Updated | Muscat welcomes Tusk's 'good working document' on UK membership
European Council President describes set of proposals as ‘good basis for a compromise’ • Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says draft proposals 'are a good working document for discussion'

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has described the European Council President's proposal as being a good basis for discussion.
"The draft EU proposals to the UK are a good working document for discussion," Muscat told MaltaToday.
President Donald Tusk on Tuesday wrote to the heads of government and states presenting his proposals for a new settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union.
The draft deal delivers the “substantial change” which UK Prime Minister David Cameron wants to see in his country’s relationship with the EU. However, Cameron said that there was “detail to be worked on” before the 28 EU leaders meet in two weeks’ time to discuss the reform.
“Keeping the unity of the European Union is the biggest challenge for all of us and so it is the key objective of my mandate,” Tusk said, adding that his proposal goes far in addressing all concerns raised by Cameron.
“The line I did not cross, however, were the principles on which the European project is founded.”
Although the challenging negotiations are far from over, Tusk expressed confidence that the proposal was “a good basis for a compromise”.
The proposals:
On economic governance, the draft Decision of the Heads sets out principles to ensure mutual respect between the Member States taking part in further deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union and those which do not. By doing that, Tusk said, the EU can pave the way for the further integration within the euro area while safeguarding the rights and competences of non-participating Member States.
Tusk said EU leaders will set their commitment to increase efforts to enhance competitiveness: “We will regularly assess progress in simplifying legislation and reducing burden on business so that red tape is cut.”
On sovereignty, the proposed Decision of the Heads recognises that in light of the United Kingdom's special situation under the Treaties, it is not committed to further political integration.
“It also reinforces respect for subsidiarity, and I propose that the Member States discontinue the consideration of a draft legislative act where a number of national parliaments object to it on the grounds of subsidiarity, unless the concerns raised can be accommodated. The importance of respecting the opt-out regime of Protocols 21 and 22, as well as national security responsibilities is also underlined.”
On social benefits and free movement, Tusk that the EU needed to fully respect the current treaties, in particular the principles of freedom of movement and non-discrimination.
“Therefore the proposed solution to address the UK concerns builds on the clarification of the interpretation of current rules, including a draft Commission Declaration on a number of issues relating to better fighting abuse of free movement.”
The European Commission intends to propose changes to EU legislation as regards the export of child benefits and the creation of a safeguard mechanism to respond to exceptional situations of inflow of workers from other Member States.
“The clear objective is to have an agreement of all 28 at the February European Council. To succeed we will all need to compromise. To fail would be compromising our common future,” Tusk said.