Greens lambast Muscat on minimum wage, ‘Labour betrays working class’

Alternattiva Demokratika says Labour opposition to raising minimum wage and reduce energy traffic is ‘fiscal populism and anti-social policy’.

Michael Briguglio, AD chairperson, has hit out at Labour's opposition to raising the minimum wage.
Michael Briguglio, AD chairperson, has hit out at Labour's opposition to raising the minimum wage.

Alternattiva Demokratika has lambasted Labour's position against an increase in the minimum wage, calling it "a betrayal of the working class" after Labour leader Joseph Muscat said raising the national minimum wage could provoke a spiral of costs for employers.

"In one go the Labour Party has betrayed the working class and allied itself with big business and the Nationalist Party by opposing an increase in the minimum wage and renouncing discourse on class," AD chairperson Michael Briguglio said.

Muscat told members of the General Workers Union at the Labour congress this week that raising the minimum wage would lead to more costs for businesses and a knock-on effect on prices that would eat in into the raise. Instead the Labour leader pledged reduced energy tariffs for domestic users and to improve businesses' competitiveness.

"It is totally disappointing that Labour chose to do this in its congress, otherwise characterised by a ceremonial show of hands voting, rather than critical debate. This only strengthens the Green Party to fulfill its historic role as Malta's progressive party. For us social justice is a priority, and not an empty phrase," Briguglio said.

"Labour's position to reduce utility tariffs for all and sundry, instead of increasing wages for low income earners, is nothing but fiscal populism and anti-social policy making. This would effectively mean that the poor would be subsidising the rich and the wasteful."

Angele Deguara, AD spokesperson for social policy and civil rights, said: "Apart from progressive NGOs, Alternattiva Demokratika is the only party contesting elections which is calling for a revision of the minimum wage. A recent study by Caritas has proved that we are right in calling for a more just and realistic minimum wage especially considering that thousands of people are living below the poverty line.

"Joseph Muscat's statement shows that Labour lacks social conscience despite its rhetoric. Rather than standing up for workers, Labour has shown where its interests really lie."

Despite calling for an increase in the minimum wage in its pre-electoral proposals, the General Workers Union's deputy secretary-general Michael Parnis yesterday said reducing energy tariffs would go further in reducing the burden on business owners.

"We believe that instead of increasing the minimum wage, measures should be implemented to help persons on the minimum wage and those slightly above that bar," he said.

The Malta Employers' Association also agreed with Muscat's pronouncement that the minimum wage should not be raised beyond cost of living adjustments. "The MEA maintains that the best way to move people out of poverty is to have competitive enterprises which are in a position to create more jobs, whilst ensuring that minimum labour standards are enforced," the MEA said.

AD is right 100%, LP is wrong 100% one can"t make a living from 140 euros a week,impossible ,one can"t live on 20 euros a day imposible.The cost of living in Malta is soooooooo expencesive.A just bought a pair of flipflop at 50 euros and it was on sale, half price that is.
AD is right 100%, LP is wrong 100% one can"t make a living from 140 euros a week,impossible ,one can"t live on 20 euros a day imposible.The cost of living in Malta is soooooooo expencesive.A just bought a pair of flipflop at 50 euros and it was on sale, half price that is.
AD is right 100%, LP is wrong 100% one can"t make a living from 140 euros a week,impossible ,one can"t live on 20 euros a day imposible.The cost of living in Malta is soooooooo expencesive.A just bought a pair of flipflop at 50 euros and it was on sale, half price that is.
AD is right 100%, LP is wrong 100% one can"t make a living from 140 euros a week,impossible ,one can"t live on 20 euros a day imposible.The cost of living in Malta is soooooooo expencesive.A just bought a pair of flipflop at 50 euros and it was on sale, half price that is.
imma kif tal labour ma jinbidlu qatt. ma jippermettux opinjoni opposta i jinfexxew fit tajjir. il partit socjalista bye bye. kien xi darba socjalista imma meta kien hemm mintoff.
@marks: Qed niehu gost illi qrajt dak li ktibt jien. Iva, l-AD kollha retorika u tuza kliem b'ton retoriku. Gustizzja socjali HI RETORIKA ghall-AD ghax minghalija li billi tfajjar kelma fil-bahh, din se tkun tfisser xi haga ghan-nies. Gustizzja socjali tmur lil hinn minn principju imma li jrid jithaddem skont ic-cirkostanzi li wiehed qieghed fija. U b'6 biljun dejn illi l-ghaziz PM tieghek ghamel, zgur il-kritika tal-AD fuq l-ingustizzja socjali fl-isfond tac-cirkuztanzi li qeghdin fihom, hi BISS ghall-gallairja u allura populista u allura retorika ghax l-AD ma hargux b'alternattiva. Ighdilna sur Mark, int qatt impjegajt nies mieghek jew issograjt flusek fin-negozju jew biex tparla biss tajjeb?? L-ahhar haga Sur Marks, jien ghalijja jista la jitla il-PL u l-anqas il-PN. Nassigurak illi la ghandi bzonn wiehed u wisq anqas l-iehor u allura spag mieghi m'ghandix u nghid dak li verament nahseb. Nittama illi int tista tghid l-istess ghalik.
Raising the minimum wage is neither the only nor the best way to improve the standard of living of the lower social classes. In the current economic scenario, the most likely outcome of increasing the minimum wage by 150 Euros per month would be a sizable rise in the unemployment rate of and precarious working conditions and a decrease in employment opportunities for low-skilled workers and summer job seekers. The single best approach would be a pro-active initiative to embed current and potential minimum and low wage earners with the skills that would make their labour more valuable to the market. This would help both the workers, as they would increase PERMANENTLY their earning potential throughout their own abilities, and the employers who would be able to find the skills their businesses require in order to grow. Labour's Education-Training-Work proposal seems that will do just that, at least for the younger folks. This policy has not only a good chance of being very effective but will almost probably prove to be more than self-sustaining, meaning that it can be implemented independently of how good or bad the fiscal situation will result to really be past next election. As for the utility bills Michael seems to ignore the existence of consumption bands. Such bands make it possible to reduce the burden for the average consuming joe while still discouraging wasteful practices. More so Night-tariffs might actually encourage more efficient and environmental friendly consumption patterns.
Hsibt li Bragjolu tal-qmis blu se jipprotesta fuq l-impjiegi prekarji.
Raising the minimum wage is neither the only nor the best way to improve the standard of living of the lower social classes. In the current economic scenario, the most likely outcome of increasing the minimum wage by 150 Euros per month would be a sizable rise in the unemployment rate of and precarious working conditions and a decrease in employment opportunities for low-skilled workers and summer job seekers. The single best approach would be a pro-active initiative to embed current and potential minimum and low wage earners with the skills that would make their labour more valuable to the market. This would help both the workers, as they would increase PERMANENTLY their earning potential throughout their own abilities, and the employers who would be able to find the skills their businesses require in order to grow. Labour's Education-Training-Work proposal seems that will do just that, at least for the younger folks. This policy has not only a good chance of being very effective but will almost probably prove to be more than self-sustaining, meaning that it can be implemented independently of how good or bad the fiscal situation will result to really be past next election. As for the utility bills Michael seems to ignore the existence of consumption bands. Such bands make it possible to reduce the burden for the average consuming joe while still discouraging wasteful practices. More so Night-tariffs might actually encourage more efficient and environmental friendly consumption patterns.
When I was a University student, Professor Lino Briguglio (Michael's father)used to lecture my class in Microeconomics. During the very first lecture, he was very VERY clear on what the affect of raising a price floor (specifically mentioning the minimum wage) to a level higher than what the market forces would fix the equilibrium price at would be. Maybe before sprouting out his ideas on how to improve the standard of living of the most vulnerable families; Michael should find some time to have dinner with his dad and his sister, and maybe the sound coming out of his mouth will finally start making some sense.
When I was a University student, Professor Lino Briguglio (Michael's father)used to lecture my class in Microeconomics. During the very first lecture, he was very VERY clear on what the affect of raising a price floor (specifically mentioning the minimum wage) to a level higher than what the market forces would fix the equilibrium price at would be. Maybe before sprouting out his ideas on how to improve the standard of living of the most vulnerable families; Michael should find some time to have dinner with his dad and his sister, and maybe the sound coming out of his mouth will finally start making some sense.
When I was a University student, Professor Lino Briguglio (Michael's father)used to lecture my class in Microeconomics. During the very first lecture, he was very VERY clear on what the affect of raising a price floor (specifically mentioning the minimum wage) to a level higher than what the market forces would fix the equilibrium price at would be. Maybe before sprouting out his ideas on how to improve the standard of living of the most vulnerable families; Michael should find some time to have dinner with his dad and his sister, and maybe the sound coming out of his mouth will finally start making some sense.
Briguglio: X'jiswa li tgholli l-minimum wage biex dan igib mill-ewwel zieda fill-prezzijiet, li allura jieklu dik-iz-zieda, u nispiccaw inqas kompetittivi u ma nkunu solvejna xejn. Kemm hu ahjar li naraw li jitnaqqsu l-pizijiet fuq il-poplu, pizijiet li qeghdin ikomplu jfixklu milli jghinu biex l-ekonomija timxi ferm aktrar il-quddiem, bhal piz tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma etc... ? Kemm hu ahjar , per ezempju, li naraw li JONQSU BIS-SERJETA il-prezzijiet tal-medicini, li jolqtu lill-kullhadd. izda l-aktar li jhossuhok dawk li ghandhom l-inqas paga u l-pensjonanti ?
Li tirraġuna b'dan il-mod , tkun qed turi dak li verament int , ġidra . Dan qed ngħidu għax x'jiswa li izzid il-paga minima meta jekk tagħmel hekk tista tkun qed tipperikola l-impiegi . Mela jekk tnaqqas il-piz tat-taxxi , il-kontijiet tal-enerġija u spejjez esaġerati oħra , mhux izzid is-saħħa tal-paga u għallhekk izzid ukoll il-purchasing power tkun qiegħed ? Wara li tagħmel dan u issaħħaħ l-ekonomija , imbgħad tkun tista taħseb biex izzid il-paga minima mingħajr ma tkun qed tipperikola l-impiegi .
Luke Camilleri
Veru ma ghandhux xi jghid... u l'min jghidu u jsib min jirrapurtah ! : ) Qisghu wiehed minn dawk l'"opinjonisti li jkunu f'xi kantuniera b'megaphone u kaxxa ta' l'injam jghidu taghhom il min ikun ghaddej! U Malta noqghidu mibghatu il min joqghof jikteb xi jghidu u jaqra stqarrijiet taghhom qishom il-Bibja! Veru Pajjiz tal-Miki -Maws! : )
Patricia Marsh
Who is Michael Briguglio and AD please? As the maltese says 'Hanqa ta' hmar qatt ma telghet is-sema'.
It is with interest that I note that according to vcas1 Social Justice is merely rhetoric ! It is also interesting to note how easily certain PL bloggers take offence at any criticism of PL.... apart from the usual dose of gratuitous insults.....
Living wages ?? It means some decent wages with which one can enogh money to live and not just exit. Apart from the mimimun wage/living wage there should be a decent increase in the pensions. MPs, PMs, ministers and some other children of the Great gods are giving enough in pensions to live decently so why not those on the lower income braket and pensions? Do they have enough benefits will at the top posts ? The workers have to fork out monies to cater for these untouchables, and we have to do this till the day they die but the workers have to lick the dirt till the day they die. There was only one person who did care about the poor and this was Dom Mintoff. We remember how wages and benefits went up and poverty was eradicated but now both PN and PL doesn't give a hoot about those in the loiwer classes. Some fotunate people are given 3 years salaries and you all know who they are but for the workers only hardship, taxes and poverty is for these unfortunate ones. Justice will never prevail in Malta because those on top are not interested in those of the lower class.
iva dejjem ma Joseph Muscat imqabbad int, ejd xi haga int ha naraw kemm int bravu, ikritika wahda li siehbek gonzi, ghandek hafna fuq xix. Kulltant zmien tohrog mil fosqa Dot, kif edtlek lahhar darba,int lizjed mexxej patetiku li qatt kella l-A.D.
Hallina Brigulio u tiktibx hmerijiet, ghax jekk qabel l-AD kien igib 3000 vot, bik fit-temexxija ma taqbzux l-2000 vot, b'garanzija. Hudu hsieb ikkoncentraw fuq l-ambjent u xejn aktar ghax hemm issibu erba' li jappoggawkom.
L-AD kemm messhom ixolju u jinghaqdu mal-PN: dawn ukoll kontra l-pl!
Never thought I would say this but AD have shown their true colors. They claim others as populist and they have fallen in that trap themselves. PL said, that before raising minimum wage the gov must increase the standard of living by lowering utility bills on households and on businesses,lowering income tax, increase investments hence increase employment and profit thus increasing economic growth. Raising the minimum wage before doing this will be like telling the minimum wage worker: I will give you a 50 euro increase per month and nibble this increase and more of your wage away due to an excessively costly life. An increase in minimum wage before doing the necessary economic adjustments will make the worker temporarily happy yet soon after he/she will realize that he/she was fooled. I prefer some one tells me the truth whether I like it or not, than fooling me: promising me something unsustainable in order to steal my vote
Nahseb li ta' l-AD qed jghixu f'dinja ohra. Meta ahna l-imprendituri zghar, diga qed insibuha difficli nkampaw kif ahna, kif tistenna li tgholli l-paga. L-ahjar politika tkun li l-ewwel noholqu il-gid, inaqqsu l-burokrazija u nhallu l-impreindituri jahdmu u mbghad tkun tista zzid il-pagi. Dan il-gvern qed jaghmel miun kollox sabiex ikisser is-settur tas-self employed b'kontijiet esagerati, burokrazija, hnizrijiet fit-tenders u mitt elf hag'ohra sabiex johnoq li z-zghir jitla targa l-fuq. Nahdmu flimnkien ghall-bidal ta veru sabiex naraw riformi progressivi li jwasslu ghall-mobolta socjali u l-bini ta middle class gdida.
Kultant dawn ta' l-AD iqumu mir-raqda u ikunu iridu jaghmlu xi ftit hoss. L-argument taghkom ma jaghmilx sens! Jekk int se taghmel vjagg u hemm zewg rotot biex iwassluk fl-istess destinazzjoni, imma rotta minnhom hija izjed perikoluza mill-ohra, liema tiehu? Mhux l-iktar wahda safe! L-istess din. Inti tista jew tgholli il-MW (izjed perikoluiza bl-onus fuq dawk illi ihaddmu) jew trazzan l-gholi tal-hajja (bl-onus fuq il-Gvern). Li nohorgu stqarrijiet mimlijin slogans u idejologiji retorici (ez "gustizzja socjali) bla ma twizinhom b'mod prattiku mhu xejn hlief attentat ghall-attenzjoni, Sur AD. Sajonara!