this is totaly injust to others who might need DIVORCE. From my knoledge Jesus was allways on the suffers side & helped them in all their needs. Also I do not think that he is happy with the way things are he would have been happyer if you & others have put up a front long ago to help families in dificulty due to all that is happening. Lets see in the future le movement persdons may gain some good job after ?
Same stuff that we all know, yes of corse that Jesus will be looking over us in this referendum just like he did in the past. Unfortunatly he might be disapointed that so many might say no as this is totaly injust to others who might need DIVORCE. From my knoledge Jesus was allways on the suffers side & helped them in all their needs. Also I do not think that he is happy with the way things are he would have been happyer if you & others have put up a front long ago to help families in dificulty due to all that is happening. Lets see in the future le movement persdons may gain some good job after ?
You understand nothing Clyde. You have no brain to understand anything since you are brainwashed and starry eyed. Showing campassion and at the same time refusing to throw a help line to these unlucky ones is the peak of selfishness, and deceit.
Skont it-taghlim tal-Knisja Alla jinsab kullimkien anke f'kamra fejn persuna tkun qed titlob ghal kwiet wahidha. Pero Alla wkoll jinsab fi kmamar fejn isir l-abbuz fuq tfal, anzjani, nisa u rgiel. Kellhom bzonn jiftakru li meta se jwasslu lil anzjani u ma jhalluhomx fil-kuxjenza jivvutaw jkun hemm Alla wkoll
These people are a further reason to vote YES Spares you the hassle of finding enough rotten veg to throw at them Simply go in your booth next Saturday and vote a BIG HEARTFELT YES
Anybody has the right to ridicule themselves. That is why the Roman Catholic Church continues to enslave Malta & the Phillipines with all this devious religious make believe. If jesus was truely watching over Malta, rest assured that HE will simply say,"WOE TO YOU ! SCRIBES ! PHARISEES ! HYPOCRITES ! FOR YOU TRAVEL LAND AND SEA TO WIN ONE PROSELYTE AND WHEN HE IS WON, YOU MAKE HIM, TWICE AS MUCH AS A SON OF HELL AS YOURSELF." Matthew 23:15 Matther 23:28 EVEN SO ! YOU OUTWARDLY APPEAR RIGHTEOUS TO MEN, BUT INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS." The weaker the mind, the stronger the religious order and Malta can take a mature decision that Chile took in 2004. By March 2004 only three countries still maintained a complete ban on divorce and one of them, Chile, the only country in the Americas where the total ban applied, had initiated legislation to legalised divorce. It had been a long and bitter fight with the resistance headed by the Catholic Church. Before the end of the year, divorce was legalized dealing a stunning and humiliating defeat to the Church. Only Malta and the Philippines remain as divorce-free zones. It's either YES or remain the last country on earth that continues to endorse abuse of women and children.
Mmmaaaaaaaaa x' biza. Mela jista ma jigiex is sibt jiccekja ghax jien se nivota IVA!!!!!!!!!!! U halluna kemm tifilhu tinzlu fil baxx u fir redikolagni
Give us a break!
Who would have ever thought that European Malta would re-witness a situation where relgious fundamentalism and politics join forces to destroy anyone opposing their unity? Next Saturday's referendum is actually not about divorce but a vote for freedom. Church and Sate should be completely distinct and separate from each other, just like any other civilized country.
Luke Camilleri
Mela lahaqt lillek innifsek P.A. Ta' Gesu Kristu? B'liema dritt titkellem hekk fuq Kristu? Tbieghed in-niex qieghed, issa mur oqghod igri wara in-naghag il-mitlufa u jekk tahseb li f'dan ir-refernedum ha jirbhu tal- IVA sejjer veru zaball u aktar sejjer ikun hemm telliefa milli rebbieha...fil-fatt veru hadd ma hu ha jirbah ghax min hu kuntent mal familja tieghu sejjer jibqa' kuntent u min forsi jista jsib mezz li jirregolarizza il-pozizjoni tieghu sejjer ikompli bil-hajja mizera li ghaddej minnha! Ifrah Iblah ghax ma int sejjer tirbah qatt,ikun xi jkun ir-rizultat! Hallina kwieti jekk joghgbok u mur sib xi kawza ohra
This character Clyde Attard seems to suggest that when a marriage is irretrievably broked, people should turn to Chrict so that He can fix it. He's somehow turned Christ into a handyman, a sort of Mr. Fixit. That is fanaticism of the highest order. Even Girolamo Savonarola was milder !!!!
Did you know that today, a sign at the Mediterranean Conference Centre was removed because it was saying....YES we are open all day. This was considered that it might influence voters!!! So all the this nonsense that jesus will be looking over my shoulder when I vote yes, so what about the fact that when I vote PL in the next election what will he do?
Clyde and Angelik are doing a lot of harm to Jesus and the Vergin Mary. The church should make a statment deploring them both. But.... the church wants to use them, its not important what to say, the important is that they are against divorce. Yes Clyde Jesus is going to watch over me and all does thousands who are going to vote YES.
Ian George Walker
Clyde Attard wants to save our souls On divorce he won't make any fouls But despite all his quibbling And cavils and quibbling He can only score fine auto-goals.
I very much doubt whethet Jesus will waste his time looking over my shoulder in the polling booth. He could spend his time more profitably looking at some delectable chick from the No camp. I am saying this as some of his exponents on earth are more inclined towards paedophilia and running around with his Ministers (Church ones, not GonziPN ones) !
Clyde and Angelik are doing a lot of harm to Jesus and the Vergin Mary. The church should make a statment deploring them both. But.... the church wants to use them, its not important what to say, the important is that they are against divorce. Yes Clyde Jesus is going to watch over me and all does thousands who are going to vote YES.
Article 56(3) mentions how the electoral commission can suspend the election if there has been foreign interference. Jesus was from Nazareth. Just sayin' :P
Clyde just go to hell with your nonsense. Vote YES, if not for yourself think of others in need. This is the true teaching of Christ.
Godfrey Grech
You've got it wrong Clyde Attard. This is what will happen on Saturday: In the polling booth there will be two angels; one beautiful and dressed in white and one ugly and wearing black. The one in white will be whispering into your right ear "No, no, no" and the one in black into your left ear "Yes, yes, yes". You will get very annoyed, tell the angels to eff off and storm out of the polling booth.
Sur Clyde Attard, komlejt inkxift kemm m'hemmx wisq differenza bejnek u bejn Angelik Caruana ta' Borg-in-nadur ! Dak jara u jkllem lil Madonna kull gimgha. Ara kif taghmel u mur sa Borg-in-Nadur forsi l-madonna tithajjar tibda tkellem lilek ukoll. Flok qed taghmel reklam lir-religjon Kattolika, nahseb li aktar qed tghati l-imressjoni li hi religjon tal-fantasiji !
By Saturday we are going to get flooded with weeping Madonnas; mark my words!
Clyde Attard ,how low can you go!!! the more you say silly things, the more I'm determent to vote ''YES''
People like Mr Attard should be relocated to Filfla or Comino as they shame the Maltese Nation. I can imagine citizens of other European countries having a ball with this farce. If it was for me people like Mr Attard would be thrown to the sharks. I hate being called Maltese when people like him shame the name of my country with such stupid antics.
Clyde taf li lanqas mobile ma tista' ddahhal mieghek u hija kontra l-ligi li tiehu ritratti tal-vot jew li xi hadd jidhol mieghek, dejjem sakemm ma tkunx taf tikteb u taqra!!!! Allura kif Gesù se jkun ma madwar 300,000 li se jivvuttaw biex jispjuna fuqna. Mela Gesù huwa dittattur kif qed tpingih int u ma jhallix lil bniedem jghix fil-libertà kif hemm miktub fil-Bibbja li int traqqad mieghek? Nahseb ikun hafna ahjar ghal Gesù li jiehu hsieb nies bhalek li qieghdin jippruvvaw jimmanipulaw l-imhuh tan-nies. Clyde ghadek kif dhalt fil-lista tal-imsieken tant li lanqas il-fundamentalisti Izlamici ma jaslu biex jahsub bhalek. Tlif kull kredibilità.
Yea, invoke God when your arguments aren't compelling enough. How very rational. How do you know what God wants? Adultery may be a sin, but in God's eyes we are free to commit it. Law isn't there to stop us from sinning against ourselves and against our God, but to stop us from limiting other people's freedoms. Divorce is the only proposal that will enable separated people to enter into legally recognized unions which will in turn protect them in front of the law, jekk alla hares xi hadd minnhom jigrilu xi haga.
"They come near me with their lips, but their heart is far from me." Isaiah 29:13 (Septuagint) 13 And the Lord has said, This people draw nigh to me with their mouth, and they honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me: but in vain do they worship me, teaching the commandments and doctrines of men. 14 Therefore behold I will proceed to remove this people, and I will remove them: and I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will hide the understanding of the prudent. Septuagint Isaiah 29:13-14 (Proverbs 12:22 NKJV) "22 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful. (Psalms 120:1-3 NKJV) " 1 I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me. 2 Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues. 3 What will he do to you, and what more besides, O deceitful tongue?
What else do they want to say. Will Jesus be controlling my mind or holding my hands during my voting? YOU ARE SO RIDICULOUS AND OUT OF IDEAS THAT YOU ARE RESORTING TO THE ALL TIME STUPIDITY OF THINKING. YOU DESERVE A PLACE IN THE GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS 2011.
This gets better every day! Now they're THREATENING people with Jesus!! . This gives "Big Brother Is Watching You" a whole new meaning.
It's against the law to have someone with you in the poll booth! Log on: https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/26/min-verament-ha-jmur-l-infern/
jinqdew b'Gesu kristu.
jindew b'Gesu kristu.
How arrogant....speaking out for Jesus. If Jesus had a different opinion....he would forgive me. Please note, he might be also watching over you too you self righteous bigot!
veru muviment taz zufjett!!!! Hasbu dawn il fanali tal vjatku ha jbezzaw bill babaw? Mela kristu mhux diga jaf x ha jivutaw in nies? Dak relaxed ikun man is sibt ghax ir risultat ikun ga jafu!!! u ma ghandux bzonn imbicilli bhal dawn biex iwerwru in nies. Vera kaz patetiku ta oqbra imbajda.
Igor P. Shuvalov
" Jesus will be with you and he will be watching you," Yes I believe that Jesus will be with those who vote 'yes', 'no' and even those who someway or other invalid their vote. But who are you to decide if Jesus is going to condemn any of them for voting 'yes', 'no' or invalid the vote. It's only if we had human big brothers leading us to and watching us vote, that one can expect condemnation and reprobation.
How low can this eccentric sink? Is it possible that there are people of his ike still around in Y2011? But then some mother do have them, no?
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it." (Matthew 7:21-27)
Joseph Sant
And I say to you that Jesus, the symbol of love, is right here and now watching the likes of you using his name and image to instil fear in people. Right here and now he is watching you using his name and image to impose your own will on others, to maintain your status quo, your position of dominance, your moral high ground - for your own personal satisfaction. . And ultimately you will have to give account to that same Jesus for the many souls you have scandalized and turned away from him through your intransigence, manipulation and self righteousness. . God bless you, since no one else will.
Zack Depasquale
I am sure He will be very happy at me for voting Yes for not being an egoist who denies people a second chance. On the other hand I am also sure that he wasn't very happy when He was present in certain deeds done to children and helpless people by people representing him on this Earth.
gesu ihares imma lejn inies tal gvern bdiek izieda goffa u lejn min ibabas itfal u jahbilom. gesu ihares lejn min ikun fil poziezjoni li jimxi bisewwa u jamel il kontra. gesu ihares lejn dawk li haddu li muiex tahom. gesu ihares lejn il kumidja ta kuljum li tamel il knisja kontra irida tijaw. gesu ihares lejn min juza ismu biex jinqeda bieh. u nipqa nikteb u zgur ma niqaf qatt nikteb hnizrija u viltta takom li tahsbu li intom il perfetti. jalla ghada flahhar ma nibqawx il mozza imma nigu rajja ta hajitna.
Dear Mr Attard. May I ask you if Jesus was with those priests and watching them as they abused so many children. You just cannot be more hypocrite moreover that as you yourself stated that people are suffering. Give other people a chance to live again and just dont IMPOSE on them your STUPIDITIES. If you really believe in Jesus you yourself should vote YES.
Thank heavens they will have to shut up by mid-night today, I'm totally nauseated by these stupid comments.
Noted.............but I am still voting YES. PS Dear Mr Attard, get a life!