Opposition files motion of no confidence in Byron Camilleri
Opposition files motion of no confidence in Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri after Speaker turns down request for urgent debate on Ombudsman’s damning prison report
[WATCH] Abela questions whether neutrality is posing limitations on Malta’s defence
Prime Minister Robert Abela says not enough being spent on country’s defence capabilities, but insists Malta will not fight ‘anyone’s war’
Bernard Grech calls for Byron Camilleri’s removal after Ombudsman’s prison shocker

Opposition leader Bernard Grech labels Byron Camilleri’s leadership as the ‘ministry of national insecurity’ and calls for the...

Opposition leader Bernard Grech labels Byron...

Project Green announces new tree planting scheme with local councils

The scheme aims to transform abandoned roads and areas into green spaces

The scheme aims to transform abandoned roads and areas into...

Residents, council members demonstrate against Mellieha Heights development

NGOs, Residents, and council members hold demonstration against development of Mellieha Heights project

NGOs, Residents, and council members hold demonstration...

Aviation hub with purpose-built airstrip, among ideas floated for Vision 2050 by entrepreneurs

Office of the Prime Minister holds three-day consultation process with businesspersons over Malta Vision 2050

Office of the Prime Minister holds three-day consultation...

Ombudsman prison report reactions: Minister should resign, journalists and MPs given access to inmates

From calls for Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri's resignation to giving MPs and journalists access to prison, political parties and civil society...

From calls for Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri's...

MAM ends trade dispute over outsourcing following deal granting doctors more career progression

'The Ministry is convinced that this agreement is a step in the right direction as we implement the solutions we are offering for the benefit of the...

'The Ministry is convinced that this agreement is a...

NGOs concerned over proposed local plan amendment in Qajjenza

Instead of allowing further large-scale development, the NGOs argued that the...

Instead of allowing further large-scale development, the...

Call issued for two additional magistrates to strengthen judiciary

Ministry issues a call for two new magistrates as part of ongoing...

Ministry issues a call for two new magistrates as...

Racism, intimidation, degrading treatment under Alex Dalli's watch flagged by Ombudsman

In a 30-page report, the Ombudsman listed several shocking instances of dysfunctional prison management, the degrading treatment of prisoners, racism, and...

In a 30-page report, the Ombudsman listed several shocking...

PN proposes full year of paid leave for new parents

PN publishes 10 proposals for better balance between work and family life

PN publishes 10 proposals for better balance between work...

Gozo should elect five MPs, other regions 10, Momentum proposes

Partit Momentum says it is ready to take the reform framework to the president

Partit Momentum says it is ready to take the reform...

Just over half of under-three-year-olds attend childcare

Just over half of children under three now attend early childhood education, up...

Just over half of children under three now attend early...

Doctors dispute: Agreement reached with MAM as union suspends directives

Minister Jo Etienne Abela says agreement reached but no details provided yet

Minister Jo Etienne Abela says agreement reached but no...

PN says reform will deprive people of the right to initiate magisterial inquiries

Opposition says new inquiries reform will replace magistrates with the police commissioner

Opposition says new inquiries reform will replace...

Ministry launches 14 projects under Vjal Kulħadd initiative

€10 million investment will make localities more pedestrian friendly

€10 million investment will make localities more...

[WATCH] Inquiry reform forces citizens to file police report first

Government unveils magisterial inquiry reform • Police report mandatory...

Government unveils magisterial inquiry reform • Police...

Malta Chamber wants a 45-seat parliament with MPs elected from five districts

Malta Chamber publishes report on parliamentary reform, says changes to MP remuneration should be contingent upon broader reforms to political governance

Malta Chamber publishes report on parliamentary reform,...

Government’s threat to increase libel damages unacceptable: Repubblika

Repubblika shows solidarity with IĠM and journalists after government rejects legal amendments that would have strengthened anti-SLAPP legislation

Repubblika shows solidarity with IĠM and journalists after...