Update 2 | European socialists join EP groups in citizenship resolution, push for amendments

All major groups in European Parliament co-sign citizenship resolution

Updated with S&D position

The Socialist Group, home to the four Labour Maltese MEPs in the European Parliament, has joined forces with the European People's Party (EPP), the Liberals (ALDE) and the Greens to co-sign a cross party joint resolution on 'EU Citizenship for Sale'.

But the S&D Group will be pushing amendments to remove any reference to Malta from the resolution, the Labour Party said.

"The cross-party resolution calls on Malta to put its citizenship scheme in line with EU values and underlines its concern with this way of getting citizenship in Malta and emphasises that any such national citizenship schemes undermine the very concept of European citizenship," Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola said.

Sources in the Socialists & Democrats Group, which is led by Hannes Swoboda, said the S&D chief had "deplored the fact that two MEPs from Malta were attacking Malta" during the group meeting discussing the cross-party resolution. The sources claimed that Swoboda had protested against the lobbying of S&D members.

The indications are that the S&D Group will be pushing amendments so that while the EP will criticise the citizenship scheme, this should not be at the expense of Malta.

Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Arnold Cassola also said today that he had contributed to the drafting of the European Green Party's position, and lobbied for the removal of any direct reference to Malta.

In a statement, the Labour Party said that socialist MEPs had managed to change the original wording of the first draft resolution, which they described as being "harshly worded" and calling on the European Parliament to condemn the Maltese citizenship scheme.

"Nationalist MEPs David Casa and Roberta Metsola have insisted in their campaign against Malta... many socialist MEPs deplored the campaign they waged against their own country, because they cannot understand why they single out Malta from all EU member states have citizenship and residency programmes."

Labour is claiming "many" S&D delegations from various member states, and MEPs from other political groups, are supporting the Maltese government's position.

"It is astounding that the resolution was co-signed by the Socialist group in the EP at the same time as the Labour Party in Malta issued a statement claiming the Socialists here understood Malta's position - Labour MEPs really have no idea what is going here," Nationalist MEP and head of the PN delegation David Casa said.

The MEPs said the resolution includes "strong language that highlights that rights conferred through EU citizenship are based on human dignity and should not be bought or sold at any price." 

The resolution calls for the European Commission to assess the various citizenship schemes in light of European values and notes that EU Citizenship implies a stakeholding with the Union.

The resolution comes after days of tough negotiations involving numerous MEPs from across the political divide.

The resolution will be debated tomorrow and be voted upon on Thursday.

In a joint statement MEPs David Casa and Roberta Metsola said that Joseph Muscat's insistence on steaming ahead with the Individual Investor Programme had led "to Malta's name dragged through the mud. Even if Joseph Muscat has ignored all attempts to reason, perhaps he will now listen to his own Party in the European Parliament."

The two MEPs also said that despite the political attacks on them, they would continue to defend "the interests of the majority of the population that wants no part in this scheme."

"What we are saying here is that this this scheme is being pushed through 'not in our name'. Once more we appeal to the Prime Minister - you are the only one that can stop this damage being done to our country: amend the scheme and do it immediately."

A lot of people in Malta seem to think that this issue of citizenship is about partisan politics. It is not. It is a sacred issue to most people that the soul/body of a nation is being put on the open market. I find this as distateful as the oldest profession of prostitution which is what Malta as a nation is doing, in the same way that a person sells his body for cash. Furthermore what right has Malta or any other nation for that matter to sell its citizenship to all and sundry and let loose these unknown people on to the rest of the EU. You can bet your dirty Euro that this is what some Chinese or other national is waiting for. Shame on Malta for even thinking about it and I wholly condemm this practice that my country of birth is unleashing on to others. Finally of course if the EU does not get it act together on this, the issue could well backfire on Malta. If others sell their citizenship in the way Malta is doing, all the EU states put together could argue that they can create two and three quarter million new EU citizens if they simply adopt the 1/2% of population that Malta has used. If this practice is adopted widely, then citizenship could be bought online or even on a stall in Bejing or Moscow. CITIZENSHIP SHOULD NEVER BE FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. It is a birthright or acquired through committment and extended residence in your adopted country. SHAME ON MALTA FOR SELLING IT'S BODY AND SOUL.
A lot of people in Malta seem to think that this issue of citizenship is about partisan politics. It is not. It is a sacred issue to most people that the soul/body of a nation is being put on the open market. I find this as distateful as the oldest profession of prostitution which is what Malta as a nation is doing, in the same way that a person sells his body for cash. Furthermore what right has Malta or any other nation for that matter to sell its citizenship to all and sundry and let loose these unknown people on to the rest of the EU. You can bet your dirty Euro that this is what some Chinese or other national is waiting for. Shame on Malta for even thinking about it and I wholly condemm this practice that my country of birth is unleashing on to others. Finally of course if the EU does not get it act together on this, the issue could well backfire on Malta. If others sell their citizenship in the way Malta is doing, all the EU states put together could argue that they can create two and three quarter million new EU citizens if they simply adopt the 1/2% of population that Malta has used. If this practice is adopted widely, then citizenship could be bought online or even on a stall in Bejing or Moscow. CITIZENSHIP SHOULD NEVER BE FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. It is a birthright or acquired through committment and extended residence in your adopted country. SHAME ON MALTA FOR SELLING IT'S BODY AND SOUL.
@doubleRead: It seems obvious that with your comment "seeing who is embarassing your country" you are obviously not Maltese and if you are, you are one of the traitors that enjoy betraying your country and incapable of understanding the dictum "MALTA L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX" . Britain has just announced a similar package as Malta. It is OK for Britain to gain financially but not Malta. Is this what you are saying.? I answer your question: who on earth wants you to be a citizen of Malta, you with your aura of bright sparks and less than bright brain.
Some of your comments are absolutely amazing - are most of you genuinely incapable of seeing who is embarassing your country. Let Live - Maltese around the world have had to fight to keep their citizenship and now your socialist government is selling it simply for money !! Are you really incapable of comprehending what selling citizenship is - and who is really betraying their people/country ?? Maybe Malta should leave the EU - who on earth would want to buy Maltese citizenship then? Anyone of you bright sparks gave that scenario a thought ??!!
Mela lilna iriduna niehdu il-klandestini u huma iridu l-investituri. U Simon itihom palata. U certu nazzjonalisti icapcpulu. Cwiec ta veru.
What a sad day for all Maltese in Malta and around the world when you know that you have a major political party betray his own country man with the only reason being political greed shame on you PN I do believe that at the end of the day the Maltese people will again show what they think of your poor and sick tactics in the upcoming EP elections the real Maltese will NEVER betray his own country.
We expect Simon to issue a Fatwa to all house owners not to sell or rent their houses to those acquiring a Maltese passport under the IIP scheme. Come on Simon what are you waiting for?
Damage to our country! Halluna you brought Malta to its knees sold the ports, sold the airport ,sold the banks, sold our communications, bankrupted your own party and got what you deserved! The trashing of a lifetime of the Partit Glorjuz Nazzjonalista! Religio et Patria what a ludicrous motto! Religion to be used when it suits you and Patria all sold to foreigners!
Dak nazzjonalizmu, mill-MEP's tal PN. Qatta bla habel kontra Malta. Xejn ghajr tal-misthija.
@Xifajk: Xifajk is absolutely right. The "founder" of the Nationalist Party, Enrico Mizzi always insisted for union with Italy,which the British opposed. His PN party were against British Malta in World War I and the British arrested Mizzi for incitement and was found guilty by Court Martial. In May 1940 the British once again arrested Mizzi and his PN members and interned them as a danger to Malta less than 1 month before Mussolini declared war on Malta. What Mizzi did not succeed in getting, the PN managed to get union with Italy even at the cost of Union with Europe to get there. The PN has always, from its inception, betrayed Malta to the foreigner and it is still doing so now. Remember all: HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. These people know no bounds when betraying Malta.
What ridiculous comments by Xifajk and Mikiel il-Gurdien below! They are stuck in Medieval ages. It is precisely on the sheer ignorance and backward thinking of such people that this conceited government thrives. Fortunately, the majority of Maltese do have brains and will dump Mucat and his cronies when their time comes.
David Casa and Roberta Metsola,nice work you did,SHAME ON YOU ,you helped the big fish try to eat the small fish,what the government is doing is within his legal right.
Faced with such a disgraceful generic resolution which unfairly only mentions Malta and dares only address but vaguely similar schemes by large EU member states let all true Maltese condemn and ignore this pathetic motion of an ineffectual and expensive EU talking shop. Let us rally round our PM and urge him to be steadfast in taking decisions in the national interest. As the American football cry goes "We are for you, to cheer for you, here for you. We have no fear for you. Onward, we march together. Loyal may we ever be."
Let's start collecting signatures to get out of the despotic corrupt colonial EUSSR dictatorship Cesspit. They know where they can shove all their resolutions and if they don't we can tell them in a nice and in a not so nice manner. God had already cursed the PN and shall continue to curse them and all those who are trying to sabotage Malta and the Labour Government.
The so called "damage " will be done if we allow foreigners to dictate what our government should do in the interest of Malta and its people !
Well done Xifajk and Gurdien. Let's also bring back the law against foreign interference (L-indhil Barrani, form a Union with North Korea - they can come and train our military, suspend the Consitutional court, turn the Broadcasting into more of a government propaganda tool - and for good measure never ever mention the name Simon Busuttil again - Ghax l-ewwel u qabel kollox - Malta taghna biss (tal- Lejber) !! How's does that sound to you folks !!
Well done Xufajk and Gurdien. Let's also bring back the law against foreign interference (L-indhil Barrani, form a Union with North Korea - they can come and train our military, suspend the Consitutional court, turn the Broadcasting into more of a government propaganda tool - and for good measure never ever mention the name Simon Busuttil again - Ghax l-ewwel u qabel kollox - Malta taghna biss (tal- Lejber) !! How's does that sound to you folks !!
Jisthajlux li huma xi Dun Mikiel Xerri !!! Suppost huma nazzjonalisti dawn imma fil-verita' tal-P.N. baqghu ma nbidlux....laqgha tal-barrani kienu u laqgha ghadhom u jibqghu.Messhom jisthu li jghidu li huma Maltin.Anqas temmen safejn waslu dawn iz-zewg ewro-parlamentari Maltin. L-parlamentari Ewropej jivvotaw kif iridu...x'inhu ta' gid ghal Malta,il-P.M. u l-gvern Malti jarah u mhux l-burokratici ta' Brussel !!!
Malta has been ruled by the Arabs, Knights, French and British, then we got Independence, ten years later we Became a Republic and we were doing very well, then came the nationalist Party who sold our Country because they didn't have the balls to govern and wanted someone else to lead them. Today we are trampled upon not by just one country but by 26. A Stampede. Lets bailout ourselves out, lets stop being the guinea pig and the skip of the so Called European Union. Lets get what we lost back from our beloved brothers and sisters.
Malta took on the British Empire and won and HISTORY PROVED US RIGHT! No foreign group, no foreign Prime Minister can look after MALTA's interests and future than our MALTESE PRIME MINISTER ! The P.N. were on the wrong side of history than and so will they be today !