Updated | Government confirms spring hunting season

€50 special licence fee abolished - hunters no longer required to wear armband.

Photo: David Conlin
Photo: David Conlin

Adds FKNK statement

Parliamentary secretary for agriculture, fisheries and animal rights Roderick Galdes has confirmed that the spring hunting season for this year will run between the 10 April and 30 April, as recommended by the Ornis Committee.

Galdes said the Labour government was also honouring the electoral pledge made to hunters, abolishing the €50 special licence fee which hunters paid for the past three years.

Hunters are also no longer required to wear the armband, which previously was employed to have legal hunters discernible from illegal hunters.

Days, hours and quota - 11,000 turtle doves and 5,000 quails - will be the same as last season's quota, given that the government "didn't have enough time to commission technical studies over the proposed changes".

"Such studies take weeks," the parliamentary secretariat said in a statement.

Galdes also revealed that in the coming weeks, the government will be presenting technical studies needed for the implementation "of other proposals".

Government also reassured that law enforcement will be "strengthened" through the active participation of the hunters' federation, FKNK. "No law infringements will be tolerated," government said.

Meanwhile, in a statement issued late on Monday, the hunters' federation, FKNK, explained that earlier in the day it held a meeting with Prime minister Joseph Muscat, environment minister Leo Brincat and parliamentary secretary for animal welfare Roderick Galdes.

The federation said that the government reiterated its commitment to honour the pre-electoral pact signed by FKNK and the Labour Party and during the meeting the government also explained why not all proposals were implemented as of this season.

FKNK added that studies will be commenced shortly to ensure that the pre-electoral agreement would be implemented the 2014 spring season.

Most of the people leaving comments seem to have already forgotten that barely 18 days ago the people of Malta gave a very strong mandate to this Government based on its electoral manifesto and promises. It is the people's will. Much as I dislike hunting for the sake of killing birds that God created, the present Government is only reaffirming what had already been agreed and practiced with the previous Government. The only difference is the armband and the €50 fee, with or without which will not stop hunters anyway. What is needed is a radical change in concept and that is where all those who protest should concentrate. A radical program of re-education of hunters to train their guns on artificial artifacts than birds.
This is tragic. we have a parliamentary secretary for animal rights. the birds right is to be massacred by the bird killers. over 20,000 birds will die in 3 weeks. the only right that he's defending is the one of the bird killers.
@ il-mignun Good one ,you explode me with lough.
@ il-mignun Good one ,you explode me with lough.
Jien rajt zewg tajriet ohra b' banner VIVA IL-MIGNUN, VIVA L-PN. Izda kollu ghalxejn jinkwetaw ghaliex ir-rieda tal-poplu tkellmet, u tkellmet bil-kbir. U r-rieda tal-poplu issehh. Il-manifest elettorali jigi kompjut, irid jew ma jridx il_mignun. Dan apparti l-fatt li f' GONZIPN il-kwota kienet l-istess. L-unika differenza hi li m'hemmx hlasijiet zejda biex jiffinanzjaw il-korruzzjoni li kien hawn. L-importanti li l-enforcement isir tassew u mhux kif kien qabel billi jintbaghtu sms's. Dan kien dahk fil-wicc.
Rather curious to have the Parl Sec responsible for animal rights announce this. What's in a title I guess......hypocrisy, double standards perhaps!
For some hunters the season is already open , they don't have to wait for the 10 th of April.Enforcement will help to control the illegalities, but I don't see any enforcement, Trappers every where in Gozo.
For some hunters the season is already open , they don't have to wait for the 10 th of April.Enforcement will help to control the illegalities, but I don't see any enforcement, Trappers every where in Gozo.
For some hunters the season is already open , they don't have to wait for the 10 th of April.Enforcement will help to control the illegalities, but I don't see any enforcement, Trappers every where in Gozo.
So its official, by removing the 50 euro license fee to hunt, the new government has shown that its got no concern to discourage the killing of birds.
Rajt zewg tajriet tal-priza ghaddejjin u bejniethom kienu qed izommu banner: VIVA L-LEJBER, VIVA L-LEJBER!!