Cyrus Engerer to lead negotiations in EU resolution on LGBTIQ rights
The resolution follows major backlash surrounding controversy in Poland and Hungary - countries which have declared themselves "free from LGBTIQ ideology"

Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer has been appointed as lead negotiator within the Socialists and Democrats on an upcoming resolution which declares all of the European Union an LGBTIQ Freedom zone.
The resolution follows major backlash surrounding controversy across Poland, and more recently Hungary, which have declared themselves free from so-called ‘LGBTIQ ideology’ or have adopted ‘Regional Charters of Family Rights’, discriminating in particular against women, single-parent and rainbow families.
“LGBTIQ persons are not an ideology. We are people with fundamental human rights and no one, not even a Member State of the European Union can take our fundamental human rights away from us.”
The measures in Poland and Hungary call for local governments to refrain from taking any action to encourage tolerance of LGBTIQ people or provide any funding to NGOs working to promote equal rights or anti-discrimination measures education or in any other way supporting LGBTIQ people.
“The discrimination that LGBTIQ persons face in a number of Member States is not a domestic issue," Cyrus Engerer said. "It is a European issue that goes against the Charter of Fundamental Human Rights, instills fear in a number of people and trumps upon the freedom of movement principle that the European Union is built upon. Diversity and the protection of human rights are core European values,” said Engerer.
“The European Institutions cannot continue to close a blind eye when it comes to the atrocious treatment of LGBTIQ persons by EPP Prime Minister Victor Orban and the Polish PiS Government. The EU must not continue to tolerate these governments’ implementation of their politics of hatred”, he reiterated
Engerer said it was an honour and a privilege for him to have been handpicked for this historic task, a few months following his election to the European Parliament. “What we did in Malta over the past years now needs to be extended to the rest of the Union and beyond."

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