Comodini Cachia calls for the removal of environmental obstacles to disabled persons' equality
“Disability is not within the person but lies in the obstacles the environment places on a person,” says MEP
Muscat satisfied with draft EU-UK deal that 'safeguards Malta's interests'
Prime Minister says draft deal to reform UK's membership in EU safeguards Malta's interests in that proposals are not UK-specific 
Environment taxes make up 6.3% of global EU taxes

6.3% of tax revenues came from environmental taxes in the EU in 2013, energy...

6.3% of tax revenues came from environmental taxes in the...

Europe’s digital rights debate nearing the finishing line

Europe is very close to the finishing line of an extraordinary project: the...

Europe is very close to the finishing line of an...

German MEP rails against Malta’s suspension of Schengen

EPP head Manfred Weber says Malta has ‘higher degree of responsibility...

EPP head Manfred Weber says Malta has ‘higher degree...

Mizzi calls for stronger EU stance on animal welfare

The current strategy, which lays down the foundation for improving animal...

The current strategy, which lays down the foundation for...

Updated | Brussels on highest terror alert due to fears of 'Paris-style attack'

The metro will be closed till at least Sunday, and the public has been warned to avoid crowds, including shopping centres and concerts.

The metro will be closed till at least Sunday, and the...

‘We need to balance collective security and individual rights’ - MEPs say on internet monitoring

MEPs speak of need to target criminals with infringing the rights of the vast majority of citizens unnecessarily.

MEPs speak of need to target criminals with infringing the...

EU to 'considerably strengthen' fight against violent extremism

EUobserver says member states calling for systematic controls of EU citizens at...

EUobserver says member states calling for systematic...

'EU must lead efforts in fighting domestic abuse, violence against women' - Mizzi

On the eve of the International day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Mizzi participated in the S&D event "The Women's Voice...

On the eve of the International day for the Elimination of...

Sant hits out at EU’s ‘one-size-fits-all’ solutions

‘Europe should acknowledge national realities, avoid one-size-fits-all...

‘Europe should acknowledge national realities, avoid...

Metsola suggests revoking EU passports for people fighting in Syria

Nationalist MEP urges EU countries to root out hate preachers within...

Nationalist MEP urges EU countries to root out hate...

'Internet can reduce social, economic disparities' - Internet Governance Forum

MEP Therese Comodini Cachia represents EP Legal Affairs Committee at Internet Governance Forum

MEP Therese Comodini Cachia represents EP Legal...

Malta’s draft budgetary plans ‘broadly compliant’ with Stability and Growth Pact

Malta’s decreasing debt ratio is also expected to meet the EU debt rule while deficit is expected to fall to 1.7% in 2015

Malta’s decreasing debt ratio is also expected to...

€100 million internal security fund launched

€100 million for Malta’s internal security launched • Funds...

€100 million for Malta’s internal security...

Poland refuses to accept refugees after Paris attacks

Poland's incoming European minister says that new government...

Poland's incoming European minister says that new...

[WATCH] EU summit with Turkey to discuss migration, human rights

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat defends €78 million pledged by member states...

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat defends €78 million...

'Migrants shouldn't get to handpick EU country of asylum' - Tusk

EU Council President admits Dublin Regulation 'proving difficult for some...

EU Council President admits Dublin Regulation 'proving...

Updated | EU scraps plans to deport migrants through new travel documents

Valletta Summit action plan reveals that EU proposal to grant travel documents to failed asylum seekers as a means of deporting them back to Africa has fallen...

Valletta Summit action plan reveals that EU proposal to...

[WATCH] EU ‘determined to save Schengen’ amid pledges to help develop Africa

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says ‘ambitious action plan shows goodwill from European, African sides’ • Schengen rules are...

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says ‘ambitious action...