‘Forget the past, look ahead’ – Alfred Sant

Former anti-EU membership Prime Minister Alfred Sant says the country should look ahead and make most of EU membership.

The man who 10 years ago vehemently opposed Malta's EU membership and will forever be remembered for his 'partnership' politics today said the country should "forget the past and look ahead at making the most out of EU membership."

Former Labour Prime Minister Alfred Sant, who in 2003 refused to recognise the clear referendum result in favour of EU accession and insisted that a general election alone should settle the EU membership issue, is standing for next year's European Parliament elections on the Labour ticket.

Addressing a public lecture on the EU and Malta, the enigmatic Sant this morning said that in 2003 the Labour Party had pitted its wits against a government which mobilised all available resources to convince the people to vote in favour of membership, and perplexingly claimed that Labour "accepted the people's verdict."

"However, now its useless analysing who was right or wrong, it does not make any sense. What we need to do now is maximise the advantages of membership and mitigate disadvantages," Sant said during the lecture organised by the General Workers Union' Reggie Miller Foundation.

Asked what his platform would be for next year's European election, Sant was adamant that he was not there to promote his personal campaign, however the man who was Prime Minister between 1996 and 1998, explained that Malta should strive towards a common EU policy on migration, refuse the one size fits all policies and improve the administration of EU funds.

On migration, Sant said that Malta cannot face the issue alone or by signing bilateral agreements,  "but we need a common European policy to deal with the problem."

Sant also expressed his opposition to the creation of a federal Europe, stressing that this went aginst the nature of Europe which was always made up of independent nation states. He also stressed that the one-size fits all policies should be replaced by policies which take into consideration the different realities of separate member states.

He also argued that although Malta was a net beneficiary, the mismanagement of EU funds had led the country to pay more than it receives in EU funds in the last few years.

Noting that the new Labour government was addressing the situation, Sand said that setting up an administrative structure which deals with EU funds and the management of projects should be a national priority.

Citing the suspension of EU educational funds after a series of shortcomings were flagged by the EU, Sant said that such mismanagement was "unacceptable."

"We need to Improve our administrative structures to avoid losing funds and make better use of the funds available."

Sant blamed the 2008 on the greedy free market disciples and argued that the recession which crippled the EU had also affected Malta's economy.

Describing Malta as "Europe's online Atlantic City," Sant said Malta's post-accession economy was mainly based on financial services and iGaming, but construction, agriculture and tourism had suffered a blow just as the rest of Europe did.

Pointing out that investment in Malta dried up during the last 10 years, Sant argued that the country avoided entering into a recession because the banks were prudent and were not exposed to unnecessary risks.

"Although we enjoyed a minimal rate of economic growth, society is split into two tiers, one were people and firms are doing very well and another tier made up of people and firms who are doing badly; financially and socially"

Arguing that the middle class was feeling the squeeze, Sant said that Malta's aim should be that of "making itself attractive to attract foreign investment," and distribute "the weights and the benefits of EU membership more equally in society."


lil-Mariotalmonti:habib ma tafx minn x'hiex ghaddejna ahna , il-familjari ta' Karm Grima, dak li gie iffrejmjat fuq tlitt certifikati medici foloz minn l-avukat tghana stess, u meta Dr. EFA ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi fuq il-frame-ups, lil Gaffarena u Busuttil taghhom 40,000 lira kull wiehed u ta' missieri hbija fl-istrong room tal-Parl.ghax kixfet li kemm Dr. EFA. Kemm it-Times,kienu jafu li se jinharqu minn gimgha qabel, u min orkestra l-Frame-up kien l-avukat de Marco bl-approvazzjoni tal-Kabinett MLP 1980.Skond mist. Parl 14066 Dr Gatt kixef li Dr. Sant seraq din l-inkjesta biex jinheba kollox . Kieku kien missierek hekk innocenti kont tfahru lil Sant. Ghalija dan Sant hu il-halliel ta' l-istorja li ma halliex li tinkixef ghal ragunijiet ulterjuri u nissuspetta li ha 100,000 lira biex jakkomoda kemm lil PN, u kemm lil MLP ghax it-tnejn huma imdahhla fil-frame-up.
lil-Mariotalmonti:habib ma tafx minn x'hiex ghaddejna ahna , il-familjari ta' Karm Grima, dak li gie iffrejmjat fuq tlitt certifikati medici foloz minn l-avukat tghana stess, u meta Dr. EFA ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi fuq il-frame-ups, lil Gaffarena u Busuttil taghhom 40,000 lira kull wiehed u ta' missieri hbija fl-istrong room tal-Parl.ghax kixfet li kemm Dr. EFA. Kemm it-Times,kienu jafu li se jinharqu minn gimgha qabel, u min orkestra l-Frame-up kien l-avukat de Marco bl-approvazzjoni tal-Kabinett MLP 1980.Skond mist. Parl 14066 Dr Gatt kixef li Dr. Sant seraq din l-inkjesta biex jinheba kollox . Kieku kien missierek hekk innocenti kont tfahru lil Sant. Ghalija dan Sant hu il-halliel ta' l-istorja li ma halliex li tinkixef ghal ragunijiet ulterjuri u nissuspetta li ha 100,000 lira biex jakkomoda kemm lil PN, u kemm lil MLP ghax it-tnejn huma imdahhla fil-frame-up.
While this is a welcome statement from the exponent of the "Partnership" instead of "Membership". How about a formal rehabilitation of the many people who stood and supported EU membership that were demonised and victimised as they were considered as enemies.
Forgetting the past is not a convenience to suit you. A lot of people cannot forget the past. How can my siblings and i foget when Dom Mintoff and his henchman Lorry Sant requisitioned (confiscated) my father's empty in Naxxar Rd B'Kara in 1974? And because of the archaic laws in Malta we still cannot evict those same squatter tenants after 40 years. And you have the gall to tell me to forget the past? Think about that Mr Sant.
I will not vote for any MEP in the coming elections. Firstly, the EU is not interested in the immigration problem, simply becuase Malta is a small 400,000 people market, so it does not make any difference to them. Secondly, I think that MEPs are there for travel, perks, and a luxurious lifestyle, plus a very generous pension scheme !
‘Forget the past, look ahead’ They all wind up saying that these politicians.
Luke Camilleri
We have to admit that we have had our share of lemons from the E.U and at many times Dr. Sant's words have rung true and proved to be right ! No turning back ,now let's make lemonade !
Kull kumment negattiv li sar jew ser isir fil-konfront ta' Alfred Sant, l-aktar PM onest u inkorrutibli li qatt kellha Malta, huwa biss frott ta' l-ghira umana li ma thallix lil dak li jkun jirraguna.
Enigmatic Sant:meta fid-dibattitu li kellu Sant ma Dr. A. Gatt fit-8/6/98 fuq is-serqa tal-Inkjesta Mus.Azz. Sant, bl-iktar mod enigmatiku, irrispondieh li li tohrog din l-Inkjesta minn tlitt postijiet differenti u fl-istess hin ma tkunx qed tisraq imma tnissi il-passat kriminali taz-zewg partiti dwar l-ewwel frame-up li qatt sar ufficcjalment fuq Karm Grima, l-vittma. Ghalieh ahjar jehel bniedem wiehed innocenti milli jinkixef li l-kabinett tal-MLP u l-PN kienu imdahhla fl-irvellijiet tal-15 ta'Ottubru 1979. Se niehdu isem li Malta dejjem iddampjat il-politici kontroversjali taghha fi Brusselsex;Dr. Louis Galea u l-Inkjesta Tonio Azzoppardi dwar tlitt miljun lira u li ghada miftuha; is-sur Dalli, bil-kontroversji li qala fuq is-snus, u issa Sant li jisparixxi l-inkjesta.
Enigmatic Sant:meta fid-dibattitu li kellu Sant ma Dr. A. Gatt fit-8/6/98 fuq is-serqa tal-Inkjesta Mus.Azz. Sant, bl-iktar mod enigmatiku, irrispondieh li li tohrog din l-Inkjesta minn tlitt postijiet differenti u fl-istess hin ma tkunx qed tisraq imma tnissi il-passat kriminali taz-zewg partiti dwar l-ewwel frame-up li qatt sar ufficcjalment fuq Karm Grima, l-vittma. Ghalieh ahjar jehel bniedem wiehed innocenti milli jinkixef li l-kabinett tal-MLP u l-PN kienu imdahhla fl-irvellijiet tal-15 ta'Ottubru 1979. Se niehdu isem li Malta dejjem iddampjat il-politici kontroversjali taghha fi Brusselsex;Dr. Louis Galea u l-Inkjesta Tonio Azzoppardi dwar tlitt miljun lira u li ghada miftuha; is-sur Dalli, bil-kontroversji li qala fuq is-snus, u issa Sant li jisparixxi l-inkjesta.
One can never forget the past because there are a lot of lessons to be learned from the past Mr Sant. You for instance were against joining the EU but now you want to be a Mep representing Malta in the EU. Nothing wrong with that and that is only because hopefully you have learned from the past. In 1974 under the direction of the MLP, Dom Mintoff and his henchman Lorry Sant decided to requisition (confiscate) all empty private properties so they can rent them to their constituents. My father's empty property in Triq in-Naxxar, B'Kara happened to be one of those properties that the MLP requisitioned (confiscated). Thanks to the archaic laws in Malta my siblings and I cannot have access to that property because those same squatter tenants that moved into my father's property in 1974 are still living there for a measly 185 euros a year rent and we cannot evict these people because of the archaic laws that we have in Malta and yet at the moment there are approximately 70,000 empty apartments on the island. Why can't the government who incidentally happens to be PL (MLP) accommodate these tenants in one of those 70,000 units so my siblings and I can enjoy the fruit of our father? [email protected]. I am in my early seventies and I expect that the PL Government can and should make amends for their sins. Talk is very cheap Mr Sant.
Mhux Dr Sant biss kien kontra d-dhul ta' Malta fl-UE, ukoll nies bhal Dr Vincent Tabone [qed nghidha ghax ammettija fil-pubbliku u fil-bijografija] u minghajr ma nqies lili ukoll biss mad-dell tieghu, jien ukoll kont bezghan. Hu u jien ghazilna favur id-dhul minhabba s-sigurta. Jien bzajt li Dr Sant kien jimmazrana iktar ma' l-imperu l-gdid tal-USA. Qatt ma bsarna li gvern medjokri kien ser idahhalna fil-PfP minghajr diskussjoni fil-Parlament u jimmanuvra fis-sotor biex idahhalna fis-SOFA jew ghar minn hekk, jikser il-klawzola tan-newtralita fil-Kostituzzjoni bil-gwerra kontra l-Libja. Ha nghiduha kif inhi, mhux ghax il-gvern ta' issa qed jitfa' xi dwal tafx, iktar dlam u tjassir sal-lum. Iz-zmien jaghtina parir. Tghid, ghad niskuza ruhi li ma qbiltx ma Dr Sant u li mbuttajt sa minn zmien il-kbir George Borg Olivier biex nidhlu fl-ghaqda Ewropeja li issa hi l-UE?
Mhux Dr Sant biss kien kontra d-dhul ta' Malta fl-UE, ukoll nies bhal Dr Vincent Tabone [qed nghidha ghax ammettija fil-pubbliku u fil-bijografija] u minghajr ma nqies lili ukoll biss mad-dell tieghu, jien ukoll kont bezghan. Hu u jien ghazilna favur id-dhul minhabba s-sigurta. Jien bzajt li Dr Sant kien jimmazrana iktar ma' l-imperu l-gdid tal-USA. Qatt ma bsarna li gvern medjokri kien ser idahhalna fil-PfP minghajr diskussjoni fil-Parlament u jimmanuvra fis-sotor biex idahhalna fis-SOFA jew ghar minn hekk, jikser il-klawzola tan-newtralita fil-Kostituzzjoni bil-gwerra kontra l-Libja. Ha nghiduha kif inhi, mhux ghax il-gvern ta' issa qed jitfa' xi dwal tafx, iktar dlam u tjassir sal-lum. Iz-zmien jaghtina parir. Tghid, ghad niskuza ruhi li ma qbiltx ma Dr Sant u li mbuttajt sa minn zmien il-kbir George Borg Olivier biex nidhlu fl-ghaqda Ewropeja li issa hi l-UE?