Gozo Channel employee given €60,000 in direct orders
A full-time employee with Gozo Channel was given a number of direct orders with the same company, amounting to €60,000.
A report which appeared in Sunday newspaper Illum last March has led Finance Minister Tonio Fenech to investigate whether a Gozo Channel employee was given €60,000 worth of direct orders from the ferry service provider.
The investigation went on to confirm Illum's report as correct. But while Fenech decried the gravity of the case as "not acceptable in terms of the standards of corporate governance", he also admitted that Michael Galea - the Gozitan awarded the contracts - was not asked to resign.

dal hmieg juri ghala hu vera difficli biex il partit laburista jirbah l elezzjoni...

Imhatra li Michael Galea jinghata post ahjar lilli kellu.
Kemm hu tajjeb ikollok gfhajnejk blu u xuftejk kbar.

How about handing the money back.

Anette B Cassar •
"he also admitted that Michael Galea - the Gozitan awarded the contracts - was not asked to resign." Skuzi ta. Imma dak li tagh il-kuntratti m'ghandux jirrezanja?

Apologisti ta' GonziPN, qeghdin taraw xi kwalita ta' nuqqas ta' serjeta ghandna qeghdin imexxu lill-pajjizna ? La lanqas ghandhom il-hila jghidu impjegat biex jirrizenja, ara kif qatt tistghu tistennew li se jghidu lil xi ministru jirrizneja - HLIEF LIL JOHN DALLI, ghax kien ikkontesta lil Lawrence Gonzi ghat-tmexxija tal-partit !

Blue eyes for sure!

Par idejn sodi. Imma sodi biex izommu c-cappa gol-but.

Santa Giovanna idhol ghalina.