Michelle Muscat on Joseph Muscat’s EP candidature: ‘Decision rests with Labour leadership’
At a campaign activity on Tuesday, Michelle Muscat says Labour leadership must decide on husband’s MEP bid
Cardiovascular disease was Malta's leading cause of death in 2022
The list tabled in parliament shows a number of causes of death, including traffic accidents, homicides, suicides and a number of diseases
Cutajar drops defamation case on Yorgen relationship allegations in bid to rejoin Labour

Independent MP drops libel case against Mark Camilleri claiming she is bidding for a return to the Labour parliamentary group

Independent MP drops libel case against Mark Camilleri...

PN says Transport Malta employees were told to lie under oath

The PN stated that it has the evidence that led to an internal investigation,...

The PN stated that it has the evidence that led to an...

Not enough healthcare graduates, ministry launches study in bid to attract students

Health ministry wants experts to understand what is keeping young Maltese away from a career in healthcare as shortage of professionals threatens future...

Health ministry wants experts to understand what is keeping...

Man in hospital after traffic accident in Regional Road

25-year-old man from Qormi in hospital after three-vehicle traffic accident in...

25-year-old man from Qormi in hospital after three-vehicle...

January was 1.2°C warmer than the norm: MET Office

MET Office forecasts windy and unstable weather for carnival weekend, with...

MET Office forecasts windy and unstable weather for...

Malta submits application to join OECD

Prime Minister Robert Abela tells Maltese ambassadors to promote peace and prosperity when carrying out their duties

Prime Minister Robert Abela tells Maltese ambassadors to...

Joseph Cuschieri will earn €86,000 as Project Green CEO

Perks include a communications allowance of €1,800, an undefined...

Perks include a communications allowance of €1,800, an...

Identità appoints Steve Agius as its new CEO

Steve Agius previously held the position of Chief Operating Officer at Mater...

Steve Agius previously held the position of Chief Operating...

UPE: Shortcomings at Guardian Angel school a result of no standard operating procedures

Union slams state and MUT for failing to negotiate procedures in the past

Union slams state and MUT for failing to negotiate...

EU Court definitively rejects Pilatus challenge of ECB decisions withdrawing licence

Appeals filed by Pilatus Bank against orders of General Court on the withdrawl of bank licence by ECB, are dismissed by the EU Court of Justice

Appeals filed by Pilatus Bank against orders of General...

Rationalised KM Malta routes better suited for post-COVID connectivity

Malta’s Central Bank has backed a new aviation strategy to have Air Malta’s successor service 17 routes to important hubs that can provide...

Malta’s Central Bank has backed a new aviation...

Identità investigated 197 reports on exploitation of third-country nationals in 2023

122 investigations have been concluded

122 investigations have been concluded

ALIVE Charity Foundation donates €120,000 to university for cancer research

ALIVE Charity Foundation presents the sum of €120,000 as a donation to the Research, Innovation, and Development Trust

ALIVE Charity Foundation presents the sum of €120,000...

Heritage Malta racks up €2.7 million bill in artefact acquisitions since 2019

Among the most notable entries is the acquisition of a letter by Napoleon Boneparte bought in 2020 for some €59,600 and a €300,000 portrait of...

Among the most notable entries is the acquisition of a...

Opposition says ministries should appoint representatives on climate change compliance

Climate change spokesperson Eve Borg Bonello says representative should not only answer to minister but also to Climate Action Authority

Climate change spokesperson Eve Borg Bonello says...

PN leader, officials give well-wishes to 90-year-old Eddie Fenech Adami

PN leader Bernard Grech expressed gratitude to Fenech Adami for his contributions to the transformation of Malta along the years

PN leader Bernard Grech expressed gratitude to Fenech...

Paceville junction set for multi-million infrastructure upgrade

Upgrade will see the elimination of the current traffic light junction on Triq...

Upgrade will see the elimination of the current traffic...

Ryanair announces new routes to Rome, Norwich and Belfast for summer 2024

The lowcost airline will fly to Rome, Norwich and Belfast, with Ryanair now flying to a total of 67 destinations

The lowcost airline will fly to Rome, Norwich and Belfast,...