Divorce can be imposed by pro-divorce spouses on anti-divorce spouses – MP Beppe Fenech Adami

Speaking in parliament on Monday during an ongoing debate on the Opposition’s motion calling for a referendum on divorce, Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami dismissed claims that people who do not want divorce will not be affected by divorce.

“If I am a devoutly Catholic person and I do not believe in divorce, my spouse could separate from me, apply for divorce and obtain a divorce without me having a say in it – even if I am against divorce, if I voted against divorce, and if I never wanted a divorce.”

He argued that because of this, it is not true that divorce is not being imposed on those who do not want it, as the pro-divorce camp is saying.

Fenech Adami also said that the suffering of those couples going through marital breakdown would not actually increase through the introduction of divorce. He said that the children, as those most vulnerable

“We have the duty to not only safeguard the interests of society as a whole, but also need to ensure that the conditions of children would not be made worse through the introduction of divorce,” he said.

“I had yet to meet children who say ‘I can’t wait for the introduction of divorce so my mummy or daddy can remarry and so I can have a new mummy or daddy.’ It is simply not the case,” Fenech Adami said.

He also hit out at the Opposition’s resolution and referendum question as a misleading one, and one that does not reflect the actual wording within the Divorce Private Members Bill.

He said that these omissions were “intentional and were intended to mislead the public and win votes.” This motion seems to say that divorce is the medicine for the social problems that plague marriage, he said, vehemently rejecting that this is the case.

The motion “dishonestly” says that Opposition’s motion seems to suggest that alimony would be automatically guaranteed as part of divorce when it is not even the law itself that guarantees alimony, as it is up to the court’s discretion, Fenech Adami also maintained.

He also accused the Opposition of encouraging people to leave the family home, something he said based on his experience as a family lawyer, something that usually works in their disadvantage.

Fenech Adami said that thanks to this motion and thanks to this ‘clause’ that divorce requires a minimum of 4 years separation or living apart, it would mean that couples facing marital issues would be advised to leave and start “adding up those 4 years, than try to work the issues out. Is this what Maltese families need?”

Fenech Adami said that this meant that this was a ‘no fault’ divorce where people could simply leave the home, abandon the marriage, with no questions asked. He hit out at the Opposition members and those supporting divorce for “incentivising families to seek out divorce as a first option.”

Also speaking in parliament, Labour MP Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca spoke of the need to strengthen the institute of marriage and protecting children, and of the importance of measuring both sides to the divorce argument - "not through crusades, or charlatanism, but through facts."

She said that she signed the motion "not because anyone forced us to, as some suggested, but because I believe in the institution of marriage."

During her speech, Coleiro Preca quoted a very wide spread of foreign studies showing the benefits of divorce, rates of divorce, effects of divorce, and also linking the divorce to how better or worse off spouses end up. 

In his own address, Labour MP Michael Farrugia emphasised that the referendum is consultative in nature, adding that the public needed to be presented with two things: the former being a clear question upon which to vote, and a commitment that the government would respect the outcome of that vote.

He accused the government of not listening to the will of the people in obstructing the chance for a referendum to be held. He maintained that urging Libyan regime dictator Muammar Gaddafi to “listen to his people” while then ignoring one’s own people on such a socially sensitive issue is “hypocritical.”

Farrugia also reminded the house that the state already recognises divorces obtained abroad. He argued that Malta is not ‘introducing’ divorce “as it already exists.”

He also hit out at the logic that government should not introduce divorce because it would cost public funds. He said that this arguing is only heard in theocratic states and an "insult to this institution."

Concluding the session Health Minister Joseph Cassar spoke of his experience living abroad for a considerable amount of time. He vowed that the situation that exists in countries that possess divorce, such as the United States, is no answer to the Maltese situation.

He said that these situations were much harder on children, “and if there is someone we should be protecting in this parliament, it is children.” He also maintained that one could not dismiss studies simply because they are not tailor-made to the Maltese contexts.

Cassar conceded that if the public was presented with a question that proposed clauses and conditions, the public would be far likelier to vote in favour of divorce.

However, he added that it would only be a handful of years before “we begin discussing reducing the four years’ waiting (before divorce can be sought) time to two, and doing away with the idea of a no-fault divorce. We should not deceive people in this manner.”

Priscilla Darmenia
I am surprised with the intelligence of this man. Separations are also requested by a spouse who favours living separately from the other spouse and perhaps against the will of the other spouse. Zomm halqek maghluq jew tkellem ftit sens.
tal-misthija lollllllllll- beppe fenech adami- allura isma ,man. tista tghidilna la qed tiftah halqek u titkellem fil-media- kif possible 3 milli-istess familja, imma possible 3 mill-istess familja kollha irrikorrew ghan null miz-zwieg? ostar kbira ta 3 ahwa rrikorrorew gha null miz zwieg- hmmmmmmmm kbira ta 3 mill-istess familja- u hallina. mela ma tafux li b'dak li qed tghid hlief iddahqu lin-nies minthmx qedghin. ehhh Eddie fenech adami mhux ta b'xejn habib kbir tal-knisja ehh :) mhux ta b'xejn eddie fenech adami huwa membru ta Knights Of Malta. ;-) flimkien ma Lawrence Gonzi http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/kmlst1.htm
Beppe Jekk tghidilna kif il-familja tieghek irnexxilha jgib tlett annullamenti, allura jien nivvota kontra d-dhul tad-divorzju. Il-paroli tieghek hu rifless tal-medjokrita u fundamentalismu tieghek u EFA qablek. Dan gabna fih il-PN. Hallina fil-kwiet.
It is just the same as when either the wife or husband dies and re-marry - so is this also wrong?
maybe Fenech Adami would like to tell us the difference (and so in consequences) between divorce and annulments. He should also remind us how members of his family got annulments .
Let me start to be clear. I do not agree with annulment and it is misfortune to have separation. Divorce adds to this misfortune and multiplies the number. Cohabitation is likewise not recommendable but to some extent up to this day this has a lot of laws against it and much to lose up to now. So without any blessing to annulments, separation and cohabitation; in my opinion divorce would add another option/situation thatis a detriment to society. My only remarks are for civil marriages due to church being unequivocal in religious matters. All types of ending in marriage cannot be generalised. Very few can be living in a better atmosphere for the spouses. For the children, I do not know of one single instance of children being better off in a new setting considering that all these lost one side. With divorce we will be confirming and accepting a broken chain to be tied again. I am mentoning maybe a worst case such as my old neighbours.... my friend was happily married with three children (all below 16) and met a lady that they started well together and now lives together. She is taking care of all the children and he is living with this lady. Is it fair to confirm such a situation? Do you think the neglected wife and their children will be happy to see their father marry again?
Look who's talking!!!!!!!!
Peppe your argument is so vague it could only come from a sibling of some one who could not distinguish between lies and truth .
Veru kumment tal-qamel miktub mil-missier, x'ghandu x'jaqsam jekk intix kattoliku jew le, jekk jien jew marti irridu nitilqu lill xulxin HADD m'ghandu jzommna milli nghamlu dan - l-ebda knisja, parlament jew istituzjoni ghandom xi dritt sagrosant li jindahlulna. Jien s'issa wara hafna snin ta' zwieg hieni mhux ser napplika ghad-divorzju izda bil-vot tieghi minix ser nghamel sarima jew nipprekludi lill HADD. @Bondi+ veru programm iehor tal-qamel u QAMEL b'ittri kbar tirremetti tisma' l-ipokresija grassa hierga l-hin kollu u xi nghajdu ghas-servej beda favur bil-qawwi u spicca bil MOD il MOD kontra..........jigri!!!!!!!!hekk!!!!!!kull darba li xi servej ikun sejjer kontra il-PN...............veru tal-biki jew tad-dahk.
Is this the best a "family lawyer" - no less - has to offer as arguments against divorce. Let's trash the "arguments" one by one. 1. "If I am a devoutly Catholic person and I do not believe in divorce, my spouse could separate from me, apply for divorce and obtain a divorce without me having a say in it – even if I am against divorce, if I voted against divorce, and if I never wanted a divorce". Well, pardon me for pointing out the obvious, dear Dr Fenech Adami, but if you don't want separation and your wife wants to separate from you, separation is imposed on you without you having a say in it, even if you are against separation. Will you propose that separation becomes illegal unless there is agreement between the two parties? 2. "We have the duty to not only safeguard the interests of society as a whole, but also need to ensure that the conditions of children would not be made worse through the introduction of divorce". How would they be made worse than in the case of separation? 3. "I had yet to meet children who say 'I can’t wait for the introduction of divorce so my mummy or daddy can remarry and so I can have a new mummy or daddy'". And I have yet to meet children who say "Thank goodness for separation, and for cohabitation. I can't wait for mummy and daddy to separate and find new partners". And yet, Dr Fenech Adami never suggested that separation and cohabitation should be criminalised. 4. "This motion seems to say that divorce is the medicine for the social problems that plague marriage, he said, vehemently rejecting that this is the case". Actually, it doesn't. But of course, its easier to beat a straw man. 5. "The motion 'dishonestly' says that Opposition’s motion seems to suggest that alimony would be automatically guaranteed as part of divorce when it is not even the law itself that guarantees alimony, as it is up to the court’s discretion, Fenech Adami also maintained". Does it really? 6. "Fenech Adami said that thanks to this motion and thanks to this ‘clause’ that divorce requires a minimum of 4 years separation or living apart, it would mean that couples facing marital issues would be advised to leave and start 'adding up those 4 years', than try to work the issues out. Is this what Maltese families need?". So would he rather have divorce granted immediately? This argument suggests that immediate divorce would be a lesser evil than divorce after 4 years. Therefore, effectively it is not even an argument against divorce, and as such, deserves outright dismissal. 7. "Fenech Adami said that this meant that this was a 'no fault' divorce where people could simply leave the home, abandon the marriage, with no questions asked". Surprise, surprise. This is already happening. In any case, what kind of "fault divorce" would Dr Fenech Adami recommend? If he can't provide one, then his argument is not against "no fault" divorce, but against any kind of divorce. Why not at least be honest about this?
A person can get a separation against the wishes of his or her spouse. There is nothing to prevent someone from simply walking out on his or her marriage, leaving the spouse unable to marry. There might be no children saying they want their parents to divorce as such, but there are many who live with one parent and their partner, whom they care about more than the biological parent whom they barely remember, but who is prohibited from making this arrangement formal.
You can't keep an unhappy husband or a wife under lock and chain.Because i am a devoted catholic i don't have to live with abuse.Children suffer more when there is abuse and swearing in the family. The parlament should not be run by old men.
Hon. Joe Cassar, don't be a hypocrite by skirting the issue like the rest of your colleagues. Speak the truth. You are a psychiatrist and your wife is a psychologist. I am sure you know far far better, but you are just towing the party line to keep your seat and justify the narcissist choice you made to achieve status and public recognition with a conservative confessional party. Don't give us that hogwash about children. There's nothing you can do to prevent people separating, divorce or no divorce. Look at Malta. Children will always suffer the consequences. If anything I would argue the contrary: children whose parents force themselves to stay together in true Catholic fashion probably suffer even more because they become pawns, traded for who knows what emotional advantage.
Pauline Moran
Beppi...int taf x'int tghid habib? Nahseb li kellek xi gurnata iebsa ilum il qorti hux? Jahasra ma ghandkomx argument wiehed sod fuq id divorzju. Kollox ipokretizmu sfrenat. Inti tridha ti 'devoted catholic' wkoll?? Mela meta ivvutajt biex lil poplu tbellawlu power station li ser toqtol balla nies bil gassijiet tossici li ser tohrog, hemmek kont Kattoliku? u meta mlejtu lil poplu bid dejn u taxxi li ghamiltu inthom, hemmek kont wkoll Kattoliku? U meta ivvutajtu biex tiehdu 600 euro fil gimgha meta n-nies qed jaghmlu s-sagrifficcji kuljum, hemmek wkoll kont kattoliku? Kieku il kattolici kollha bhalek Bep, kieku mhemmx bzonn religjon aktar...ghax kulhadd iqatta w jiekol min haddiehor!!! Halluna Bep...Mur ghid lil Wenzu jghajjat elezzjoni generali ghax b'hekk biss tistaw tehilsu mill purcinellati kollha li qed taghmlu w tghidu quddiem il poplu. X'bajtu d-dahku nies bikhom!!!
Is Beppe Fenech Adami afraid that instead of obtaining a Church's annulment over and over again, his siblings will be divorced by their spouses, thus marring the perception that they are a family of devout catholics? Has he already forgotten how many times his father was caught telling us lies? Devout catholics, hmm!
chris caruana turner
Hon. Fenech Adami is saying this out of context. He is not mentioning the fact that for a married person to go for divorce, the couple needs to have been separated for at least 4 years out of the last 5. Furthermore, if there is no divorce, it would still be possible for two persons (pro-or against divorce) to separate. Is Fenech Adami saying that one person will only be able to leave the other, if there is divorce? What a load of bull***t. This is already happening. What he is suggesting is that even if the marriage fails irreparably, then the couple could either separate, try to get an annulment (but then again, what will happen Mr F.A. if one of the persons does not want this?) or else stay cicci beqqi and pretend that all is well in this "farizej" type of society. He is saying this most probably so that he is seen in agreement with his out-dated father.
Gilbert Bartolo
correction: "then he goes on to say that someone can divorce against the other's will..."
Gilbert Bartolo
What a load of hogwash! Beppe Fenech Adami forgets that the motion will go through and that it was a Nationalist MP who first presented a bill before parliament...then he goes on to say that someone can divorce a person the other's will..what then? I mean come on... if things have come to that it means that it is no use remaining with that person... the 'devoutly catholic' argument is stupid... if a person is devoutly catholic he/she will not remarry... well Beppe Fenech Adami can ask close relatives about 'divorce' (it is called 'annulment', but same effects...)