Zammit Clapp Hospital housing 96 elderly persons

Health Minister Joe Cassar says Zammit Clapp Hospital has veen converted into nursing home, housing 96 elderly persons.

Zammit Clapp Hospital in St Julian's.
Zammit Clapp Hospital in St Julian's.

Zammit Clapp Hospital is currently housing 96 elderly persons after being transformed into a nursing home for the elderly.

Health minister Joe Cassar said the hospital, which was at first planned to serve as a rehabilitation hospital, underwent extensive refurbishment in order to be turned into a nursing home.

Answering a Parliamentary question by Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis, the minister said that the hospital has added 96 beds for the elderly. The hospital was turned into a home following a number of botched plans over the past years.  

Last week government was ordered by court to compensate architect Valerio Schembri €809,485.33 - including interest  - who drew up plans for the conversion of Zammit Clapp Hospital into a hospital specialised in oncology.

The plans were however shelved, when a Cabinet decision opted to build a new oncology hospital next to Mater Dei Hospital, rather than converting the Zammit Clapp Hospital grounds.

Architect Valerio Schembri sued government's chief medical officer, on the basis that he was hired as a consultant over the conversion of Zammit Clapp Hospital.

Meanwhile, in a separate Parliamentary question tabled by Labour MP Leo Brincat, the health minister said that the government has not yet drawn up any plans for the future use of the nursing home for the elderly in Gzira.

Cassar explained that the home has not been closed yet, but explained that current residents and their families have been consulted over their preferences in regards to their choice of another nursing home, where they will continue to receive long term care.  

Nahdem mad-dipartiment u ma ghandi fiducja xejn kif jigu allokati r-residenti, ghandu jkunn hemm trasparenza totali, u kumitat maghmul miz-zewg nahat u ohrajn independenti. Qed issiru l-abbuzi u ma kull pjacir li taghmel qed jinsteraq haddiehor, hemm omerta, fejn hi il -whistle blower Act,imweghdha ha nitkellem. Ir-resorsi huma ta kullhadd, tal-Maltin kollha mhux ta xi ftit.
Luke Camilleri
Xi kwalifici jrid ikollok biex tinketeb hemm , jew liema ziemel u fejn tapplika ghand [email protected] jew tistenna il -Gonzi jew Simon jghamlu xi kitchen visit?????