Ministries to terminate security firm's contract over labour law breaches

Finance minister holds press conference to announce termination of security firm's tender over employment irregularities.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech announced the contracts department would be terminating all ministerial contracts with a security firm which had been found in breach of employment regulations.

Fenech said the contracts department was informing all ministries to terminate any contract with Kavallier Security Services, and commence a new selection process within the next 30 days to take over the contract.

Fenech said Kavallier was found in breach of employment regulations in a court case brought by its employees, who had been left without sick leave and other bonuses amongst other breaches.

"This was a budget proposal of ours in 2011 not to continue giving out contracts to companies that breach employment regulations," Fenech said. "We're keeping in line with this decision and we find the action of this firm to be unacceptable."

The company was contracted out by the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs back in 2011 to offer security services to the ministry on an hourly rate of €5.72.

"We are sending the clear message that workers who expose this kind of abuse will get the protection they deserve," Fenech said.

Imisshom jiccekkjaw ukoll il-haddiema tal-ground handling fl-MIA - ihaddmuhom bl-4 sieghat, ihallsu l-bolla minghajr pro rata sick / leave.
Priscilla Darmenia
Yes, as they say, empty vessels make most sound and the Hon Minister is making sounds now. A good action, although late, and only on one contractor when the Unions have pointed fingers at other contractors also who are in breach of the law. / Veru qed toqrob l-elizjoni
Election fever or panic!!
Il-lostra x'ministru bravu ghandna!!!! kemm ma jhalli xejn jahrablu !!!! kemm hu efficjenti !!! kif ma jhalli ebda dubbiena thokklu mniehru !!!! dak ministru bravu, serju, efficjenti, b'sebghu dritt,ma jhalli lil hadd jitmejjel bih,sod, serju, dritt,smart, ma jibza minn xejn u minn hadd ..... mank kienet dejjem daqshekk efficjenti .... ara meta mar jara lil arsenal jilaghbu ma' xi hbieb tieghu ... ara meta kien hemm min mar ibajjadlu u jibnilu d-dar .... ara meta kien hemm segretarju privat li hammarlu wiccu b'dakli qal .... ara meta zgarra fil-figura ta' xi deficit ... ara meta zgarra bl-ikreh dwar xi figura ta' kemm se tikber l-ekonomija ..... hemmhemm qaghad kwiet, najxu najxu, mar jistahba qisu bebbuxu, ma tniffisx, ma qalx kelma wahda ..... HEKK GHANDU JKUN MINISTRU ... B' SAHHTU MA' HADDIEHOR .... NAJXU NAJXU MIEGHU NNIFSU U MA' SHABU .... lahaq issa wkoll l-abbati ta' birkirkara .....
Ara vera tad dahq, issa ha jwaqqfu dan il kuntrattur wara snin shah kuntratturi bhalu jghatu xoghol lil impjegati prekarju, gejja l-elezzjoni l-ahwa, ara x'jghagluha jerbhu erba voti
toninu as always, trying to impress, so the PL was right when the said about the precarious work and you always denied. Tonio do you think people are stupid, now you noticed because the election is round the corner.