Gonzi to visit Misurata, receive honour from locals

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is to visit the port city of Misurata and will be honoured by the local authorites for his ‘enduring support’ to helping the rebel resistance to break a two month siege by the Gaddafi forces at the height of the Libyan uprising.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Accompanied by foreign minister Tonio Borg, the Prime Minister will visit Misurata as part of his official visit to a free Libya since the ouster of Col. Gaddafi's regime, and will include official talks with newly-appointed interim Prime Minister Abdulrahman El-Keib.

Gonzi's visit to Libya follows a lengthy telephone conversation with El-Keib last week, during which the two leaders expressed their intention of establishing a fruitful working relationship.

While also meeting with the National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman Moustafa Jalil who visited Malta in September on his way to New York where he attended the United Nations General Council, Lawrence Gonzi is to meet a number of newly appointed ministers within the NTC government.

Some of the new ministers are known to have a close relationship with Malta.

The deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur is said to have stayed in Malta for a number of weeks prior to his appointment within the NTC, and has a number of friends within the University of Malta.

Besides long-standing pending issues related to oil exploration, illegal immigration and fisheries, the new Libyan government is keen to discuss the return of the two Dassault-Mirage fighter jets which were flown to Malta by two defecting Air Force Colonels at the height of the uprising.

While it is expected that Gonzi will announce the return of the two fighter jets, he is also to announce Malta's preparedness to assist in training the Libyan police and army.

Further assistance in public administration, health and tourism sectors is also earmarked for discussion.


x GHAMEL DAN ? Mgux l ghaqdiet non governattivi bghatu l ghejnuna. Mar jiehu l proset minflokhom?
Gonzi should lend the libyans Tonio Arseinall Borg in order to get Libya's finance in order and charge them a billion euros a year.
What a vile creature this little man gonzi is.A true leader would try to unite his people not encourage them to violent confrontation.You are not worth 5 cents a week let alone 500 euros extra a week.
Nispera li il P.M.Libjan u shabu tal kabinet izommu werqa zebbuga fil but, ghax jigrilhom bhal Gaddafi,Berlusconi, il Finanzi taghna, il MEPA,l-ATM, il Unjoni Ewropea. l-Ewro, dalwaqt Sarkozi, u Zapatero, u kull min miss jew ser imiss mal Prim Ministru taghna....bil mghamul,ibezzel kollox.
Such comments are a joy to read. It's great fun hearing the desperate souls in hell crying in agony!
Il-Qahba milli jkollha ittik .U hekk qed taghmel int , Sur Prim Ministru .
Malta's preparedness to assist in training the Libyan police and army..........and who'll be doing this the boyscouts association of Malta?
To be honoured by "tal-lakumja and tal-habbaziz" that's how his party used to describe arabs especially libyans. How about asking the libyans to agree to let us drill for oil gonz?
Hey, Gonzi, don't bother coming back.
Tghid sejjer igib xi €5 billjuni halli ihallas id-dejn li dahhalna fih ?
Tghid sejjer igib xi €5 billjuni halli ihallas id-dejn li dahhalna fih ?
Malta's preparedness to assist in training the Libyan police and army. What a joke