Justice minister hits out at ‘generic’ Labour statement on precarious employment

New rights for part-timers strengthening anti-exploitation drive – Chris Said.

Government and opposition counterparts have traded barbs over working conditions for precarious labourers who depend on part-time employment as their sole source on income.

In a statement, Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia said a new Labour government would directly address precarious employment with the necessary working conditions that employees enjoy.

Although he poured cold water over claims by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi that the government introduced anti-exploitation rules back in December, Farrugia did not delve further into the shortcomings of the current legislation.

Last December, a new legal notice made it mandatory for employers to employ part-timers as employees and not as self-employed workers according to eight criteria, of which five must be satisfied to qualify as an employee.

In a reaction, justice minister Chris Said accused Labour of being absent from the legislative process to improve working conditions. "The Opposition is only interested in generic declarations to try and please everybody."

Said said that in the past months, contractors had been made to submit attendance sheets to the Inland Revenue and the Employment and Training Corporation for verification.

"Thirty-five legal notices have been amended in the past four years to improve working conditions for employees, including maternity leave cover and prohibiting mandatory overtime for pregnant women," Said said.

"We have strengthened part-timers' rights, who now have pro-rata leave, sick leave and other benefits. We increased maternity leave to sixteen weeks, and this will increase to 18 by 2013."

Said said that in the past months, contractors had been made to submit attendance sheets to the Inland Revenue and the Employment and Training Corporation for verification...... Why in the last months? may one ask when it should have been demanded from day one the contactors got the tenders. The GWU and PL have long been attracting attention about this problem only the imminent possibility of an early election proded the government to act and try to champion a cause of righting a problem it created itself. Said should have been left as a Parliamentary Secretary, he has been found lacking only the fact that he is a Gozitan that he got a ministry as in Gozo gonzipn is sliding rapidly down.
Tassew interesanti li l-onorevoli chris said illum fettillu jiftah halqu fuq ix-xoghol prekarju wara li l-imghallem tieghu wkoll il-bierah ghogbu jistenbah fuq dan is-suggett !!! Tassew affarijiet li ma jitwemmnux !!! HA NGHIDILKOM JIEN MIN MHUX SE JKOLLU XOGHOL PREKARJU U KWAZI CERT LI SE NAQTA' - Illum fuq il-gazzetti (kumbinazzjoni) rajna avviz ghal min irid jidhol fit-taqsima tal-ahbarijiet tal-PBS - lest nilghab ghaxart elef ewro li se jkun xi wiehed li illum qed jahdem man-net tv u li dan (miskin jew miskina) zgur mhux se jkun fost dawk li jkollhom xoghol prekarju - naturalment sakemm ma jkollnix gvern laburista u l-ghada li jitla' jqacctu minn hemm u jerga' jibaghtu minn fejn ikun gie !!!!
Tassew interesanti li l-onorevoli chris said illum fettillu jiftah halqu fuq ix-xoghol prekarju wara li l-imghallem tieghu wkoll il-bierah ghogbu jistenbah fuq dan is-suggett !!! Tassew affarijiet li ma jitwemmnux !!! HA NGHIDILKOM JIEN MIN MHUX SE JKOLLU XOGHOL PREKARJU U KWAZI CERT LI SE NAQTA'
Precarious jobs: 20,000 reasons why you should not vote GonziPN!