Direct action against illegal Mosta FC development

The Enforcement Directorate within MEPA today started demolishing the roofing of an illegally constructed two-storey building adjacent to the Mosta football ground.

The building under construction at the Mosta football ground.
The building under construction at the Mosta football ground.

This action was being taken just a few days after the enforcement order was issued, after the developer defied the Authority's warnings on a number of occasions.

Early last week, the Authority investigated a number of complaints and found that a two-storey building was being built in an outside development area adjacent to the Mosta football ground, away from the road and hemmed in between some existing structures. 

While it was evident that the concrete roofing was being planned, the Enforcement Officers stopped the works and ordered the workers off the site together with their crane and vehicles. The architect was also immediately informed that works were to stop and the roofing was not to take place since no development permit application had ever been submitted.

A subsequent site inspection by MEPA Enforcement Officers, three days later, resulted in workers being found on site preparing the reinforcement mesh for the roof.  Works were again stopped, and the architect again advised that the roofing was not to be laid. 

Notwithstanding all these warnings, early Saturday morning the developer and architect went ahead with their planned work and roofed up the two storey building with concrete.

In view of this blatant disregard of MEPA Enforcement instructions and the Enforcement Order, MEPA today begun to demolish the roof of this building.

Works proceeded until soon after noon, MEPA was stopped by a prohibitory injunction provisionally accepted by the Courts.

Jekk m'ghandix zball, dan il-bini qed isir mill-MFA bhala kumpens lin-Nursery ta' Mosta FC billi hadulhom il-premises taghhom biex jaghmlu dressing rooms, issa li l-MFA hadet il-ground tal-Mosta f'idejha. Jien li jiskantani hu kif dan il-progett tal-ground kien mifni b'hafna ksur tal-ligi, protesti mill-girien, toroq jinbidlu "one-way" minghajr permessi. Xi hadd qed ihawwad bil-kbir.
Can anyone at MEPA explain to us citizens how come that an illegal room in a field was turned into an illegal farm, with an enforcement notice and direct action notice since the year 2000. This illegal building was built without the consent of the owner. The site is situated near St. Thomas Bay, limits off Marsascala. Looks like there is political intrusion, since all other illegal buildings in the same area were brought down according to the law, this illegal farm must go down too. It's only a matter of time and administration at MEPA!