European Greens to demand explanation on Haywharf construction project
Green MEPs have tabled a question in the European Parliament on whether the contentious project makes us of EU funds
Greece keeps Europe waiting
19 Eurozone leaders meet in Brussels for what may be last chance to avoid Grexit
Labour MEP says traditional fishermen being squeezed ever harder

Sant: ‘Traditional fishermen rightly feel that they are being placed in...

Sant: ‘Traditional fishermen rightly feel that they...

Legal migration policy ‘most rational and humane policy’ for EU

Alfred Sant: ‘Significant steps in this direction have been taken but...

Alfred Sant: ‘Significant steps in this direction...

Metsola raises possibility of EU naval force in the Mediterranean

In a debate on migration and asylum at the European Parliament, Metsola...

In a debate on migration and asylum at the European...

Respect goes beyond treating patients in fixed quotas - Comodini Cachia

The MEP called for solutions driven by the EU with the commitment of governments, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders in the health sector so that...

The MEP called for solutions driven by the EU with the...

Sant: Greek problem could become as dangerous as Ukraine

Labour MEP says people of Greece cannot be expected to give up the prospects of...

Labour MEP says people of Greece cannot be expected to give...

Sant – European socialists should take position on Greek debt

Labour MEP says loans should be ‘radically resturctured’

Labour MEP says loans should be ‘radically...

Juncker investment roadshow for Malta visit

Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech meets EU Vice President Jyrki Katainen to...

Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech meets EU Vice President...

Updated | Merkel positive on support on Libya, flexible Muscat against Greek haircut

Joseph Muscat says EU must take opportunity now to stop Libya from becoming failed state

Joseph Muscat says EU must take opportunity now to stop...

Marlene Mizzi appointed to the newly created Digital Agenda Working Group

The Digital Agenda working group is formed by a select group of S&D MEPs  tasked with coordinating the work of the Socialist Group between...

The Digital Agenda working group is formed by a select...

Mediterranean security on Muscat’s agenda for Merkel meeting

EU leaders cautious about Greece’s brinkmanship on debt relief

EU leaders cautious about Greece’s brinkmanship on...

MEP calls for European funding for interconnector projects

‘Energy security needs Mediterranean focus’, Miriam Dalli tells EP...

‘Energy security needs Mediterranean focus’,...

Juncker’s €315 billion fund ‘will hardly make dent’ on stagnation – Sant

Labour MEP says eurozone revivial prigramme ambitious, but needs to be massive and targeted to rebalance wealth creation

Labour MEP says eurozone revivial prigramme ambitious, but...

Human Rights Watch says boat migrants death toll may rise

EU leaders ‘too willing to sideline human rights’ at home, says...

EU leaders ‘too willing to sideline human...

[WATCH] ‘Greeks must pay back debt owed to Malta’

Greece should pay off its debt, but it should be allowed to do so over a longer...

Greece should pay off its debt, but it should be allowed to...

Scicluna, ‘reasonable concessions’ possible for Greece, Eurogroup promises ‘pragmatic approach’

Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Greece must “stick to the rules” • EFSF chief executive Klaus Regling: Greece has already been given...

Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Greece must...

EU states cannot bury their heads in the sand on migration: Metsola

MEP Roberta Metsola urges the EU to act on migration

MEP Roberta Metsola urges the EU to act on migration

MEP Mizzi calls for rapid implementation of Juncker's investment plan

During her intervention, Mizzi questioned if Juncker's investment plan,...

During her intervention, Mizzi questioned if Juncker's...

Malta's individual consumption down, GDP up - Eurostat

Eurostat report compares consumption and GDP between member states

Eurostat report compares consumption and GDP between member...