After Bishops' '10pm apology', Iva asks for extended voting time

Updated: Curia makes formal complaint against MaltaToday to Electoral Commission.

The pro-divorce lobby Moviment Iva has formally asked the Electoral Commissioner to extend voting times by an hour in the light of a note by the Maltese bishops which express "sorrow" for any words or actions by Church members that may have hurt any of the two sides in the divorce campaign.

At 9:32pm, the Maltese archdiocese made a formal complaint to the Electoral Commissioner asking for legal steps to be taken to "stop with immediate effect" for "not respecting" a 10pm press embargo on the bishops' note to the public.

Today MaltaToday revealed that the Maltese Church would tell worshippers and voters of “its sorrow… if anyone felt hurt by any words or action from members of the Church.”

In what reads like a note of apology from the Maltese bishops, that was embargoed for 10pm after voting closes, the Church said it also “unconditionally forgives those we feel have hurt us.”

MaltaToday decided to break the embargo – the first time it has ever broken any press embargo – because of the weight the Church’s apology carries.

“We felt it was in the public interest that the Church’s sense of sorrow over its words and actions was made known to people now, because if the Church felt that an apology is forthcoming, then such apology should have been made earlier on when so many people felt confused and hurt by certain comments,” managing editor Saviour Balzan said.

In the note, Archbishop Paul Cremona and Gozo bishop Mario Grech said their note is “a reflection that is independent from the result”.

“To those who had an active role on both sides, we would like to show you our sorrow if anyone felt hurt by any word or action from members of the Church, as much as we ascertain our unconditional forgiveness for all those we feel have hurt us. Everyone of us must now see, even on a personal basis, where we might have been a source of suffering for others,” the bishops say.

The bishops also said the forthcoming result will be a point of departure by the Church “towards an effort and investment in favour of marriage and the family.”

Describing the campaign as a democratic process, the Church’s leaders say that “too little attention was paid to what the Church was saying”, namely a need to invest more in marriage and the family.

“The Church aims to translate its wishes into ideas and concrete actions through which we would help our youths enter into marriage with a greater sense of obligation, and through which we would support them throughout their journey into married life.”

“The Church always strived to do this for all those who chose to enter into the sacrament of marriage. We vow to engage in deep reflection to see how we can improve our work, so that the Christian family can truly be a strong force of love and stability in the centre of the Church’s life in our society. The Church needs to coordinate all its efforts in order to accompany all married couples on their beautiful yet difficult mission.

“We also appeal to our society as a whole, and to all those who were on the various sides of the spectrum during the referendum, and who contributed their various proposals. We need to ensure that our environment as a whole helps married couples and the family: this also counts for those who marry in the Church because all come from the same environment. We feel that it is particularly important for society to help those who marry civilly, while preparing them for the responsibilities which come with their decision.

“With love and respect to all, we vow to give our contribution as a Church, and pray for this to happen.”

Il-Familja Gonzi minn dejjem kienet il-qerda tal knisja Maltija, L-Ewwel L-isqof gonzi u Issa Gonzi PN
Addio carcades minn fuq San Pawl il-Belt! Din anki l-Arcisqof titlifa.
FINALLY a breath of fresh air. Will they ever learn? I do not think so. I am waiting till the next confrontation. Maybe, one day, the Malta church will shed its skin and start working for the good of its congregation instead of seeking to increase its power over them. YES we are traveling in the right direction.
Move over Austin ! Eat your heart out, Cremona and Grech ! Tonio, pass some hankies to your Madonna ! Malta arrives in the 21. century.. Gonzistan-Cremonistan is slowly fading away. PS still waiting for earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornados or whatever
An end to GONZISTAN is now is sight.
Irrelevanti mir-rizultat,il-hsara li saret ser tkun aktar serja min dik li saret fis-snin sittin ghax barra li regghet fethet il-griehi ta' dawk in-nies,ghamlet feriti godda fuq nies ohra. Il-Gerarkija tal-knisja qatt ma jmissha halliet lill min jinqeda biha halli jnissel biza u firda fost il-poplu. Kellha cans li rmietu u hlietu fix-xejn. Issa iridu jiskuzaw ruhhom ma dawk li wegghu bi kliemhom? Dan ghax ma ghamluhx qabel? Min jizra ir-rih,jahsad it-tempesti. Issa dak li zrajtu tridu tahsdu.
NB WE have come of age!
Nispera li dik il-parti militanta ta Knisja li hi kontra tas-separazzjoni tal-Knisja/Stat bhal ma ried Kristu, jikkontmplaw li zmienhom spicca u inehhu il-militanza medjovali taghhom Ghalkemm rebah l-IVA il-Knisja moderna, comapasionate u li tadher rebhet hi ukoll grazzzi ghal qassisin li jafu jadhru jahfru u jifmhu flokk jikkondannaw. Tikkondanna facli tadher iktar difficli. Viva Malta Liberli u Ewropeja: we have of age!
I have voted YES but to tell you the truth this is not a moment of celebration. Divorce means that a couple has failed and that a family has broken up. That is not a happy moment. However divorce gives new hope to people. We hold wedding receptions but nobody throws a divorce party!
The YES vote is the best outcome for the Curia. Now if they bow their head in humility and work for the faithful, in time they will regain a lot of the respect they have lost.
Rita Pizzuto
Ara veru tal-misthija. Din ipokresija gwappa. Qed taraw min qed ibieghed lin-nies mill-knisja? Jistghu l-isqfijiet issa jghidulna kif se jirkupraw l-iskandli li taw ghadd ta' sacerdoti bil-kummenti taghhom? Imma mhux biss bil-kummenti, bid-dikjarazzjonijiet. Mela skont certi qassisin, dawk li ivvutaw ghad-divorzju, u anke dawk li ma marrux jivvutaw ghamlu dnub. Nahseb li jkun interssanti Fr Charles Tabone jispjega din tal-ahhar wara li kkummenta dwar dan f'wahda mill-pridki tieghu. Jekk ir-referendum dwar id-divorzju jghaddi, nahseb li se jkollna naghtu hajr lill-KNISJA li bl-agir taghha gabet stmerrija miz-zghazagh. Naf hafna li zghazagh li ftit kien jimpurtahom jivvutawx, marru jaghtu l-vot taghhom favur l-IVA bi sfida ghall-kummenti ta' xi sacerdoti. Hekk wassalna lill-knisja Maltija. Politika apparti, imma tindunaw li l-akbar hnizrijiet li ghamlet il-knisja - fis-sittinjiet, u issa t-tnejn gew fl-era ta' GONZI? l-Ewwel ta' Sir Michael (l-arcsqof dak iz-zmien) u issa fi zmien il-Prim Lawrence? nejn mill-istess familja.
Correction. More than 52% voted for divorce
Just on the news. PL projections that 52% voted for divorce. KEEP YOUR WORD AND RESIGN AGOSTINO PIO. GO ON. DON'T CHICKEN OUT.
Luke Camilleri
What has Fr Joe Borg and his guests on Campus FM has to say about this apology? What have the Bishops of Malta to say about Fr. Joe Borg? Who will ather Mark Montebello? Will Fr. Borg ever consider inviting Fr. Mark Montebello on Campus FM? Who will be left to pick up the pieces now after this apology? Fr. Mark Montebello?
Luke Camilleri
What has Fr Joe Borg and his guests on Campus FM has to say about this apology? What have the Bishops of Malta to say about Fr. Joe Borg? Who will ather Mark Montebello? Will Fr. Borg ever consider inviting Fr. Mark Montebello on Campus FM? Who will be left to pick up the pieces now after this apology? Fr. Mark Montebello?
Referendum ivvizzjat!
Referendum ivvizzjat!
What an absolute disgrace and embarrassment for this little irrelevant island that a civil referendum was deviously managed by a religious order that makes Adolph Hitler look like an unashamed school boy. Having scraped the bottom of the barrel during this divorce referendum campaign with insinuations, discriminatory remarks and actions these devious Maltese Bishops of Christianity, had a well timed apology for this Maltese nation and the citizens they misled and confronted. It is human to err but to disguise your insolence and arrogance with a fabricated artificial apology, is what makes people wake up and take notice, how low our christian values have sunk at a time when these same bishops cannot even operate their institutions without physical and sexual abuse of children. If the people of this nation continue to accept such immoral leadership from bishops of such demoralising behaviour, then Malta has truely become the laughing stock of our democratic society, which does not include all those crusaders within this context that are defending such filth and sewage propaganda. Issuing apologies have become the norm in a country that continues to tolerate such manipulation, but be forewarned that the informed citizens nowadays are far different from those censored and enslaved in the 1960's and at some point in time all the churches and the statues of nostalgic inventions will not be enough to prevent the Maltese from rejecting this christian faith that so arrogantly and mercilessly continues to refuse to seperate the state from church affairs for the sake of a life of luxury, dictatorial presence and the almighty euro.
Before we had this referendum I believed that it should not have taken place but rather have the matter sorted in Parliament. Now I am glad it has taken place because all indications show the vote went along Party Lines and the Church siding with the PN Whilst the real issue took a back seat in this referendum. Only in Malta.
@anonymous HaHa That is your opinion. According to others, myself included, not enough was done in the early stages of the campaign to instruct sincere Catholics how to cultivate a well-informed and unbiased conscience instead of camouflaging biased opinion and self interest as a genuine conscience. As in most cases it is not possible to please all the people all the time, much more so when the duty of the Church is not to curry favour with anybody but to teach what is right and what is wrong in the eyes of its founder.
Michael Schembri aħjar jgħidulna jekk Il-Papa John Paul I (26 Awwissu – 28 Settembru 1978): 34 jum kienx inqatel għax kien se jirriforma u jneħħu l-ħmieġ li hemm fil-Vatikan. Aħjar jgħidulna wkoll għalfejn ma ħallewx li ssirlu awtopsja u kif xi nies madwaru spiċċaw jidhru li għamlu suwiċidju. Aħjar jgħidulna min qatel lil Roberto Calvi tal-Banco Ambrosiano.
Luke Camilleri
What has Fr Joe Borg and his guests on Campus FM has to say about this apology? What have the Bishops of Malta to say about Fr. Joe Borg? Who will ather Mark Montebello? Will Fr. Borg ever consider inviting Fr. Mark Montebello on Campus FM? Who will be left to pick up the pieces now after this apology? Fr. Mark Montebello?
Don Saro perchè non andare in Sicilia e pregare Dio di protegge il-popolo Siciliano dalla Mafia?
Just one word sums up the Maltese Chuch........HYPOCRITES.
Quo Vadis li kien għall-Knisja il-poplu żammewh fl-injoranza ħalli jagħmlu bih li jridu kif kienu jagħmlu biex għal kull ħaġa kien ikollu jmur għand il-Kappillan u biex jisirqulu ġidu kollu kif kienu jagħmlu.
Dr Francis Saliba the abuse was blatantly made by the PN supporters in the Curia who did their utmost to ABUSE their position within the Church hierarchy to influence the fidili to faour GONI and the PN. What will be remembered in history is the interference by the Church in civil matters and that the surname GONZI was implicated in every interference by the Church, first by Archbishop Gonzi and now by Gonzipn. As the saying goes Dr Francis Saliba, all in the family. First 51,000 voters DISREGARDED the Church led by Archbishop Gonzi which number increased to 61,000 in the following election. Let's now see the number of voters who disregarded the Church in this referendum. To the number of YES votes who disregarded the Church in this referendum must be added those who did not vote because most of them felt that they were put in a corner by the Church authorities if they voted YES but still felt that they must not submit to the Church DIKTAT.
I stopped being a church goer a few years ago because I felt that mass and the clergy were not helping me to reach the truth and God. I used to respect many of the clergy for the selfless work they do. Some members of the clergy are truly full of empathy to the suffering of their flock. I felt indifference towards the members of the higher echelons of the clergy. The higher the titles the more I felt indifferent. After this campaign I feel a strong antipathy towards many of the clergy especially the more vocal ones. They are the real wolves in sheep's clothing. My respect has dwindled and is restricted to those very few who truly love their neighbour. Yes or no this is the legacy that will remain from this unwanted referendum.
We all knew what the outcome of this referendum would be , Gonzi knew exactly that siding with the church would give him a victory so there will be no surprises! The PN has long relied on the bountiful ignorance one finds in our electorate as has done the church for decades, so in our 'sacred' Malta it was always inevitable that a No vote would triumph. However it is too late for the church to redeem themselves with apologies for it will be written in our history as how low the church of Malta stooped in these truly pitiful times.
piccinino hija l-Knisja li kellha titlob apoloġija għax hija għamlet il-ħniżrijiet mhux il-Maltatoday, L-orizzont, is-Super One. Il-Knisja ma tgħallmitx mill-iżbalji li għamlet fis-snin tletin u sittin u reġgħet għamlet l-istess żbalji. L-uniku pass li għamlet 'il quddiem kien li l-apoloġija saret issa mhxu wara xi erbgħin sena għalkemm saret tard wisq għax l-għan tal-qassisin politikanti li jgħinu kemm jistgħu lill-Gonzi kienu laħquh.
so, emminenzas, Patri Mark Montebello is NOT going to be exiled again?
@mikegold117 Hmieg u tajn? You serious? It was not only Maltatoday that reported what the Archbishop said. I think that people like you are either afraid of the truth or they cannot handle the truth. It is blatantly obvious to all and sundry that the Church had an agenda, which had little to do with its teachings about divorce nor the salvation of souls. After almost 50 years, the Church in Malta has learnt little from the past. The fear of loosing power and here,, were the main drive behind this agenda. The Church's leaders should be aware that to err is human, but to persist is diabolic.
I don't know Judge Philip Sciberras and I have never met him. All I know about him is from friends in the legal profession who always spoke about him in the highest way possible both as a person, as a judge and his legal knowledge. They always refer to his judgements as erudite and of the highest order. For such a dignified and erudite man to write with such anger about what the Curia has done as in the comment below shows the enormity of the damage that these men at the Curia have done to people.
Thanks to their continued shameful acts, the Church has now put my otherwise peaceful marriage in jeopardy! It is now useless for me to go to church since i am banned from receiving the holy host since i voted yes for divorce but my wife is arguing that I should still attend mass since she voted no for divorce. Now where do I go from here Archie?
Salv grazzi tal-kampanja tieghek tal-hmieg u tajn. Viva l-mzazzen
Ghaziz Dr. Saliba, Toqghodx timla rasek li l-knisja qeghda taghmel apologija lil nies bhalek. Il-knisja zgur mhux qed tirreferi ghal dak li qallek Fr. Joe Borg. Fr. Joe Borg kien l-'ispin doctor' tal-moviment le u jekk jirbah il-le dak prosit jiehu u mhux kundanna. Dan tal-Knisja hu ezercizzju ghal dawk il-fidili li tgerrxu biex forsi jigu lura u mhux ghalik. Il-paci mieghek Dr. Saliba.
why do we have to argue about an apology too?
@ piccinino Ghall-informazzjoni tieghek, jitlob mahfra min jaf li QARRAQ bin-nies u uzaw sahansitra lit-tfal fid-dibattitu dwar id-divorzju! Misshom jisthu! Min qal il-verita, dejjem qalha fl'interess tan-nies. U hafna minnkom tinsabu urtati u frustrati ghax tafu kemm waqajtu ghan-n**k bl'argumenti li bdejtu iggibu. Qatt ma stennejt li fl'2011, terga' tohrog il-hdura li ghandkom kontra in-nies! Inthom tixtiequ zzommu l-poplu injorant biex tkun tistghu timponu u timmanipulawh kif jaqbel lilkom!!Izda issa qbiztu kull limitu ta' tolleranza. Daqshekk tberik go dari u mhux se nattendi aktar attivitajiet tal-knisja. U min hu tal-fhema tieghi nirrakomandalu li jaghmel bhali wkoll, halli jkun jafu li ahna wkoll nafu nuru xi nsarrfu!
It's good to have people like Mr. Saviour Balzan and his team at Malta Today to keep on showing us what type of HYPOCRITS we have around us here in Malta. Not only the party in government is full of HYPOCRITS but even the high ranking officials of the roman catholic church. Thanks to this site many people around the world will understand more cleary what sick mentality we have on this island. Feasts, hunting, a very arrogant government, and now even the church, are showing that most Maltese people have a very low IQ, and cannot decide on these issues, which I think are not of a strategic matter to this island. Thanks again to Mr. Saviour Balzan for exposing these dirty tricks from those who are supposed to represent Christ. It's such a disgusting thing that they use religion to interfere with our civil rights. We must continue to give all our support to the people at Malta Today, because it's the only TRULY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER on these islands. Thanks and well done Mr. Balzan!
il-Maltatoday, L-orizzont, is-Super One għandhom il-ħila jitolbu maħfra lill-Knisja għall-ħniżrijiet ta' artikli li huma kitbu kontra l-Knisja???????????????????
Adrian Busuttil
An apology with stringent conditions is not an apology at all, it is a political tactic and we saw the church use quite a few political tactics throughout this dirty campaign. It is sad to see just how little respect the curia has for the average Maltese citizen's intellect if they think that anyone will ever believe them again, and in regard to those who do believe them again they're absolutely right.
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. Until lately, only 49 percent attended Sunday church. Come another church survey, and let's see what the percentage will be. What the bishops have done was short-sighted. They may have scored a victory, but they will realise that, strategically, it had been a Pyrrhic victory. @jaquilina you must emigrate to Afghanistan
As I see it, its like slapping someone in the face and then ask for forgiveness! Hypocrites!
The Bishops’ statement is being misrepresented as an admission that the Church had abused and hurt the divorce movement. That is not true at all. The Bishops did not apologize exclusively to the “Yes for Divorce” movement. They apologized to everyone, on BOTH sides of the spectrum, for any hurt that may have been caused by some priest. I belong to the “No for divorce” movement and I felt hurt that some priests had insinuated, or categorically stated, that I was some fundamentalist crusader or some High Priest of an outmoded Christianity when I was only quoting Christ. I accept in all humility the bishops’ apology on behalf of any offending clergy but I will not try to make capital out of it – I will only defend the bishops when I feel that they are being unjustly attacked. There was a deliberate abuse of the electoral process but it was made by a section of the media when it prematurely published of the bishops’ statement, under a press embargo, when voting was still in progress and the distortion of a gentlemanly apology into an admission of wrong doing by the whole Church against the divorce movement. I agree that the timing of the apology was naïve because they should have anticipated that it would be misused.
Il-programmi li twaqqfu l-bieraħ fuq sħabkom tal-ONE ma ssemmuhomx?
jaquilina, la qed tghid li l-Knisja bl-apologija taghha ma qalitx li ghamlet xi haga hazina, mela dik l-apologija HIJA FINTA u intenzjonata biex tipprova tnessi lill-poplu, specjalment lil dawk li marru jivvutaw IVA, il-hnizrijiet li twettqu minn hafna scaerdoti u anki mill-monsinjuri tal-kurja, u specjalment mill-isqof t'Ghawdex ! Il-fatt li saret EZATT WARA li spiccat il-votazzjoni huwa prova cara li l-isqfijiet riedu li t-twerwir li werwru lill-eluf kbar ta' "fidili", JIBQA GHADDEJ SAL-AHHAR MINUTA !! Kif qatt nista naccetta l-apologija taghomn u ninsa u nahferilhom ! Eddy privitera
WHAT!! An apology with a built in delay! Sincere apologies are instant and made unconditionally. To me this is a clear admittance by the bishps of the excesses they went to in misleading the people.
jekk jigi Kristu bhalissa f'Malta mhux tempju ikisser imma il-Knisja Maltija kollha. Fl-ahhar il-poplu jaf min huma l-ilpup. Jghjidlek jekk taqla daqqa dawwarlu wiccek in-naha l-ohra, mela hazbuna cwiec dawn jew.
I cannot predict the outcome of the referendum but I can predict that even if the referendum is won by those against divorce they cannot stop change and it is only a matter of time before divorce is legalized in Malta. These dirty tricks by the Malta church will only speed it up. Remember that although they silenced Galileo the world kept rotating round the sun and no matter what these Pharisees declare natural selection will eventually rid us of them. PS. Kindly excuse my previous unfinished comment.
I cannot predict the outcome of the referendum but I can predict that even if the referendum is won by those against divorce they cannot stop change and it is only a matter of time before divorce is legalized in Malta. These dirty tricks by the Malta church will only speed it up. Remember that although they silenced Galileo the world kept rotating round the sun and no matter what these Pharisees declare natural selection will eventually us of them.
Are you going to allow Dr.Schembri to represent her clients and apologize to her? I wonder.
"When an apology is calculated, it’s isn’t an apology but a tactic, a piece of strategy. Apologies come from the heart, otherwise they are meaningless and worthless" Wrote Daphne CC. NO COMMENTS NEEDED
Dear Archbishop if your apology was sincere ,you should have apologized during the debate not after 10 pm.To try and stop Malta Today from publishing it shows that your sorrow is crocodile tears.Your apology and especially that of bishop Grech will not be accepted., once bitten twice shy.Shame on you.
Patricia Marsh
I would like to congratulate Mr Saviour Balzan and Malta Today for having the guts to publish this apology prior 10pm. And now I have decided, from now onwards, instead of going out every Sunday to go to church, I still go out at the same time but to buy Malta Today. A little bit of support from my behalf to Mr Balzan and his team.
Hypocrisy is the condition of a person pretending to be something he is not, especially in the area of morals or religion; a false presentation of belief or feeling. This I found written in a book. For practical examples see what the bishops are saying and the way they behaved during the campaign.   Mr Archbishop by forgiving me you are setting a prisoner free and you will discover that the prisoner was you. You keep your forgiveness thank you very much.I have done no wrong. As for your apology it means NOTHING coming from you and your sort. What are you going to do about Dr Deborah Schembri's position vis a vis your tribunal. Are you going to drop your ban at least? Or are you going to blame it on somebody else and do NOTHING about it.
Jgharralhom dawk li jahsbu li l-apologiji u l-"laudate" huma xi "dulcis in fundo" fejn kollox jintnesa u kulhadd kuntent u ferhan. Ghall-kuntrarju, l-apologija mhiex hlief il-bidu tad-"dies irae" tal-mugugha u ta' dawk kollha li, fil-krucjata spjetata ta' gideb u ta' sanzjonijiet sfaw ingannati. Dawn ser jiftakru u jibqghu allertati illi l-forzi oskurantisti u dawk kollha li jorbitaw maghhom ghandhom, bhal dawk ta' qabilhom fis-sittinijiet, "in cauda venenum"(fid-denb il-velenu). Sinjuri Isqfijiet, issa la zrajtu l-irwiefen tal-biza u tal-indottrinazzjoni ser ikollkhom tahsdu t-tempesta tal-qilla tal-imwarrba.
Zack Depasquale
Wara din l-istqarrija tal-Isqfijiet, issa dal-ghodu suppost kollox sew, imorru l-quddiesa tal-Hadd, u qisu qatt ma kien xejn. Imma kemm hasbuh tan-nejk lill-Poplu Malti dawn il-mexxejja tal-knisja Maltija. Jafu li bl-ghemil taghhom f'dawn l-ahhar xhur, fakkru il-hafna nies, il-hnizrijiet li kienu ghamlu fis-sittinijiet? Jafu li wegghu hafna nies, kemm Laburisti kif ukoll Nazzjonalisti bl-attitudni taghhom? Jaqaw bezghu li l-poplu mhux sejjer jibqa fidil u jitfghalhom flus fis-sassla kull nhar ta'Hadd? Jekk l-isqfijiet baqghalhom ftit dicenza, u wara din l-istqarrija ghada l-ewwel haga li ghandhom jaghmlu huwa jirrezenjaw En Bloce. Ghandhom ukoll jigu investigati ghal corrupt practice u jekk jinstab li kien hemm corrupt practice jittiehdu passi kontrihom. Hadd mhu il-fuq mil-ligi hu min hu. Fl-ahhar prosit lill-Malta Today li kellha il-kukki tikser l-embargo tal-hin tal-istqarrija tal-Isqfijiet.
Litanie dei Santi Signore, pietà. Cristo, pietà. Signore, pietà. Cristo, ascoltaci. Cristo, esaudiscici. Alle seguenti invocazioni si risponde: Pietà di noi. Padre del cielo, che sei Dio Figlio, redentore del mondo, che sei Dio Spirito Santo, che sei Dio Santa Trinità che sei Dio Alle seguenti invocazioni si risponde: Prega per noi. Oppure: Pregate per noi. Santa Maria Santa Madre di Dio Santa Vergine delle vergini Santi Michele, Gabriele e Raffaele Voi tutti, santi angeli e arcangeli Voi tutti, cori degli spiriti beati San Giovanni Battista San Giuseppe Voi tutti, santi patriarchi e profeti Santi Pietro e Paolo Santi Andrea e Tommaso Santi Giacomo e Giovanni Santi Bartolomeo e Matteo Santi Mattia e Barnaba Santi Giacomo e Filippo Santi Simone e Taddeo Santi Luca e Marco Voi tutti, santi discepoli Voi tutti, santi innocenti Santo Stefano Santi Lorenzo e Vincenzo Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano Santi Giovanni e Paolo Santi Cosma e Damiano Santi Gervasio e Protasio Voi tutti, santi martiri Santi Silvestro e Gregorio Santi Ambrogio, Agostino e Girolamo Santi Martino e Nicola Voi tutti, santi vescovi e confessori Voi tutti, santi dottori Santi Antonio e Benedetto Santi Bernardo, Domenico e Francesco Voi tutti, santi sacerdoti e leviti Voi tutti, santi monaci ed eremiti Santa Maria Maddalena Sante Agata e Lucia Sante Agnese e Cecilia Sante Caterina e Anastasia Voi tutti, santi e sante di Dio Alle seguenti invocazioni si risponde Liberaci, o Signore. Da ogni male e da ogni peccato Dalla tua giusta collera Dalla morte improvvisa Dalle insidie del demonio Dalla collera e dall'odio Da tutte le inclinazioni cattive Da uno spirito impuro Dal fulmine e dalle tempeste Dalle disgrazie e dal terremoto Dalla malattia, dalla fame e dalla guerra Dalla morte eterna Per la tua venuta e la tua nascita Per il mistero della tua incarnazione Per il tuo battesimo e il tuo santo digiuno Per la tua croce e passione Per la tua morte e sepoltura Per la tua santa risurrezione Per la tua meravigliosa ascensione Per la tua venuta dello Spirito Santo Paraclito Nel giorno del giudizio Alle seguenti invocazioni si risponde: Ti preghiamo, ascoltaci. Noi peccatori Donaci il tuo perdono Portaci a vera penitenza Guida e custodiscila tua santa Chiesa Custodisci nella santa fede il Papa e tutti i membri della Chiesa Piega i nemici della Chiesa Concedi la vera pace e l'unione fra i capi dei popoli Richiama all'unità della Chiesa tutti gli erranti Porta la luce del Vangelo a tutti gli infedeli Conferma e custodiscì noi tutti nel tuo servizio Innalza il nostro spirito a desideri celesti Quelli che ci fanno del bene ricompensaI con la vita eterna Noi stessi, i nostri parenti, amici, benefattori, liberaci dalla dannazione eterna Donaci e conserva i frutti della terra A tutti i fedeli defunti concedi il riposo eterno Ascolta le nostre preghiere Cristo, Figlio di Dio Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo, perdonaci, Signore. Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo ascoltaci, Signore. Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo abbi pietà di noi.
Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui: Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui: Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio: Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen.
Jiena personalment QATT ma ha naccetta l-ebda' apologija mill-Isqfijiet, bhal ma QATT ma accettajt l-apologija li kien ghamel Mikiel Gonzi wara l-kampanja dijabolika ta' gideb, qerq sfaccat u ipokrezija tas-sittinijiet. U bhalma jien konvint li Gonzi ghadu qed ipatti ghall-hsara kbira li ghamel lill-Knisja f'Malta f'dak iz-zmien, hekk ukoll ghad ipattu kemm l-Isqof Taliban t'Ghawdex u l-Arcisqof Gbejna li ghandna f'Malta, ghall-hsara kbira li ghadom kif wettqu f'isem ir-religjon. Din il-bicca apologija m'hi se taghmel l-ebda differenza.
Jien ma' nirreferix ghalll Knisja Maltija ghax din mhix l-istess Knisja li waqqaf Kristu. Jien nirreferi ghall Kurja Maltija. X'differenza hemm bejn il-Kurja Maltija u l-PN? Il-PN jaghmel apologija qabel tfiegh il-vot u l-Kurja Maltija taghmel apologija wara tfiegh il-vot. Wiehed biex jingabar u l-ohra biex ma' tintinx (jew biex ikollha - min ghalija - kuxxjenza safja)!
What would a priest do if someone came in for confession but decides to keep the robbery that he is planning to himself for now, until after the robbery is completed and then confesses his "sin" afterwards? Would the confessor accept that as a genuine, heartfelt confession of someone who is sorry for his actions? . The bishops knew of the harm they were causing. They knew about their members' dishonesty and dirty campaign. Yet they decided to keep their words to themselves until the embargo. This is NOT an apology. This is damage control. That's like the criminal who tries to plead and apologise not because he's remorseful but because he might get a lighter sentence if he does. . To quote Jesus: HYPOCRITES!!!!! . My hat off to MaltaToday for doing the right thing, although it was too late to affect the results by much if at all. . TO EVERYBODY I ASK: Is this the entity that deserves to have the right to teach what is right and what is wrong in our constitution?
Mission acomplished. Now Mr. Hyde can go back to be Mr. Jackle. They should apologise to those people whom they wrecked any chance of a stable relationship. If you are really contrite, which I doubt very much, make a plegde that next time divorce crops up shut up and do intrude.
avatar belong to the NO movement and you are not churlish??? Who the hell gave you your doctorate??? Iddahaknix habib u kompli issapportja lin naha li int qed tahseb 'is on the right side of History' when it is clearly on the wrong. Il hmieg u l-pastazata li ghamlet il Knisja ma jithassrux la bil gomma u lanqas b'apologija!!!! Jien ma nacettahix!!!!
Patricia Marsh
History repeats itself. I'am a Catholic proud to be Catholic and proud to have voted IVA because I care for others. But sorry I am not going to forgive you. TROPPO TARDI. All we needed some years ago, not only a charismatic Archbishop but an Archbishop who stands up to be counted. But no, he is more of the same. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and you (Archbishop) Cremona failed miserably.
Give it a rest Bishops, it's over or maybe not?
A genuine apology counts from the moment it is uttered. It cannot be embargoed. Those who ignored the embargo should perhaps likewise issue an embargoed 'apology'!
Why did the Bishops wait till 10:00pm to make the apology? Apology for what and why? Who are they really trying to kid? Same old story, poor Bishops. If only the Catholic church did not run the government I wonder what would have happened. "To those who had an active role on both sides, we would like to show you our sorrow if anyone felt hurt by any word or action from members of the Church" Are you serious? Is that including JZ? Are we still condemned to ever lasting eternal condemnation if we voted for divorce? How gullible do you think we are?
crocodile's tears. Not the mud slinging is over let us forget and forgive. Unfortunately the amount of poison spouted by the church over the last few weeks will be a hard thing to swallow long after the mud has dried up.
Dear Archbishops this is the kind of attitude and teaching that irritates people most. In the course of the divorce debate I had an argument (one of many) with a number of people why divorce should be introduced in Malta. I was arguing that for example, if my partner decides to sleep with someone else, I would never accept it and that I would want to divore him...I would be in the right and I would expect to be able to go on with my life. Obviously i was the bad one on the table...the others were arguing that all of us do mistakes, and they admitted they themselves made a lot of mistakes, but God has taught us to forgive. This is the same thing..... you tell people that if they vote yes (for a divorce on civil marriage) it's a tell them that they would have to answer for it at heaven's gate (yes god has a record of who voted YES, he broke electoral commission's rules and has photos of our votes), through your LE campaigners you depicted step parents as demons, second 'wives' as suckers of the first wives' rights and money (did it ever pass through these people's minds that second partners that separated husband get actually work), by the way...the target were mostly women, it was rarely argued the other way round. You did not say this directly...but you allowed holy campaigners to do so, and you never said a word on which arguments of these LE campaigners you agree with and which you do not. So now you expect us to forget and to forgive ... no way! I have already informed my family that if I get incapacitated or am on my death bed.... i do not want any priest within 200m from my bed, and that I don't want a church funeral. That is how easy it will be for me to forgive you!
The majority of the people , after 8.30 pm were watching the champions league final, barcellona vs Manchester United. Not voting in this ridicolous referendum,which should have never been. But the PM , did not wanted it in parlamnet, not because he had no mandate, cause he has the power ,like other PM did, example the 1993 concordat with the vatican. Cause he would have certainly lost in parlament, with just 1 MP majority more. A referendum about divorce , Malta an EU member state. Well a new chapter has begun. Punto e basta!
avatar Catholic Church sex abuse scandals around the world
hawn min qed jghhix fuq il-qamar. din wahda min mijiet ta rapporti, skandli madward id-dinja kollha. min dawk li suppost qedghin flok gesu kristu. X'differenza hemm, l-anqas lil appostli li kellu , ghax dawk kristu stess ghazilhom. Hemm evidenzi u fatti li hafna minnhom li marru fil-pajjiz l-foqra fi skejjel sabiex jaghhlmughom u hekk , kien hemm min kellu intenzjonijiet ohra. u dawn graw fatti, eluf ta abbuzi, jinqdew bil-mission schools. Aktar ma narakom aktar nidhaq.travestiti. ehh dawk ma ghandhom ghalfejn jizzewgu, ghax huma mhux bhal kul bniedem iehor, ikollhom il-bzonnijiet taghhom.' ezempju biex jghinhom fl-affarijiet tal-knisja u hekk, ghandhom patrijiet, sorijiet kif ukoll abbatini, lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. heq hija kull qalb rrid ohra hux:)
The Bishops did not apologiza to the pro-divorce movement - they apologized to everyone on both sides of the referendum question - to all who had been hurt by any priest during the referendum campaign. I belong to the "no" section and I had been hurt by priestly insinuations that I was a crusader, a fundamentalist, a high ppriest of an outmoded Christianity. Not being churlish I humbly accept the apology. It is clear that any "corrupt practice" was carried out by those who published the apology, those who twisted it into an apology to the pro-divorce movement and who against journalistic practice published it and distorted when the voting was still in progress so as to affect the voting.
@ m.e.zabbar - habib irrabjat? Il-problema mhix biss li xi qassisin, patrijiet u sorijiet jabbuzaw it-tfal. L-ikbar problema hi li dawk li huma nkarigati jahbu dawn l-atti mill-awtoritajiet. Dan hu l-vera dnub. Malafama xejn. Il-gerarkija kattolika Ruma - bl-isqfijiet, l-arcisqfijiet, il-kardinali u dik il-puppetta li tridha ta' Vigarja ta' Kristu - huma kollha hatja. Kollha. Ghalihom il-knisja u mhux il-gustizzja l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Insejt kemm il-gerarkija ilha tinfama li dawk li mhumiex mizzewwga u lill-omosesswali. Taghkom waslet. Rebha jew telfa f'dan ir-referendum, il-knisja se tkompli titlef. Malta se tkun iktar irrabjata. Qatta pulcinelli, trasvestitt tal-knisja.
eh? your sorrow? keep it in yourself:) lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll x'inthom vera *%$#@!!#$%%^^&&. trid tkun bahnan/a biex temminkom, disgustanti. dak x`ilbies tilbsu hemm lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. ghaddha sa fl-ahhar ir-referndum. Malta min issa il-quddiem pagna gdida,wins Iva jew le. After this referendum a new chapter will begin to Malta.
Issa tlabtu apologija . Jien kemm il darba ghidt li dak li qed taghmel l knisja fakkrittni ta meta n nanniet ma kienux jithallew jitqarrbnu u indifnu fil Mizbla. Jahasra intom l knisja ergajtu ftahtu l feriti li hafna nies kienu insew u issa x`ser jsir? Kollu tort taghkom .Nisperaw li qed taqraw dawn l blogs (mhux ghax ghandi dubju)
Jurgen Cachia
@m.e.zabbar: Lagħqi ieħor tal-Knisja Faxxista? Le, mhux kull qassis, patri jew soru abbuża mit-tfal. Imma dawk li wettqu l-abbużi sabu l-protezzjoni tal-Knisja, ibda minn dak li llum huwa l-Papa. Imma ovvjament għal m.e.zabbar l-imġieba moqżieża tal-knisja anti-demokratika ma tkiddux.
Adrian Busuttil
Too little, too late.
Jimporta taqtawa din ta l-abbuzi JA QATTA NIES MINGHIR INTELLETT. din darba qala wiehed u issa kulhadd qed jirrepetiha. jekk ma jogobokomx x tajd il-knisja, ghajdu li ma jogobkomx u daqsekk, mux titfawa fuq kull min liebes suttana li jabbuza mit-tfal. Jien naf b hafna irgiel li jabbuzaw min uliedom, ma jfissirx li l-irgiel kolla jaghmlu ekk. DIN HIJA MALAFAMA U KALUNJA U GHANDHOM JITTIEHDU PASSI LEGALI KONTRA KULL MIN JESPRIMI MIBEGHDA U INTENZJONI TA HSARA
Ma tarax jestenduwha. Mela din l-elezzjoni, jaqbillu l-gvern jestendiha?
jaquilina ahjar taqra int sew dak li kiteb Fr Mark Montebello l-ewwel ghax qatt ma qal dak li qed tallega int.
Jurgen Cachia
Rigward il-Knisja u l-Interdett Mintoff kien kien qal li jaħfer iva, jinsa le. Wara li għada kif għamlet il-Knisja issa rridu ngħidu li NAĦFRU LANQAS. Irridu nagħrfu l-knisja ta' li hi: l-ghadu tad-demokrazija. U l-għadu niġġildulu. U f'dal-kuntess, iva: min mhux magħna kontra tagħna.
"I weep for you," the Walrus said: "I deeply sympathize." With sobs and tears he sorted out Those of the largest size, Holding his pocket-handkerchief Before his streaming eyes.
The 'apology' is even more of an insult than the threats to our after-life!!! Dear Mgr Cremona et al. If you did what you did with conviction why do you apologise? If it was not out of conviction then the apology is not acceptable.
@jaquilina I had already read the official statement. First of all, whether they apologised or not, makes little difference, because they have broken the law fullstop. Now we will see if justice will be carried out. Secondly, the statement read 'nixtiequ nuruhom is-sogħba tagħna jekk xi ħadd ħassu mweġġgħa b’xi kelma jew azzjoni mill-membri tal-Knisja'. What the hell is that supposed to mean? You always try to play with words, but people are not stupid and gullible anymore. Il-froġa diġa saret, issa kuluha!
qed naqra izjed l-isfel, u hemm li irridu naghmlu bojkott lill knisja.habib il-knisja int u jien u l-popplu mhux il-kleru. anzi il-kleru qed ihamgu l-alla u l-kristu li jien nemmen fih, minghajr ma nemmen bil-qassisin u l-kleru.nibdew nirrispondik tal qrar, habib il-qrar huwa sagrament, u is sagramenti maghmilhomx la alla u lanqas Kristu, dawn gew mahluqin mill knisja, mela jekk int ma zommonx jew li ma tatwax is sagramenti ma tkun qed taghmel l-ebda dnub. Int qatt qrajt jew smajt li Gesu Kristu qatt xi darba qarrar in nies? iz zwieg xi haga ohra. jien nistaqsi liema hi il-veru knisja ta kristu? il-knisja kattolika jew il-knisja tal lhud? ghax jekk il-knisja tal lhud , allura inthom qedghien hemm ghal xejn u biex tirdaw minn fuq il-popplu? issa jekk il-knisja ta kristu hija kif tiftahru inthom li hija il-knisja kattolika allura il-madonna u san guzzepp dawn kienu pogguti u mhux mizzewgien .hallunha tal kleru. ahjar tinhbew
Reading this the tears of a certain animal come to mind. Now what was that animal ... ah yes crocodile.
Kulhadd qed isemmi lil-anzjani,inthom hbieb ma tafux li darbtejn insieru tfal, u milli jidher tal kleru jhobbuhom lit tfal.imhabba tal genn.staqsu lill dawk li gew abbuzati?fil-fatt anke is sorijiet li messu it tfal, issa flok tfal fil kunvent jabu l-anzjani, nispera li mhux immissuhom lill dawn? sur arcisqof issa drajnijha din titolbu skuza u tahsbu li b'daqshekk solvejtu l-problema.Jien kont qed nitkellem ma wiehed tal kleru u qalli dawn l-affarijiet mhux l-isqof qed jaghmilhom tafx zgur, imma ta ma dwaru, u jien nghidlhekk jekk mhux kappaci tmexxi warrab, imma tinqdewx izjed b'Alla.
I don't think arguments as to whether the bishops meant one party or the other, or even what they meant is pertinent - all rhetoric is vague intentionally, so that it can fit anybody's interpretation. What is much more significant is that the apology was meant to be issued after 10pm and the bishops want to take legal action because it was issued before. Even the 10pm bit, had it been issued then, is ridiculous. If it wasn't prompted by tactics, it could have waited till tomorrow. Sorry, it all sounds too fishy to be credible irrespective of interpretation.
Jurgen Cachia
Issa li l-ħin għall-argumenti għadda, u fid-dawl tal-'apoloġija' tal-isqfijiet meqrudin Maltin wara kampanja mimlija ħdura u mibegħda, nuża' l-kliem li jiddeskrivu lill-Knisja (b'rispett biss lil dawk il-ftit fi ħdanha li kellhom il-kuraġġ li jitkellmu fil-beraħ kontra għemil il-Knisja, ewlieni fosthom Mark Montebello): . ħmieġ . żibel . ħara . moqżieża . U jekk hemm min jippretendi li niskuża ruhi jista' jbusli l-warrani.
Apology or no apology! The church still played dirty blackmailing people in a subtle way that if they voted Yes they commit a mortal sin. I liked the comment posted by the one who mentioned Opus Dei. Malta has become an important symbol for the vatican in Europe, and I would not be surprises if Opus Dei actually pumped 100s of 1000s of euro into the campaign. You could see the difference in the number of billboards and leaflets, and I also suspect more.
Ara vera qatta' p*********, issa hargu bl-apologija. Ahjar ma hargu xejn ghax aktar urew kemm huma skifuzi! Aqraw u araw din ha taraw b'ghajnejkom:
@Manquareiel de Caveden You can decide to believe what MaltaToday and One are saying or else read the message of the bishops and realise by yourself that what is being reported by those pro to divorce is false. The Church did not admit any improper spiritual pressure as the pro-divorce movement has said. It expresses regret to both those involved in the YES and NO camps. Read the message in full from here:
Qieghed nikteb ftit tard ghax ghadni kif dhalt issa. Monsinjuri Isqfijiet la ghaziltu li taghmlu apologija jfisser li waqt din il-kampanja kontu mahmugin u dizonesti mill-bidu sal-ahhar. Kif issa tippretendu li l-poplu jemnukom meta qieghdin tammettu li ksirtu l-ligi tal-Corrupt Practice. Issa jekk il-Kummissjoni Elettorali flimkien mal-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jridu jigbru gihom u jobdu l-gurament li hadu, specjalment il-Pulizija, ghandhom jibdew bil-Kurja u l-isqfijiet. Ma jistax ikun ghax tkun l-Isqof jew Sacerdot tithalla tikser il-ligi u Cikku l-Poplu jigi mkasbar u mkaxkarlejnil-Qorti. ISTHU PAWLU CREOMONO, MARIO GRECH U ANNETTO DEPASQUALE JEKK TAFU KIF TISHTU.
@jaquilina Trust me, no pseudo-rationalising or pseudo-apologies can work now... the Church has dug its own grave. We were not born yesterday and all this bullc*** talk is just an insult to everybody's intelligence.
If you read the letter you will note that they feel sorry for anyone hurt from both the YES and NO movement. They are saying so because parts of the Church opted to join the YES movement (example; Catholics in favour of divorce, Father Montebello, etc.). Secondly they are forgiving anyone who did any action against the Church - this shows that the Church just not want to persecute anyone. Third they are saying that as a society we should do a bigger investment in marriages and the people involved in these. Note that the Bishops are not saying that the Church did anything wrong, or that it is in any way changing its opinion about divorce.
Krista Sullivan
Krista Sullivan
If you people want to continue commenting do so, but first read what the bishops had to say rather then just base your opinions on what is being said on MaltaToday and One. The link is here;
briffy@maltanet _ tra la la ... another Little Red Riding Hood. jaquilina & briffy@maltanet - you both sound like sincere people to me, but it appears you are projecting your own innocence on to a system which does NOT bring Good News as it is supposed to. One day you will wake up. Good people eventually do ...
A win for the 'no' vote will simply make Maltese more angry and more and more alienated from the Church. The Church is in a no-win situation. Let us have a secular Malta. Let us stop policemen and police women saluting the bishops. Why is there no politician with balls in Malta to take a stand?
Mark Vassallo
At this point we should have a re-vote where church and state stay out of this and let people make up their own minds.
@briffy. What people like you fail to understand is that you are imposing your morality also on people who aren't catholic or married civilly! This is a catholic fundamentalist state!
What hypocrisy! This is all about power that the church wields over the Maltese. Why can a priest defrock himself from his marriage with the church, and then be allowed to marry? And then someone who marries, even civilly, cannot re-marry? This vindicates my decision to have kept my children away from the talons of the church since birth. I've given them secular values and they are without all those silly taboos I grew up with. I lost all my respect for the church over 25 years ago. A lot of people who needed divorce to bring some peace and tranquillity in their life never felt they got so close to reaching it. From tomorrow with a No outcome it is gong to be snatched away with the sheer arrogance of the church and the PN. And we will have a much more anti-clerical Malta. How ironical: we are in the 21st centruy, but we are back to the 60s!
Ironing things out is now important for everyone. My pain is that the Church Ministers have declared their sorrow and unconditional forgiveness, but have not issued an apology!! My pain is my sorrow and my unconditional forgiveness depends on an apology from the Maltese Catholic Church. Taking a stand is a Right, but issuing sanctimonious threats was/is an abuse of that Right, a Right, after all afforded by the same Institution that gave me the Right to freely vote YES if I wished to, and which is exactly what I did!!!
I fail to understand the vehemence expressed in a number of comments - in most of the comments rather. It sticks out a mile that these people are livid; why? Is it because they anticipate that the 'no' vote will win, and because of the stand taken by the main political parties, a 'no' win can be construed as a PN victory? It can't be the Bishops' statement that has aroused in them so much rancour, as they have been taking a stand against the church and the PN well before the run-up to the referendum. It's naive to expect the Church not to pronounce itself against divorce; the church would be failing in its mission if it were to state otherwise. The Church said its bit and then it's up to every individual to vote according to their conscience. The vote is secret and the electorate can vote the way they want. Everyone can ignore the church's teachings and vote for divorce, or abstain. This is democracy.
@Sandy Re-read the above article and you will note that those words have been removed. Times of Malta (AND THIS ARTICLE) are now reporting that "Archbishop Paul Cremona, Gozo bishop Mario Grech and auxiliary bishop Annetto Depasquale, said they unconditionally forgave those who had hurt them". IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE ME RE-READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE!!! Note the words "would tell worshippers" (not told or was written or anything close to those two).
Deo Gratiaes
Dear church, You can keep your apology to yourself because the damage you have created is far bigger than you did way back in the 60’s. . Now you are too late, the damage has been done and this shows that you intentionally acted so just to remain in power. . This will go down in history.
Hypocrisy the condition of a person pretending to be something he is not, especially in the area of morals or religion; a false presentation of belief or feeling. This I found written in a book. For practical examples see what the bishops are saying and the way they behaved during the campaign.   Mr Archbishop by forgiving me you are setting a prisoner free and you will discover that the prisoner was you. You keep your forgiveness thank you very much.I have done no wrong. As for your apology it means NOTHING coming from you and your sort. What are you going to do about Dr Deborah Schembri's position vis a vis your tribunal. Are you going to drop your ban at least? Or are you going to blame it on somebody else and do NOTHING about it.
@Lancet Times of Malta reports that the bishops said that they "said they unconditionally forgave those who had hurt them". This is NOT an admission of guilt as MaltaToday and the pro-divorce movement would like us to think. This is not the Church saying it did wrong. This is Church which shows that IT STANDS BY THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST and forgives even those who might have done actions against her. Re-read the above article again and you will see it has been updated to a milder tone from the first one ... and note the words "it would say" (not it said since it said another thing). Time of Malta first reported what was written on MaltaToday but now they updated it.
Where in Scripture is there a basis for an embargo, mr cremona? Where in tradition is there a basis for an embargo, mr cremona? Good on you Malta Topday for showing these clowns in red gowns what they truly are.
Sur Arcisqof.....addio l-bini tal-ponitjiet!! Nawguralek li rnexxilek tiftah l-akbar hondoq li qatt rat Malta u kkundannajt il-knisja fil qiegh ta' dan il-hondoq.
Dawn in-nies CANCER fis-socjeta. Ghandhom gheruq mxerda ma kullimkien. Naturalment mhux kollha. Hemm fosthom nies twajba Izda dawn ma jigux moghtija c-chance biex isemmghu lehenhom. U ta dan il-comander in chief irid jiehu r-responsabilita.
If the bishops were truly genuine about the apology, why an embargo? Hypocrites. F##K them.
This is really disgusting from the authorities of the church in Malta! From now onwards I WILL SET MY FEET AGAIN IN ANY CHURCH around this hypocrit island, and I pray to God that many 'festas' be cancelled because they just don't represent anything in line with the teachings of Christ. from now onwards I, along with many others, will start to ignore anything that the church says. The first thing I will do is that I won't allow anymore house blessing.I'm writing in English so that the people living abroad can understand what type of society we have in Malta. And the PN government is accomplice in all this. The Church and the PN have and will always be partners, but in a EU country there should be a clear seperation between state and religious institutions, which clearly enough is not the case in Malta. I regret that I was baptised when I was only 1 week old. Baptism should take place later in life so that anyone could make his or her decision, and not somebody else making a religious choice for me! The OPUS DEI really worked hard during these last weeks and probably will win the outcome of the referendum, but I'm sure many that faithful won't go to church anymore, just like I will be doing!!Malta is becoming a FUNDAMENTALIST STATE!
Weggajna ahna l-generazzjoni li ma lhaqniex is-sittinijiet ahseb u ara dawk in-nies li ghaddew minn dawk iz-zminijiet! U li ghaddejna ahna f'dan ir-referendum mhux gravi daqskemm ghaddew ta qabilna ez dfin fil-mizbla, zwieg fis-sagristija etc!!! mhux ta b'xejn dawk in-nies baqghu maghrufin bhala 51,000 suldat ta' l-azzar!!! Almenu ahna ma domniex sebgha snin nistennew l-apologija LOL!!
Hypocrisy the condition of a person pretending to be something he is not, especially in the area of morals or religion; a false presentation of belief or feeling. This I found written in a book. For practical examples see what the bishops are saying and the way they behaved during the campaign.   Mr Archbishop by forgiving me you are setting a prisoner free and you will discover that the prisoner was you. You keep your forgiveness thank you very much.I have done no wrong. As for your apology it means NOTHING coming from you and your sort. What are you going to do about Dr Deborah Schembri's position vis a vis your tribunal. Are you going to drop your ban at least? Or are you going to blame it on somebody else and do NOTHING about it.
KNISJA FACCIOLA! L-ewwel tbazza' lin-nies bid-dnubiet u tgheddidhom li mhux ha tqarbinhom jekk jivvutaw ghad-divorzju, u imbaghad titlob skuza wara, bil-wicc vili kollha!. L-aqwa li lin-naghag taghha thun ghawwgithom kif riedet. VERA OQBRA MBADJA L-KLERU!
Jien gej minn generazjoni ta' teenagers tas-snin 60, u ma ili ma nidhol knisja izjed minn 25 sena. Sur Eminenzi Isqfijiet, prosit talli issa irnexxilkhom toholqu generazjoni ohra bhali. Ikun xi jkun ir-rizultat, il-knisja Maltija tilfet il kredibilita, ghax i-apologija li kien ghamel l-Arcisqof Mercieca xi snin ilu ma swiet ta' xejn. U daqshekk tiswa l-apologija i ghamilthu intom illum. Tafu x'ghankhomm taghmlu biha.
@ aquilina your comments smack on the usual historic swansong of the supposed infallability of the Church. History will judge on the merits and timings of the Church crusade against a secular state. WHY DID THE CHURCH ISSUE THE NOTE in the first place? To contain the damage and fall out?? I do not need Church forgiveness. YOu still deny any wrongdoings of those who represent HIM? On Mellieha there was a representative of the Electoral commisision who did intervene. Thereby no point denying what is FACT.
Once again the Catholic Church shows itself to be a nest of duplicitous vipers bereft of morals and scruples. It is a self serving organisation that hides behind a 2,000 year old superstition to maintain a privileged status within the societies it infects. A pox on you and your house, Paul Cremona.
@monique "So a Catholic is superior to a Christian?" No, but through out time there have been several schisms within the Church. Such schisms created different groups of Christians such as the Lutherans, Baptists, etc. These in turn might have different teachings on marriage. Therefore if you are a Christian you might still be free to vote yes for divorce but if you are a Roman Catholic - and believe in this institution - then no you cannot vote yes for divorce. Or better (SO THAT I DO NOT GET MISUNDERSTOOD) you can vote as you like, but you would be going against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Isn't that fair!? You're still free to do what like!!
Il-Kurja Maltija (li mhix il-knisja ta' Kristu) ma' timbidel qatt! Sinjuri isqfijiet intom biss IPOKRITI u imiskhom TISTHU minn dak ALLA li tghidu li tirraprezentaw. Jekk ridtu tkunu genwini imisskom hrigtu din l-"iskuza" nhar il-Hamis li ghadda u mela LLUM, wara l-10.00pm!! Dan huwa l-fatt li lilkom jikkonfermakom bhala IPOKRITI. Tfajtu l-gebel u hbejtu jdejkom u issa tridu tosikuzaw ruhkom! Il-kurja Maltija hi maghmula minn grieden makakki imma xorta grieden jibqghu. Issa taf x'imiskom taghmlu? Ohorgu fil-berah li intom taqblu mal-kobitazzjoni!! Komplu ahdmu u inqdew b'Alla wara li zebiltuh, inqdejtu Bih u werwirtu lill tant nies u gibtuh alla tal-biza!! Isthu.....jekk tafu. Issa serhu il-kuxxjenza taghkom ghax tlabtu skuza. L-AZZJONI MHUX MIN JIRCIVIJHA IMMA MIN JAGHMILHA. PROSIT FR MARK MONTEBELLO GHAX KELLEK L - A K B A R R A G U N!! Issa il-libsa tal-haruf waqghet vera minn fuq, fil-fatt huwa l-akbar LUPU.
In view of what was done, 1) 2800 eligible voters denied their vote; 2) votes not being distributed by the police, votes being lost 3) the church writing an apology (!) to be aired after voting time closed (!!) I think this referendum should be declared null.
HYPOOCRITES! Your apology has not been requested and even less accepted. Sewwa kien qal Mintoff fis-snin 80 waqt meeting f'Birzebbugia, li inthom hallelin...ta' erwieh.
L-ewwel inwerwru n-nies, inhallu wicc Kristu jitwahhal fuq il-billboards, nghajru n-nies ilpup, nghidulhom li ma nqarruhomx u ma nqarbnuhomx jekk jivvoraw IVA, imbaghad nitolbu mahfra kif taghlaq il-votazzjoni. Hekk sewwa!!!! U l-hsara li saret min se jirrispondi ghaliha Eccellenza?
Just a short note to say. WELL DONE maltatoday. You are on the right side of history.
@Lancet I find it hard to believe that what happened at Mellieha is true for the simple fact that anyone who had any problem would have had to recieve help from a representative of both the yes and no movements. On a different note, NEVER DID THE BISHOPS SAY THAT THE CHURCH DID WRONG. WHAT THEY SAID WAS THAT THEY - THE CHURCH - FORGIVES ANYONE WHO FEELS (and the word FEEL is very important) HAD DAMAGED THE CHURCH!!
@jaquilina "Maltese values"...? What maltese values ? "Catholic values". If anything. The church did not admit any wrong-doing thats right..they never do. I still try to digest another gem that caught my eye recently: (Quote) "If you are a true Catholic ( being a Christian is not enough ) you must vote no" ...WTF? So a Catholic is superior to a Christian? I despair.
Il-Knisja għallmitni li għandi naħfer. Hekk għamilt u kull darba indimt. Dan li jiġri meta taħfer lil min għamillek azzjoni ħażina mingħajr ma ġġegħlu jammetti li żbalja. B'hekk qiegħed tagħtih il-messaġġ li l-folja karta tiegħi hi dejjem bajda u pura. Anzi, qed tagħtih il-jedd jgħid, 'kemm hu ċuċ, nagħtih bis-sieq u jiġi għal aktar. Jirkbek, jikkalpestak, jisraqlek kull ħjiel ta' stima lejk innifsek. Biż-żmien tgħallimt li qabel naħfer hemm bżonn li min ipprova jweġġagħni jammetti li l-aġir tiegħu kien diżgustanti. Wara, dejjem skond id-dagħdigħa, jew naħfer. Jew nimxi u nwarrab, daqs li kieku it-tali qatt m'eżista. Mhux fl-interess tal-Knisja tgħallimna, jew nitgħallmu minn ximkien ieħor, il-psikoloġija tad-dnub, il-ħsara tal-gideb. It-tagħrif jagħti poter lill-bniedem u jkun jista' jieħu f'idejh ir-riedni ta' ħaju. Fl-interess tal-Knisja li l-bniedem iżżommu fi stat ta' infantiliżmu u b'hekk tikkontrollah. Għalhekk ivvintat il-qrar - biex il-ġwejjed jidneb kemm irid, iqerr, daqsxejn ta' pinitenza, u jerġa'. Għax dejjem jaħfrulu. Aħjar Alla jagħtini paċenzja! X'ħajja dik!
J Aquilina, i would really like your commens on the way old peole were treated in a Mellieha home. No word on this coercion in the name of OUR LORD. Your Church has made it a crusade in the first place, banning people like Cana founder and Patri Mark Montebello from speaking. Now the Church is sorry. Perhaps an apparition made them aware of the incalculable damage they have inflicted upon the very institition that ought to speak for those who are in need. What maltese values does the Church have, the pagan feasts???! the injustices? the intolerance and rampart abuse of power. What values does the CHurch cherish.
Tabilħaqq, skond il-Liġi, tista' tgħid kollox jissaffa bid-demm; u bla tixrid tad-demm ma hemmx maħfra. L-Ittra lil-Lhud 9:22 all words, no action?
@jaquilina quote : I just hate injustice and what Maltatoday did is pure injustice LOL. Whatever the result of the referendum may be, I say THANK YOU and WELL DONE to this newspaper for giving out the information and tearing the masks of the HYPOCRITES!!
Abdullah alhrbi
There's nothing Machiavellian about this apology it's just a case of the incurable equivocation. It is quite sad to actually see the behaviour manifest itself so strongly. Why church leaders feel obliged to play these games is interesting to say the least. How they come to the conclusion that this sort of behaviour benefits their flock is beyond comprehension. What sort of semantic earthquake shifts Savonarolian wrath into humble apology after the polls close? One that doesn't register on any richter scale of honest good intent perhaps? Certainly it seems that not even Maltese clergymen are immune to the strong pull of cognitive dissonance.
Once bitten twice shy
@ Jaquilina. you emblazon the illness of this society that would rather follow the rules blindly without ever asking and ignoring the issue at hand - one of the major campaigners has been playing dirty and now want to come clean to limit damage to their own structure. I don't know what the result will be but the only loser here is the church so far who has lost its grip of indoctrination and has been exposed as the lying and cheating, power-hungry cloistered association it is.
@marisa lincoln No, I just hate injustice, and what Maltatoday did is pure injustice. What the Church says can be refused or accepted by those who so wish to do, what MaltaToday and the pro-divorce movement are trying to do is putting the result - WHICH WE STILL DON'T KNOW - in doubt so that they will have an excuse to continue their crusade against Maltese values. Note that the Church did not say it did wrong, it said it feels sorry for anyone who might have got offended. So all this nonsense is for nothing and just to further confuse the people - something that the pro-divorce movement has become very good at!!
X'ipokrezija grassa ta' nies!!!! Ahjar ma qalu xejn ghax b'din l-istqarrija iktar ghamlet hsara!!! Hux in-numri m'humiex importanti ghalik Sur Arcisqof?? Issa tkun taf x'inhuma n-numri la tara l-knejjes jizvojtaw iktar milli huma! Mela mhux bhal GESU KRISTU li nemmen BIH ghax dak ihalli l-merhla biex imur ifittex in-naghga l-mitlufa!! U jekk jien u dawk bhali li vvutajna IVA irridu naghmlu l-kontijiet m'Alla intom ukoll tridu taghmlu l-kontijiet mieghu talli gerrixtulu l-merhla. Patri Mark Montebello sacerdot ta veru ghax l-apologija talabha gimgha qabel avolja dal-hnizrijiet m'ghamilhomx hu.
marisa I concur 100% Now let the no apologists continue with their Love thy neighbour when it suits them
Calling the No camp selfish is not an offence. It is simply a fact.
"Iva asks for extended voting time" This is an admission by the yes movement that maltatoday broke the law by trying to influence the electoral. I hope the electoral commission does give the extra hour so that this movement does not also bring in doubt the result!!!
Plato, jekk ghalik il-Knisja " umli ", u " kullhadd jista jizbalja ", ghal eluf kbar ta' nies, din l-apologija tal-isqfijiet hija ezempju ta' kif iridu jghaddu z-zmien bin-nies ! la ammettew li saru afarijiet hziena minn naha tal-kleru - u mhux mill-kleru biss anki mill-isqfijiet specjalment l-isqof t'Ghawdex, misshom waqqfu dawk il-hnizrijiet hekk kif saru jafu bihom u mhux issa wara li hallew eluf kbar ta' nies jigu influwenzati bi twerwir ta' nfern, " tridu taghtu kont lil Alla " - dan l-iaqfijiet qaluh, u hafna kliem iehor. Issa TROPPO TARDI SINJURI ISQFIJIET. Minn ghada l-Hadd tibqghux tghidu li Malta " Kattolicissima ". Skond kliemkom stess, dawk li ivvutaw IVA, bhali, m'ghadniex niffurmaw parti mill-KNISJA MALTJA. Imma nibqghu parti mill-Knisja kattolika li f'mALTA MA TEZISTIX !
Il-Knisja se tohrog telliefa, ikun xi jkun ir-rizultat tar-referendum
jaquilina - you remind me of Little Red Riding Hood. You can't seem to be able to distinguish between your grandma and a fox dressed up as her. True maltipur - Cremona differs immensely in his approach from Grech, but the bottom line is both bishops refuse to acknowledge the plight of certain families and to offer them solutions. Both ignore the fundamental Christian principle to 'love one's neighbour as oneself' and focused instead on demonising the state of being divorced. Amongst other things, divorce offers liberation for an oppressive relationship.
Will the yes movement apologies to the many offences they did to fellow Maltese who where against divorce, calling them selfish, and nazis. The Church has showed it's human side and the pro-divorce movement is trying to get an advantage rather then face reality - whatever that might be!!
Now we shall see what some mystic and Minister shall say Perhaps a n apology from il Madonna! Now we know the full exent of what the labourites had to endure in the 60s. Now it will be payback time! We will continue the fight in Europe. We are not a MALTISTAN
Ghalmenu issa ma qaghdniex nistennew xi erbghin sena biex issir apologija, imma xorta wahda tard ghax issa li hemm hemm. Imisskom waqqaftu lil dawk il-qabda ipokriti li ma jsibux oggezzjoni dwar ligi tal-pogguti imma ghamlu minn kollox kontra d-divorzju.
Ghaziz Plato ta' l-IVA ma ghamlu l-ebda ingann. Anzi Deborah Schembri dejjem kienet fattwali u qatt ma ppruvat tghawweg fatti kif ghamlu tal-LE u dawk kollha li xejru l-bandiera taghhom. Nahseb jew tant int brainwashed jew qed tghix f'post differenti milli qed tghix int. U l-isqof ta' Ghawdex ma nahsibx li hu "membru limitat tal-kleru" imma r-rapprezentat tal-kleru kollu. Meta jitkellem hu qisu tkellem il-kleru kollu. U t-terrorizmu spiritwali li hareg minn halqu mhux se jitnaddaf minn erba' kelmiet ta' apologija. Too late now. E' fatta. Wara l-hmieg u l-injoranza grassa li harget f'din il-kampanja l-knisja qed titlob skuza ghax taf li jghaddi jew ma jghaddix id-divorzju m'humiex il-familji maltin li tilfu imma l-knisja harget bhala l-akbar telliefa -tilfet aktar u aktar fidili li mhux fidili u jhallu min imexxihom min imnehrihom.
Joseph Sant
Min ma jaqbilx ma dak li qed jinkiteb f'dan is-sit jista' jmur jikteb fil-Lehen Is-Sewwa. Nghaddu minghajrkom grazzi. . Ahna ser nibqghu niggieldu ghad-drittijiet taghna u hadd u xejn mhu ser iwaqqafna. Il-Knisja ghamlet minn kollox biex iggib il-firda u rnexxielha. Issa bhal Neruni tista' toqghod titpaxxa tara Malta tinharaq u toghxa tghodd kemm nies beghdet mis-sagramenti. . Hux ghalik in-numri ma jfissru xejn sur Arcisqof ?- mela issa oqghod ifrah!
Ma niskanta b'xejn f'dan il-pajjiz mimli ipokrezija. X'jimporta li bezghajna l-kulhadd bil-babaw - issa nitolbu apologija - x'gara b'daqhekk l-aqwa li nuzaw lill Kristu ghax b'hekk biss jistghu jibqghu izommu niskanta hu kif ghad hawn min jemmen u jikkonvinci ruhu b'dak li jghidu dawn in-nies. Jien nghidilhom isthu jekk tafu kif...u kif qatt ma tirrealizzaw li intom l=ikbar eghdewwa ta' dak li suppost qed tippretkaw ....
"With love and respect to all, we vow to give our contribution as a Church, and pray for this to happen." Iva we respect you all? Iva we love everybody? Ja qatta oqbra imbajda. Taf x tirrispettaw intom hux...lil min ghandu il flus..ghax dawk biss jinteressawkom.
Mela team tal futbol jekk il partitarji w il president jew membri tal kumitat tieghu jaghamlu il hsara jew jghidu kliem zejjed, jigu akkuzati w imtella il qorti. U alla jbierek dawn it talin, ghax mhux ta min isejhilom b mod iehor, jiktbu appologija u barra bid daqq. U mhux hekk nibqaw. Il hsara saret w il malti taf x jghid? "Li min jobzoq fis sema jigi f'wiccu".
Żelqa kbira din. Jekk ir-referendum jintrebaħ mill-IVA, min hu kontra d-divorzju jkollu kull dritt jitlob li l-proċess jiġi annullat.
Jekk il-kummassarju elettorali se jilqa t-talba tal-kurja u jiehu passi kontra dan il-gurnal, bl-istess ragunament se jiehu passi kontra n-nies tal-kleru li ghamlu gurnata llum fejn il-postijiet tal-votazzjoni jikkampanjaw ghal vot LE u jwerwru n-nies bid-dnub??
Misskom TISTHU wara din il-kampanja ta' twerwir u gideb li mexxejtu! Isthu jekk tafu! Ghaliex ma tlabtunix apologija waqt il-kampanja flok hadtuwha kontra Mark Montebello li kixfilkom ghawwarkhom!!
Dawn Bis-serjeta? L-anqas minn Alla li suppost jirraprezentaw ma jisthu? Issa l-apologija wara li werwru tant nies? Ghaliex iriduha tixxandar wara l-10p.m.? Biex ikomplu jlaqqtu sa l-ahhar bit-twerwir li werwru n-nies? Possibli jahsbu li huma aqwa minn Alla biex lanqas minnU ma jibzghu? X'kuxjenza ghandhom dawn in-nies? Min kien jahseb li l-istejjer tas-sittinijiet ma kienux veru, il-knisja issa tat prova cara ta fejn tasal. Din mhijiex il-knisja li ried KRISTU.
This news release just shows how low the pro-divorce movement and its people are ready to go in order to make this referendum pass through. Even ready to break the MALTESE LAWS. Nothing has value for these people!!! The bishops words - as reported here - are words of love and peace. This article on the other hand is full of words of finger pointing, accusations and insults. Anyone should be ashamed of such an article regardless if they are pro or against divorce.
Good work Maltatoday! It might cost you, but you made the right decision.
The Archbishop himself has been very prudent. Some of the clergy, religious institutions and several from the NO group have acted in an improper manner.
U prosit kbir lil Maltatoday talli huma kapaci jitilaw il fuq min kull kulur politku u jew ideja partiggjana u juru l affarjiet kif huma fir rejalta. Ghandna bzonna aktar media independenti f Malta, jekk irridu nibdew naraw xaqq dawl ghal futur.
The government may have inadvertently given the church enough rope to hang itself!
Mhux apollogija b' ittra ghandhom jaghamlu l isqfijiet, imma min jeddhom ghandhom jirrezenja ghal dawn in nuqqassijiet gravi li halla jsehhu f'dawn l ahhar xhur min membri tal kleru, u talli f xi okkazjonijiet lanqas mhux talli ma ikkundannawx dan l ghagir, imma qadu siekta ghax kien jaqbel lilhom. Jien nisthi nghid li jien kattoloku u li nghix Malta.
Abdi D
Too late. The bishops just showed us what their Church (not Christ's Church) is all about. You do what you like, insult whom you like then ask for forgivness. If they are really sorry especially the bishop of Gozo, they should resign, they have sent Malta 30 years back. Unbelievable - they knew all the while that what they were doing was wrong, they continued doing it then asked for pardon. For God to forgive them they have to undo what they did - the church should pay for another Referendum. Then shut up and let the Maltese nation decide. Then and only then can they ask for forgiveness, that's what I was brought up to believe - before you ask for forgiveness undo the wrong you have done.
Well done MaltaToday!! You stripped their hypocritical mask away!
Too Late Dear Archbishop. FURTHER DAMAGE HAS BEEN DONE. I for one won't forgive nor forget the coercion in the name (supposedly) of OUR LORD. Living the Gospels indeed.....
@Albert Borg Prosit Albert osservazzjoni mirquma.
@Plato For the name you're using, you really seem quite incapable of generating your own thoughts. While you're saying that its only the Church that is capable of asking forgiveness, you seem oblivious to the meaning of this word. Of course the Church has to ask forgiveness. After all the insensitive, harsh words of damnation to its members, should they vote yes. However the true nature of the current Maltese Church has surfaced and have been attested by many, old and young. The Church will be the major looser from this referendum. Its hopes to attract back those people that have abandoned it have seriously been diminished. And pls stop trying to join the dots and twisting words. You're incapable of any senseless argument.
Kif sewwa hemm miktub fl-artiklu, kieku vera iddispjacihom din l-istqarrija missha ilha li harget. Fuq hsieb iehor, jekk il-Knisja baqghet issostni li ma kienet qed taghmel xejn hazin, il-ghala qed tohrog apologija? B'xi mod qed tammetti li ghamlet xi 'foul play'? U ha jittiehdu passi kontriha allura?
Le int tad-daħq! X'għandhom x'jaqsmu l-billboards issa? Imma possibbli ma tarax kemm hi gravi s-sitwazzjoni? Ħa toqgħod tparla fuq il-billboards? Fil-każ dan l-artiklu mhux il-post! Għax mhux qed nitkellmu fuq billboards hawn!
PLato- humility means LEARNING from your mistakes and CHANGING your behaviour. Merely wording an apology is not necessarily a sign of humility unless the apology is accompanied by a SINCERE change of heart.
@ Manquareiel de Caveden - x'qed tara tad-daħk - dak il-billboard dispreġġjattiv?
qares l gheneb pawl.....Ma nafx kif thalli li Dun Joe Borg iparla bl addocc fil gurnata tas silezju(biex tkellmu trid tibghatlu E mail) imbghad lil mark montebello tibghatu il Mexico
PLato u Jason, intom f'sensikom jew le? Ġejjin iddaħħku!
Abdullah alhrbi
Well Veritas rules ok! Looks like Mark Montebello might have said the Truth as it is after all. Nonetheless might still just be a touch of the 'equivocation' vapours.
Ah so the bishops' forgiveness and remorse has already evaporated and thay are now threatening to sue this paper for not colluding with their schemes in hoodwinking the public! Iz-zejt jitla f'wicc l-ilma!
You are forgiven dear church, and you were forgiven before you broadcast your apology. But you know, dear church, people know you have NO intention to change. And it would be a grave SIN to condone your abusive behaviour, so people are leaving in droves. There is no room for reconciliation when the abusive party has NO intention to change, you understand. . You see how difficult marriages can be, your Excellency?
Unbelievable...! but then again expected from the corrupt local mafia church... I'm 36 and get a little more disgusted with the local church every day. This referendum was definitely the cherry on the cake as we have seen the lowest of lows of this corrupt & filthy organisation. What I honestly cannot understand is how would anyone who is 50+ today and therefore experienced first hand the obscenities of the church in the 1960's is still a devoted church goer and excuses it's behavior today...the mind boggles big time!
Unbelievable...! but then again expected from the corrupt local mafia church... I'm 36 and get a little more disgusted with the local church every day. This referendum was definitely the cherry on the cake as we have seen the lowest of lows of this corrupt & filthy organisation. What I honestly cannot understand is how would anyone who is 50+ today and therefore experienced first hand the obscenities of the church in the 1960's is still a devoted church goer and excuses it's behavior today...the mind boggles big time!
U fuq tat-tfal bgħula ħadd ma jitlob apoloġija?
Jaqaw ġa ħareġ ir-riżultat? Dal-paniku kollu, ħniena dinja!
Il-Moviment IVA ser jaghmlu appologija ghall-ingann li wrew u l-insulti li ghamlu....zgur li biss taghmillhom ghax hija umli. L-attakk taghkom kontra il-Knisja huwa bazwi ghax il-Knisja hija intkhom ukoll. Il-kritika taghkom hija kontra xi membri limitat tal-kleru - huma wahdiet. Mela hadd ma jista' jiehu zball? Kulhadd perfett? Min ser jiskomunika ruhu mill-Knisja ta' Gesu Kristu is to his own peril. Hadd mhu qieghed izommkhom. Feel free to leave. Pero hadd ma jista' jsalva lilu nnfisu. Il-kritika ghandhom turuha lil GonziPN li dahhal f'din il-kwistjoni il-Knsija u Joseph Muscat ma gharrafx bizzejjed lil fil-mozzjoni fil-Parlament il-mistoqsija kellha tkun li id-divorzju kellhu jkun indirizzat lil zwieg civili BISS u mhux zwiegijiet fil-Knisja ghax b'hekk il-Kattolici 'ta vera' ma jkunux interressati li jivvutaw ghax il-mistoqsija tkun dik civili. Il-makkekkerija ta' GonziPN regghet spikkat. Nispera li il-Partit Laburista ma jergax jaqa' ghal l-istess nasba fl-Elezzjoni Generali li jmiss.
Tooooo late for words of sorrow and mercy. What now, we hold another referendum on the same matter. You have opened up an old wound. Shame on you. Sur Arcisqof, haqqek gieh ir-Repubblika.
What utter hypocrisy!! Whatever the outcome the biggest loser will be the Maltese church. The bishops are now trying to make amends but it's too late as they have behaved more deviously than the worst politicians on earth!
Joseph Sant
To carry on a dirty campaign is bad enough but to rub salt into the wound is purely sadistic. . Mr Archbishop you can spare yourself the energy - I don't want your forgiveness. And as for your apology you can stuff it.
Dear Paul Cremona, Unfortunately, you are a man of influence on some of the minds of this beautiful medieval island. You are also a man who is above judgement because you are backed up by similar like-minded wise men, so you will not have to respond to criticism. Please, however, remember that an apology is meaningless if it is not asked for and if it is there solely to suit your purpose. If I murder a man, and say "sowwwyyyy" to his family, everything is NOT ok. Thank you for convincing me that your institution is a farce. It is a pity that I was never given the choice to join in the first place. In summary: apology not accepted - just in case you hadn't noticed. Daniel
What utter hypocrisy!! Whatever the outcome the biggest loser will be the Maltese church. The bishops are now trying to make amends but it's too late as they have behaved worse than the worst politicians on earth!
Classic Church. They did it with Galileo, and asked for forgiveness 400+ years later. They did it with the peadophile priests. Everyone can sin and forgiven afterwards they say. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Take your apologetic note and eat with chilli.
@ta kafkaf All information about how to officially resign from the Catholic Church can be found here: I will do so on Monday. As I said, I don't think I'll be alone.
Over the last few years my faith in the local church has plummeted and plummeted. Having read the latest piece of soap opera drama I have decided to (as from Monday) actively attempt to resign from this club. After all who wants leaders who dress up like those 2 guys (Cremona & Grech the Gozitan)? Enough is enough! Anyone know what the procedure is? Kindly inform.
Take that note and stuff it up where the sun never shines. Who are you trying to fool ?
Tajba din, l-ewwel nghidu li rridu, ninsolentaw, inkeccu nies, nuzaw propjeta tal knisja kontra l-poplu, ..............imbghad nitolbu skuza u mahfra. Jiena ivvutajt IVA u mhux se nitlob skuza lill hadd. Inhalli lill Gesu Kristu jiggudika HU.
Troppo tardi
Kont naf x'se jghamlu l-Isqfijiet wara li jghaddi r-referendum, tant hu hekk li ktibtu jiem ilu. L-apologija taghhom ma naccettahiex ghax misshom ghamluha meta bdew isiru l-hnizrijiet, bhal dak li sar wat il-purcissjonijiet tad-Duluri Mqaddsa. ssa huwa tard wisq. Huwa car li riedu li l-poplu , l-aktar dawk vulnerabbli bhal anzjani etc.. jigu nflwenzati biex jivvutaw LE, imbaghad wara jaghmlu apologija halli jnessu x'ghamlu huma, specjalment l-Isqof t'Ghawdex b'dak il-kliem li ma jixraqx lil min suppost jghati l-ezempju. Cert li din l-apologija mhux se tintlaqa minn eluf kbar ta' nies, specjalment nies separati. U m'ghandkomx ghalfejn taghtu il-mahfra lil hadd, GHAX KONTU INTHOM IL-KAWZA TAL-INKWIET KOLLU LI NQALA !!
imma issa gewwa x-xilep...jew ahjar kif tgara l-gebel u tahbi jdejk, Eccellenza! ta' l-inqas l-interdettjati u l-ilpup lebsin ta' hrief din id-darba mhux ser jistennew 40 sena!
Ikun x'ikun ir-rizultat nhar it-tnejn sejjer niskomunika ruhi mill-Knisja korrotta Maltija. Ma nahsibx li ser nkun wahdi.